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Will India emerge energy powerhouse via shale gas?


Nov 18, 2010
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India’s first natural gas well targeted at shale has been drilled by ONGC and the whisper numbers are already in. The well was a success and geologists and engineers are already pegging the country’s resources at somewhere between 600 and 2,000 trillion cu ft (tcf) of potential gas. That is equal to about two centuries’ worth of gas at the country’s current consumption rate. Platts has been covering the shale ‘revolution’ for more than five years in the US.

If India’s experience parallels that of the US, a few things would happen quickly in the next five years. The first is psychological: like the US, India would transform its ‘gas state of mind’ from thinking that it is chronically short of natural gas resources to seeing itself as a natural gas powerhouse. The first part of this change will most likely be seen in the estimates of India’s natural gas resources, just as occurred in the US. In 2007, Platts editors were sitting in a conference room in a Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, hotel when Terry Engelder, a Pennsylvania State University professor and the socalled ‘father’ of the Marcellus Shale field — now thought to be the world’s second-largest gas basin behind Iran’s Pars field — surprised everyone.

He said that after looking at early drilling results from independent producers, he was going to change his estimate of the field’s gas in place. Dr Engelder, who spent his career studying the geology of the Marcellus, had originally estimated that the Marcellus contained 15 tcf of gas in a field stretching diagonally southwest across the US states of New York, Pennsylvania , West Virginia and Ohio. That afternoon, he changed the game: the Marcellus, he said, had 500 tcf of gas ready to be recovered. And with that announcement, the race was on.

Landsmen patrolled the farms and villages of rural Pennsylvania , signing farmers to cheap leases of $50 per acre, leases that now sell for thousands of dollars as ‘supermajors’ such as ExxonMobil, Chevron and Royal Dutch Shell buy into plays they neglected in the last decade.

First lesson learnt:

The gas reserve numbers will get larger, not smaller. Shale rock is fairly common but the countries that can capitalise on the resource , which requires an industrial scale of drilling, are not Poland or Germany, but rather continent-sized countries with legal and environmental regimes that cover hundreds of square miles of territory. In other words: India, China and the US. Only those countries have feasible ability to scale up shale gas production and its thousands of wells.

Second lesson learnt:

Decades-long pipeline projects, originally designed to bring gas from huge resources to countries chronically short of gas pale by comparison and fade to the background or die. In other words, most likely, the India-Pakistan-Iran pipeline will die. Based on the US experience , it would appear to make no sense when India has plenty of gas. For example, the US parallel, the Alaskan Gas Pipeline — designed to bring natural gas from Alaska’s North Slope to the lower 48 states — is now dead in its tracks. (contd... )

Will India emerge energy powerhouse via shale gas? - The Economic Times
i hope this come true..then we will run everything on GAS..

India’s first natural gas well targeted at shale has been drilled by ONGC and the whisper numbers are already in. The well was a success and geologists and engineers are already pegging the country’s resources at somewhere between 600 and 2,000 trillion cu ft (tcf) of potential gas. That is equal to about two centuries’ worth of gas at the country’s current consumption rate. Platts has been covering the shale ‘revolution’ for more than five years in the US.

Holy Sh*t ! This is almost too good to be true !

But TAPI is good, it'll diversify our energy sources
Recently reliance revised its estimate of KG D6 basin from 6/7 tcf to 40 tcf while KG D4 is 100 tcf!!!! Thus KG basin become one of the largest gas fields in the world!!!! :yahoo:

Stop, not over........

Recently ONGC discovered huge shale gas in Damodar basin of West Bengal and waiting for final report. Its reportedly Asia's largest shale gas deposit!!! :bounce::bounce::bounce: Exploration of more wells in the Raniganj sub-basin in West Bengal and two wells in the North Karanpura sub-basin in Jharkhand are going on.

According to estimates India has nearly 2000 tcf of shale gas.
ONGC press release...

Shale Gas Find near Durgapur

ONGC :: Home

January 27, 2011
ONGC has created an exploration landmark when gas flowed out from the Barren Measure shale at a depth of around 1700 m., in its first R & D well RNSG-1 near Durgapur at Icchapur, West Bengal on 25th of January, 2011. Though the well is still under assessment, the breakthrough is significant as India is the first Asian country where gas was discovered from shale outside U.S and Canada. The well RNSG-1 drilled down to a depth of 2000 m. The Barren Measure Shale, which is the main target, was encountered from 985 to 1843 m. This well was spudded on 26th September 2010.
Shale gas is one of the predominant unconventional natural gas and major source of onland gas particularly in US and Canada. In USA, Shale gas production contributes to nearly 17% of the total gas production.
This breakthrough has been made possible as a result of systematic studies being made at KDMIPE, a premier R & D Institute of ONGC in many of the shale formation in the different sedimentary basins where ONGC has its presence for its conventional oil and gas activities. As per the initial studies, many shale sequences in well explored basins are found to be promising like Damodar, Cambay, and Krishna Godavari and Cauvery basins. The potentiality of these basins was also vetted by international experts.
However, Damodar Basin, where ONGC already has its presence for CBM, was prioritized for R & D exploration in Shale Gas in view of the shallow nature of the shale formations, and abundant water availability - a pre-requisite for doing massive hydro fracturing.
The R & D project which involved drilling of four R & D wells in Damodar Basin- two wells in Raniganj sub-basin in W.Bengal, and two wells in N.Karanpura sub-basin in Jharkhand, was operationalized through the help of M/S Schlumberger, who were given an integrated contract for drilling, assessing and carrying out the relevant operations including hydro-fracturing in view of their expertise in US. Relevant permissions were taken from the Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas for carrying out such an operation. The estimated expenditure is about Rs 168 Cr., and the total project is expected to be completed within 520 days.
The successful R&D pilot testing of first ever shale gas on surface will put India on Shale Gas map of the world. It has opened up new hopes for meeting our energy needs and encouraged to venture into many shale sequences in well explored Cambay, KG, Cauvery and Assam-Arakan Basins for exploitation of Shale Gas in Indian subcontinent.
Does that mean we can live without importing..?
Does that mean we can live without importing..?

Yes! All we need is some technology to do horizontal drilling. US has this expertise and is we get it, we need not depend on gas imports.. :)
Yes! All we need is some technology to do horizontal drilling. US has this expertise and is we get it, we need not depend on gas imports.. :)

That will be a great news, but are you sure? :undecided: We are a huge nation with fast developing economy, we need lots of energy resources. The reserves indicates that we may not need to import in near future but we should think in the long term.

Yeah, US has huge expertise and technologies in shale gas exploration. There was a deal between India-US during Obama's visit. Shale gas is being used in US in a large way. 17% of US's gas consumption is shale gas. Its also environment friendly.
That will be a great news, but are you sure? :undecided: We are a huge nation with fast developing economy, we need lots of energy resources. The reserves indicates that we may not need to import in near future but we should think in the long term.
The well was a success and geologists and engineers are already pegging the country’s resources at somewhere between 600 and 2,000 trillion cu ft (tcf) of potential gas. That is equal to about two centuries’ worth of gas at the country’s current consumption rate.

Actually, at the current usage, we will consume it for 2 centuries. Even if india's consumption increases 4 times, this well sustains the consumption for 50 years. We might do additional exploration. Definitely horizontal drilling is costly. But i think, with our current needs and the gas prices and the economies of scale achieved with the pipelines, the cost should more or less be the same. Moreover, as we try to adopt horizontal drilling in a wider scale, the cost of operation might come down. Of course we should continue looking for renewable energy resources.

Actually, at the current usage, we will consume it for 2 centuries. Even if india's consumption increases 4 times, this well sustains the consumption for 50 years. We might do additional exploration. Definitely horizontal drilling is costly. But i think, with our current needs and the gas prices and the economies of scale achieved with the pipelines, the cost should more or less be the same. Moreover, as we try to adopt horizontal drilling in a wider scale, the cost of operation might come down. Of course we should continue looking for renewable energy resources.


Our consumption will definitely raise by three times in next ten to fifteen years. Also gas price at that time will touch new high, so indigenous production of gas will be very important. But hoping they will go for Th based nuclear reactors and renewable energy resources as well.
Our consumption will definitely raise by three times in next ten to fifteen years. Also gas price at that time will touch new high, so indigenous production of gas will be very important. But hoping they will go for Th based nuclear reactors and renewable energy resources as well.

True. India has two main untapped sources of Energy that can take us easily through this century. thorium and shale gas. And we need to develop technology to tap these ASAP!
I wish these will give some relief to india's troubled economy. price rise and economic slow down affected india more than anyone.
I will be more than happy to preserve this and keep importing Oil+Gas from Middle east...
Our energy need will increase atleast 5 times in next 20 years..IPI and TAPI are needed urgently.. When middle east countries are willing to export oil to us , why use our own resource..
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