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Will 'break' any Chinese construction on Indian territory, indian Home ministerRajnath warns

Yea,right famous for giving people a delhi belly.Indian food is appreciated only when it is modified to suit someone else's taste,case in point being britain Chicen tikka masala of britain.Real Indian food made by Indians for Indian consumption is cringeworthy..and even at best poses serious health risks both long term and short term.
We have a saying for your kind " bundar Kya janey, udruk ka swaad." So i rest my case there. Survey said indian food cures lot of internal diseases.
We have a saying for your kind " bundar Kya janey, udruk ka swaad." So i rest my case there. Survey said indian food cures lot of internal diseases.
Yeah right.All that oil and fats and spices,mostly artificial ones nowadays sure do wonders for one's health.But then,defend my own syndrome kicking in.
Yeah right.All that oil and fats and spices,mostly artificial ones nowadays sure do wonders for one's health.But then,defend my own syndrome kicking in.
This Is defence forum princess.

go make your gol gappas in halwai forum.

as for remark its a good start a hard nose raised eyebrow diplomacy. its majourly a war of words. And bluffs.
KANHA CHATTI (JHARKHAND): Home minister Rajnath Singh on Monday warned China against constructing roads in Indian territory while maintaining that New Delhi wants cordial ties with its neighbours.

Asked what if China continues to carry out construction of roads on Indian side, Singh said our forces will be left with no alternative but to "break" any such construction.

"China must end its practice of infiltrating Indian territory and construction of roads on our side. We want to maintain good relations with China and it must respect our sentiment," he said while addressing a public rally here.

Sending out a message of a stronger India emerging under the BJP regime, Singh said if China continues construction of roads on Indian side, there will be no alternative left with India but to "break" them as a last resort.

Continued incursions by Chinese troops into Indian side have led to high tension along the border. The matter of incursions came up when Prime Minister Narendra Modi met Chinese President Xi Jinping in New Delhi recently.

Will 'break' any Chinese construction on Indian territory, Rajnath warns - The Times of India

They are saying China is constructing roads right now?

Sending out a message of a stronger India emerging under the BJP regime, Singh said if China continues construction of roads on Indian side, there will be no alternative left with India but to "break" them as a last resort.
This Is defence forum princess.

go make your gol gappas in halwai forum.

as for remark its a good start a hard nose raised eyebrow diplomacy. its majourly a war of words. And bluffs.
Exactly,that is why I advised Indians of one of their deadliest weapons.Their food,the deadliness of Indian food is akin to a weapon,nay WMD.
Yeah right.All that oil and fats and spices,mostly artificial ones nowadays sure do wonders for one's health.But then,defend my own syndrome kicking in.
You are confusing real indian food with Indian fast foods like stalls and small cheap to go stuff. I bet you never ever tasted real indian cuisine. You sound like a clueless white boy who barely knows anything but pretends to know everything. Ignorance is bliss.
You are confusing real indian food with Indian fast foods like stalls and small cheap to go stuff. I bet you never ever tasted real indian cuisine. You sound like a clueless white boy who barely knows anything but pretends to know everything. Ignorance is bliss.
Almost all Indian food is unhealthy.All the bad cholestrol and myriad of health risks it poses,so unless Indians cook food without that in their,Indian food is unhealthy and unpalatable at that.There is a very good reason why Indians have higher risk of heart problems than even the americans and the rest of the west.

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