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Will fix the military if came into power again :Imran khan


Jan 20, 2010
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Doubt it..he will make a deal like he did before

There is no way he will be allowed in power
Bhai tjhy koi cheez achi b lagti hai? Make up your mind .

He’s not a master troll. He thinks he is but he doesn’t have it in him. So instead he comes out bipolar at times.
IK words and message resonates with the people, struggle makes one stronger and constant striving and challenges were there even for the Allah's holy men, Allah could have made their lives easier. So don't loose hope and don't despair.

Imran Khan Addressing at Iftar with PTI Workers in Zaman Park

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The chance of him coming back are almost 0 ATM, unless all Pakistani wake up and support eradicating the current system.

Pakistanis are well awake at the moment watching the prices of commodities going through the roof. It’s very easy to sit comfortably abroad and lambast Pakistanis about why they don’t rise up.

And although I do support your views about why we don’t, I also realise that people need to survive. They need to feed their families…I’m still convinced this economic slump we’re in was engineered on purpose in order to keep people’s minds preoccupied.

This is the same establishment that took dollars to allow foreign drones to murder our own citizens, so I’m convinced they can do anything at this point to remain in power…even if it means running the economy into the ground.

Most Pakistanis feel they can’t change anything, and so make the most of what they can.

Imran Khan is literally the only politician that has come out in public and stated he will make changes to the army if elected again. Have you ever heard the PPP or PMLN ever make that statement?

And don’t you think those within the military (of lower ranks) are listening to what he’s saying? Don’t you think those outside the GHQ power corridors are upset about what’s been happening?

I believe something will happen from within….their will be a purge (mutiny) within the military.
The chance of him coming back are almost 0 ATM, unless all Pakistani wake up and support eradicating the current system.
It's not about him coming back, even as a PM he couldn't have achieved what he achieved sitting outside the govt. with constant struggle, jalsas, rallies, gatherings, interviews and trying to wake up the slumbering nation, the relentless, unending struggle is bearing fruits.

And it is almost there.

The changes in the system comes later, the first change occurs in the hearts and minds of people and that can be seen.
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