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Will India join strategic containment of China?


Dec 15, 2012
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Will India join strategic containment of China?

China and India will hold the first joint military drill since the past five years.

All of the observers knew that the symbolic meaning of the military drill is more far-reaching than the actual meaning. However, in the face of the lobbying of Japan and the United States in New Delhi, India's unexpected action and the military interaction with China sparked discussions of the public. What is the China policy of India, the emerging arms buyer of the United States, the key chain of Japan's "Arc of Freedom and Prosperity" and the largest territorial dispute object of China? Will it be on the same side with Japan and the United States, or sincerely tolerate the simultaneous rise of China and India?

Regarding the China-India relations, many Chinese media organizations are very interested in the question- Will India be courted or forced by the United States and Japan to join them to contain China? In fact, it is likely to be a false proposition.

As a major regional and even world power full of sense of pride, India has an independent foreign policy. It never thinks itself the client state of other countries. Instead, it has always been proud of its independent foreign policy.

India had taken the "Arc of Freedom and Prosperity" proposed by former Japanese Prime Minister Taro Aso in a detached way, neither opposing nor supporting it. The reason is very simple: India did not agree with the foreign strategy of Taro Aso and was reluctant to be a stepping stone of Japan. Therefore, the diplomatic strategy of Shinzo Abe certainly will not reach a result much better than that of Taro Aso who visited India five years ago.

Although India will not be a client state of other countries and go against China, it does not mean that India has a friendly and constructive policy toward China. India also has a good reason to adopt the policy of containing China. There are considerable structural disputes between China and India on safety including the territorial disputes, the issues of Tibet, Pakistan and Indian Ocean and even the difference about the adjustment of the world political and economic order. These disputes cannot be solved fundamentally through a slight friendliness and interaction in diplomatic or military circles.

After all, India decides the policy toward China for itself. It will neither go against China under the instigation of other countries nor intentionally avoid going against China for not being criticized for lack of independence.

China should know where the crux of China-India relationship is, and realize that it is the core issue of China and India and is irrelevant to other countries. Only when the both sides have a full understanding of each other, China and India can go beyond the symbolic meaning and improve the bilateral relations.

Will India join strategic containment of China? (2) - People's Daily Online
Its a refreshing change to see a very pragmatic article from People's daily.

I am fairly certain we will not, nor should we aspire to. Despite the many overtures, you have to understand that India is still wary of excessive western influence. China and India are here to stay, nothing good will come out of a "containment policy" by India.
Who are these sabre rattlers who want to see India and China go to war? This situation keeps being talked up but this would be disastrous not only for the combatants but for the entire world. Why are so many happy to wish thousands of young men to premature graves? India and China can do so much good together to benefit both their people's.
There is NO strategic containment of China by India. Period.

One has to understand that if China forms a string of pearls around India, supply nukes & weapons to it's neighbors, form strategic partnership with IOR countries, what will INDIA do??? It cannot turn a blind eye. What China is currently sensing as a containment policy is actually the taste of it's own medicine.

Feared by the aggressive stance taken by China of late w.r.t the SCS issue, it's obvious that it's neighbor want to balance this equation by making a sort of strategic alliance with another regional BIGGY in the shape of India, thus, we see Japan, Australia, Vietnam, Myanmar, Phillipines, etc. itching for a partnership with India.

As far as India's newly found love with US is concerned, it can't be seen just in the Chinese context, as post cold war era has only ONE superpower - US, US is the need of nearly every nation on earth weather one likes it or not. So what India is doing is to balance it's foreign policy by having good relations with nearly every power of the Globe. We can't remain as much as 70% dependent (in terms of weapons) on the Russia alone.
Why question when article itself has the answer?
As a major regional and even world power full of sense of pride, India has an independent foreign policy. It never thinks itself the client state of other countries. Instead, it has always been proud of its independent foreign policy.

After all, India decides the policy toward China for itself. It will neither go against China under the instigation of other countries nor intentionally avoid going against China for not being criticized for lack of independence.
Another Chinese wish list.

One has give credit on how they use their insecurities in a positive way; preemptively talking for those they feel concerned about.

Why question when article itself has the answer?

It is their habit of talking for others, they think by doing this they are sending the message across; what their adversary (in this case India) should be doing.

But it's ties with US will be strengthened in coming years.

India is concerned about growing Chinese influence in Asia and to counter it will strengthen its ties with US' along with strengthening its position in South Asia.Coming years will witness rise in Co-operation between US and India.
India badly wants to stop China's rise but China is too powerful and in a war would hit New Delhi with airstrikes from Tibet airbases.
India badly wants to stop China's rise but China is too powerful and in a war would hit New Delhi with airstrikes from Tibet airbases.

Who spoke just now? Is it a general? Is it an air marshal? No, It's a Chinese INTERNET WARRIOR!!!

The biggest problem with humans are they majority of time takes wrong decision.... Yes war is hell. Peace is must.... But you cant trust china, america or any other nation.... Specialy china.... China said to the idiotic pm of india that we not building any dam. They fooled him (indian pm already a fool so u cant fool him).... China said we not in P.0.K.... again it was proven wrong.... China buyed weapons from russia and than turned same weapons against them (good russia shown them who the boss is).... If india dont join japan than no other country would join india. War is hell but trusting china more than hell. There are good chinese but CCP not among them.... India has to lead. China dont think much. They live in present and they think of present and takes decision ignoring what might happen in future.... China warned india in 1980s if india attack pak than they will join pak.... Time for india to give it back. Economy is good but economy will take hit in future if china tries to show his true colors. India already a power and getting help from all over world.... India-japan very important friendship for stability in Asia. Yes america a evil but china not far behind (only CCP am talking about).... china talking sweet but dont fool your self. They want to take on japan but worried about india and america.... BJP should come fast in power....
hmmm,please wake up,time to go to school.
The biggest problem with humans are they majority of time takes wrong decision.... Yes war is hell. Peace is must.... But you cant trust china, america or any other nation.... Specialy china.... China said to the idiotic pm of india that we not building any dam. They fooled him (indian pm already a fool so u cant fool him).... China said we not in P.0.K.... again it was proven wrong.... China buyed weapons from russia and than turned same weapons against them (good russia shown them who the boss is).... If india dont join japan than no other country would join india. War is hell but trusting china more than hell. There are good chinese but CCP not among them.... India has to lead. China dont think much. They live in present and they think of present and takes decision ignoring what might happen in future.... China warned india in 1980s if india attack pak than they will join pak.... Time for india to give it back. Economy is good but economy will take hit in future if china tries to show his true colors. India already a power and getting help from all over world.... India-japan very important friendship for stability in Asia. Yes america a evil but china not far behind (only CCP am talking about).... china talking sweet but dont fool your self. They want to take on japan but worried about india and america.... BJP should come fast in power....
Come on guys ...let us accept the fact rather than just trying to cuddle ourselves with such sugar coated words.After 65 years iof independence, India is still struggling to cope with itslef to handle its poverty, illetracy and internal harmony withing its society....There are more than 50% of people in our country who lacks basic needs in their day to day life.....First of all we are yet to build a complete nation...We are still in the process of cretaing a nation.....With the blessing of Nheru and its familly, we are in such a beutiful situation.....And on the top of that we have been imposed with so called psudo democracy and psedo secularism.....When all these so called toxic ingredients are in the place like India...We may need another 100 years to stabilize our nation....So a nation like India, who can not contain itself....how can it will contain a county like China....This is just another joke....The person who has written this question should understand that a weak people does not demand anything rather they are simply listen to others....Beleive me or not..If our present political system and this as hole democracy goes on...we have to compare ourself as " Can INDIA be a part of containment statergy for Bhutan too"...

Dude its sounds harsh...but it is fact...India is weak so we donot have the luxury of choice with the question that India should be part to contain China....Whover has coined this word..he simply day dreaming....
Come on guys ...let us accept the fact rather than just trying to cuddle ourselves with such sugar coated words.After 65 years iof independence, India is still struggling to cope with itslef to handle its poverty, illetracy and internal harmony withing its society....There are more than 50% of people in our country who lacks basic needs in their day to day life.....First of all we are yet to build a complete nation...We are still in the process of cretaing a nation.....With the blessing of Nheru and its familly, we are in such a beutiful situation.....And on the top of that we have been imposed with so called psudo democracy and psedo secularism.....When all these so called toxic ingredients are in the place like India...We may need another 100 years to stabilize our nation....So a nation like India, who can not contain itself....how can it will contain a county like China....This is just another joke....The person who has written this question should understand that a weak people does not demand anything rather they are simply listen to others....Beleive me or not..If our present political system and this as hole democracy goes on...we have to compare ourself as " Can INDIA be a part of containment statergy for Bhutan too"...

Dude its sounds harsh...but it is fact...India is weak so we donot have the luxury of choice with the question that India should be part to contain China....Whover has coined this word..he simply day dreaming....
haha.... to be honest, i hope all indians are of isro2222 version. they are always so happy.......:cheers:
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