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Will India allow a woman to rule the country ?

The convention here is not to change the subject / title line of a C&P job.

This title is misleading and obviously uneducated. The PM who led India in 71 was a lady. One would expect Pakistanis to remember this.
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I think mod have to change the title

Will India allow maya to rule India

Ans- A big no
The Title Is Misleading

As The title says ' Will India allow a woman to rule the country ? ' - Yes It will if The women has what is needed to rule the country , Like for E.g Indira gandhi

But For Mayawati - A big NO > one of the most corrupted politicians In India

we Need A women Like Indira Gandhi - the only gandhi i admire

She was known as Goddess Durga > A nightmare to the Eniemies - she was among the great leader of the century , she wanted to see India at the pinnacle of development and it was she who had the courage to persuade other countries in recognising India as a powerful nation ...
Look what images want to say...





Her economic model is also very simple and bound to be successful.

The poor make statues for the whole nation, earning bread and butter, when they are not making statues, they make cash garlands.

It makes perfect sense, this way India will be able to prolong it's economic growth, reduce poverty and beautify it's country with beautiful statues and cash garlands for all.

Much like rome.
Her economic model is also very simple and bound to be successful.

The poor make statues for the whole nation, earning bread and butter, when they are not making statues, they make cash garlands.

It makes perfect sense, this way India will be able to prolong it's economic growth, reduce poverty and beautify it's country with beautiful statues and cash garlands for all.

Much like rome.


Great logic :lol:
Anybody who says she wants to "rule" India is never going to become the PM of India.We don't really care about her gender.Question is does India think she has it in her to be representing India,notwithstanding her penchant for "ruling".
So what to expect.......from a world renowed economist to mayawati.............hell no..!!
Mayavati is really bad for a PM chair.
No doubt that she has a large fanclub in U.P. but come on she is already caught in scams,CBI inquiry is going on and nobody supports her outside U.P.
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