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"Will cut tongue of anyone who wants to change Blasphemy Laws" - JI

i dont know but military does need restructure. i have heard top military generals are pro west a ss kissers and have no loyalty to pak.

You are wrong there, utterly wrong. Plus you are ridiculing the only institute protecting Pakistan.

Had the generals been as you say, CPEC wouldn't be happening! US is hell-bent against CPEC and doing all it can to sabotage it.
i dont know but military does need restructure. i have heard top military generals are pro west a ss kissers and have no loyalty to pak.

It will be interesting to put this in motion to have it confirmed rather than 'hear'. Pakistan soldier losses are no rare news so I doubt anyone would endanger their lives had they no love for their Country. Having diplomatic ties with Western countries is different I suppose.

Oh look another source:

It will be interesting to put this in motion to have it confirmed rather than 'hear'. Pakistan soldier losses are no rare news so I doubt anyone would endanger their lives had they no love for their Country. Having diplomatic ties with Western countries is different I suppose.

Oh look another source:

Yeah the Islamiat rhetoric in JI is shocking. Never ceases to surprise me that this party "represents all communities of Pakistan"
It will be interesting to put this in motion to have it confirmed rather than 'hear'. Pakistan soldier losses are no rare news so I doubt anyone would endanger their lives had they no love for their Country. Having diplomatic ties with Western countries is different I suppose.

Oh look another source:


why are they not getting rid of internal enemies ? like:
hassan nisar
hamid mir
marvi sermon
asma jahanghir
anp leadership or other corrupt parties that are threatening to separate the provinces from the country itself.
what about nawaz sharif.
why not punishing the sellout media which working for foreign intel.
why are they not getting rid of internal enemies ? like:
hassan nisar
hamid mir
marvi sermon
asma jahanghir
anp leadership or other corrupt parties that are threatening to separate the provinces from the country itself.
what about nawaz sharif.
why not punishing the sellout media which working for foreign intel.
Why'd you want to take Asma Janangir down? And how about we include the Lal Masjid guy in that too? We need a Wrath of God, people!
hassan nisar
whats your problem with that guy mate.he is a great liberal guy yeah he can be a little bit blunt some times but still he always take the side of the truth and is always politically neutral.
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Pipe dream.
it will happen. more people than ever today understand that organized religion is nothing but a farce to control and restrict, and for the benefit of the clergy above all else. maybe it'll take another 150-200 years, but im damn sure that eventually atheists will outnumber religious people. a lie can only go so far.
it will happen. more people than ever today understand that organized religion is nothing but a farce to control and restrict, and for the benefit of the clergy above all else. maybe it'll take another 150-200 years, but im damn sure that eventually atheists will outnumber religious people. a lie can only go so far.
It's a too big of an assumption, though. Too big of one.
it will happen. more people than ever today understand that organized religion is nothing but a farce to control and restrict, and for the benefit of the clergy above all else. maybe it'll take another 150-200 years, but im damn sure that eventually atheists will outnumber religious people. a lie can only go so far.

You are talking of end of time ... Some time to go yet, rest easy mate. Lots to happen before that.
whats your problem that guy mate.he is a great liberal guy yeah he can be a little bit blunt some times but still he always take the side of the truth and is always politically neutral.

TBH we have a serious crises here with the misuse of blasphemy law. You may be aware of Ayaz Nizami account
hassan nisar
Eh i can understand the reason of rest of the names but why Hassan Nisar? guy is blunt yes but he cares for his country that's why he's so blunt and people mistakes him as a traitor. (i used too think like this to at 1 time i mean him as a traitor)

OT We aren't gonna see any outrage on this at all! if someone has said the same thing against the protectors of blasphemy law people would've been abusing him and his forefathers instead of condemning this badmashi people are asking for proofs sad very sad. @Hell hound @Azlan Haider than people say liberals and seculars are the one who create fitnah want to destroy Pakistan and are danger to Islam hypocrisy at it's best.
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Eh i can understand the reason of rest of the names but why Hassan Nisar? guy is blunt yes but he cares for his country that's why he's so blunt and people mistakes him as a traitor. (i used too think like this to at 1 time)

OT We aren't gonna see any outrage on this at all! if someone has said the same thing against the protectors of blasphemy law people would've been abusing him and his forefathers instead of condemning this badmashi people are asking for proofs sad very sad. @Hell hound @Azlan Haider than people say liberals and seculars are the one who create fitnah want to destroy Pakistan and are danger to Islam hypocrisy at it's best.

I've yet to see condemnation to that tone of language - rather 'proofs and sources' were asked, forget one, I gave two.

It is hypocritical.
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