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Will China become Isreals new host or Medium for its survival?

Angry, aren't we? You kiss your mother with that mouth?

The US of A isn't going anywhere, not now and not ever. China will become more powerful, undoubtedly, but Israel has always been Pro-American, even when America was not Pro-Israel. And that is how it's going to stay for the foreseeable future.

I can see the logic here. Is there nothing you would not do for China? I don't want to use vulgarity but it's clear that you are exactly what you describe Israel to be.

USA will always be powerful but after the Iranians get dealt with do you really thing america is willing to go for another war in the middle east. Its has a debt over 3 trillion to 14 trillion dollars. Pressure with emerging markets for Middle eastern Oil puts constriants on global demand. If a new energy source is discovered then the near east is of no value and gulf puppets will die out. Lets not forget Defence cuts and heavy unemployment on its own soil. Your nation can only be safe by the two nation state policy or deline of religion.

Israel and China have a decent relationship but Israel has a better relationship with European countries and the USA. it's unlikely China ever gets an AIPAC, China's Jewish population is also small around 5000 some leave for Israel while some stay, and Israel gets cutting edge technology to ensure it's dominance in the region, China is behind the USA in military technology so it's unlikely Israel goes for Chinese Military Technology. and not to mention the US blocked many of China's military deals with Israel another factor should be brought in. Finally I can say the vast majority of Chinese are against fighting wars half way around the world. China unlikely but Germany after the USA yes.

Soon Israel will need Chinese technology. With huge money pour in and a huge pool of local engineer and scientist. You can see the fruit bearing now. DF-41, Beidou II GPS, J-20, Type 052C and D destroyer AESA radar and other more...

Until now Israel still cannot come out a 7:1 ratio turbofan of their own.
Soon Israel will need Chinese technology. With huge money pour in and a huge pool of local engineer and scientist. You can see the fruit bearing now. DF-41, Beidou II GPS, J-20, Type 052C and D destroyer AESA radar and other more...

Until now Israel still cannot come out a 7:1 ratio turbofan of their own.

Is that a joke ? America has the edge over all countries in Technology,Israel is getting F-35's they wanted F-22's they are also getting German Subs, America makes the best turbofans and AESA radars while china is still progressing in technology nowhere close. I must also mention that there is a powerful influence of Evangelical Christianity having influence on the USA in it's relationship with Israel, on the other hand the CPC Eliminates it's members from being religious.
@Abdi-Karim Elmi

The downfall of the US economy will be the downfall of the world's economy, which includes China. That is why even China does not want that happen.

Israel will survive and dominate as Israel has been doing even when the US did not want to help Israel, there is no question here. Sure our neighbors hate us but that really is a compliment, not a bad thing.

The Americans will come out of this stronger than ever.
I actually do not mind that at all. In China's northwest, there are plenty of land. If we can integrate Israel's intelligence into China's development, I certainly welcome to host a couple of millions of Israeli to settle down in China.

Since China's rise, the Jewish State is getting closer to the PRC. Its very possible by 2030, the chinese may have its own version of AIPAC and increased Technology transfers like Avionics and ABM technology. Will China fall in the Trap as the UsA by fightings its wars, tax spending on its defence etc?
Actually if Israel gets close to China it is good. China can probably mediate between Jews and Muslims (good relations with both) a lot better since their ruling elite are atheists and are not inclined towards one side or the other. At least in theory. :cheers:

I actually do not mind that at all. In China's northwest, there are plenty of land. If we can integrate Israel's intelligence into China's development, I certainly welcome to host a couple of millions of Israeli to settle down in China.

Your population is crazy huge you need all your lands for yourself. :coffee:
You didn't save us from anyone, you were merely our obedient tool.

really!!, I heard celebrations in washington "We wont cold war!!"
otherwise you would still be doing drill in school to hide kids under desks in case of nuclear attack lmao

and by the way we used you there go read about it
really!!, I heard celebrations in washington "We wont cold war!!"
otherwise you would still be doing drill in school to hide kids under desks in case of nuclear attack lmao

and by the way we used you there go read about it
You live in Canada and your English is still that God-awful? I are hear in Pakistan say people things we arenit yet war stuff.
The Jewish diaspora has been living in the West for a long time, long enough so that there are no cultural barriers at all.

China is different.

How many Israelis are willing or able to "become Chinese" by learning our language and assimilating into our culture? I'm sure there will be more than a few, but not nearly enough to achieve anything close to AIPAC.

Like everyone else in the world, they did not expect China to rise so soon, and thus did not prepare for such an eventuality.
The Jewish diaspora has been living in the West for a long time, long enough so that there are no cultural barriers at all.

China is different.

How many Israelis are willing or able to "become Chinese" by learning our language and assimilating into our culture? I'm sure there will be more than a few, but not nearly enough to achieve anything close to AIPAC.

Like everyone else in the world, they did not expect China to rise so soon, and thus did not prepare for such an eventuality.

Also remember that Jews control the media, Hollywood and finance in the US.

That is the source of their influence on US policy.

It took hundreds of years to achieve and that will not happen in China.
Chinese are more fond of Arabic peoples and generally dislike the west.
Not true from my experience.

The people are more in favour of the West and they should be (the arab world has nothing to offer China apart from Islam and no chinese wants that)
Not true from my experience.

The people are more in favour of the West and they should be (the arab world has nothing to offer China apart from Islam and no chinese wants that)

Turks and Persians are close to Chinese histrically... Not arabs however.

But that was Pre-Islamic
Will China become Isreals new host or Medium for its survival?

I believe so. China is a rising power and would replace the US of A as the sole "superpower" country if suppose the US of A can no longer sustain its global empire and suffers a major economic blow.

Just as israel depended on Britain for its formation, and after the disintegration of British Empire it depended on the US of A for its survival, now it is China's turn to allow Israel and its lobbies to leach on the Chinese nation and use it for its own gains, after China too is done it will either be replaced by another host for Israel and its lobbies to leach on, or if Israel becomes powerful enough it will take the title of "superpower" for itself.

Now some people might say "oh, but China is not a White, European, Christian Nation, only White Europeans are slaves of the Zionists", well, i can only laugh at them.
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