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Will Beijing help Riyadh go nuclear?

This is the correct strategy. One cannot fight from a position of weakness. So this is the time to gain strength and wait.

While you are concentrating on home ground and improving living standard of your own people, I would also recommend selecting a group of nations as your strategic allies and potential allies and help them do the same (improve their living standard).

The US by itself is powerful, but together with its allied nations such as NATO and non-NATO allies, it becomes the preeminent global power. One reason the US gains allies and keeps them loyal is through market access and shared defense technology. While it provides a shield of security for these allied countries, the market access helps them gain high living standard.

Chinese market is not as big as the US yet, but it is getting bigger every year. Chinese industry is increasingly moving towards higher value addition items, while Chinese entrepreneurs could set up lower value addition more labor intensive industries in these allied countries. So in my opinion China should follow the US example of building up a strong array of allied nations.

The biggest advantage of China is that it is slightly in the East, but still extending to almost the middle of Eurasian land mass (middle Kingdom). All the nations around China, except for a few with delusional shortsighted leadership, are allies or potential allies. India due to its size, will always have a dream to compete with China, so they should be counted out from the list of potential allies, but will remain an important trading partner for all nations in the region.

And if China builds a strong alliance with Muslim nations (Shia and Sunni), then the reach of these nations go from Indonesia to African heartland. These nations will then work with China to increase the influence of this alliance to rest of the nations in South East Asia and Sub-saharan Africa. Central Asian Muslim nations can also work to keep Russia anchored with this Sino-Muslim alliance. Japan and South Korea will eventually switch allegiance once they see the local Asian+African market is bigger and hence more lucrative than the combined Western-Indian market.

I think we need strong coordination between Chinese polit buro and GCC govts. who are the defacto leaders of Sunni Muslim world. Possibilities are endless. Chinese polit buro did an excellent job in improving the lot of 1.3 billion Chinese, now we need to see how things can be done for the allied nations. GCC govts. can be investors and China can provide skills and technology. It will be an uphill battle, as you will be stepping on the toes of competitors, but I believe for China to achieve preeminence, this is a must do step and a failure proof vision and formula.
It is complicated for us to pick an alliance due to the fact we have a non-interference foreign policy which works very well for us now. It allows us to do businesses with everyone in the world regardless of what government system they run. On the downside, the non-interference foreign policy limited our ability to reach out and form true alliance with various actors from a military standpoint. Because of the non-interference policy, we have to select a few very friendly ally like Russia and Pakistan to keep us involve with global geopolitical game and alliance. I'm sure when our economy grows stronger and military advance parity with the West, we can shift our foreign policy towards a more close-knit alliance. But it won't be an easy transition. For instance, we want to form a Sino-Persian Gulf alliance but two member states, Saudi Arabia and Iran are at odd with each other. Same can be said with Pakistan-India. We cannot achieve a NATO-like, a like-mind alliance, unless these two resolve their differences. In addition, most of our Asian neighbors are fragment because of historical dispute and pride. They can be easily getting manipulated by outside forces.
Both North Korea and India nuke technology are from Russian.
So as to this issue, you two are like a twin brother, and nothing to do with China

Indian tech is more indigenous but the whole world knows from where China got her tech... the Russians whom you betrayed and continue to betray. Chairman Mao was an ever ungrateful creature, a trait shared by Maoists in China and their pampered pooches.

India prevented China from Islam and we see how ungrateful Chinese Maoists are to India.

That is why the North Koreans, if they get nuclear weapons, would be glad to point some towards ungrateful China. they got many scores to settle with the Maoists in China. After all, the Koreans,along with the Russians, saved China from nuclear annhilation during the Korean War and you people showed more love for a Muslim country like Pakistan during 1990s by supplying her nuclear tech while backstabbing North Korea to cosy up to Americans and the West.

You people have no allegiance or a values of loyalty and the Koreans and Russians have long known this. Think about Taiwan and many neighboring countries of China who could foment dissent in China to get the Maoists thrown into labor camps and make China a peaceful country.
No. This will not happen. China is not about to give up its security council veto power. And if nuclear arms are proliferated. Then the security council will lose its power.
Not to mention his nasty approach toward Indians - he takes it too far -

I don't mind that part. :P

A lot of people on this forum take our flag as some sort of tribute, usually I do not mind as long as they refrain from insulting China.
I don't mind that part. :P

A lot of people on this forum take our flag as some sort of tribute, usually I do not mind as long as they refrain from insulting China.

I never saw someone using such blunt language as his toward Saudis, Europeans, and Indians. I might understand that he likes to flip off and on.

I don't think being Chinese is an easy thing either, I have been reading people's comments for two days now, and I was like " oh man " why are they mad at China.
I don't think being Chinese is an easy thing either, I have been reading people's comments for two days now, and I was like " oh man " why are they mad at China.

What can you do, this entire forum is a big flaming zone. :P

I notice Saudis get a lot of attacks from false-flaggers on here, and it usually comes down to some "sectarian" reason like Sunni vs Shia.
What can you do, this entire forum is a big flaming zone. :P

I notice Saudis get a lot of attacks from false-flaggers on here, and it usually comes down to some "sectarian" reason like Sunni vs Shia.

Yes, being a Saudi isn't the nicest thing either, wether we are dealing with China, South Korea, or the US people hate us for some reason or another. Another thing people don't like about us is our foreign policy, we don't expect people to agree on everything we do, but KSA calculates everything she does at first hand. Say for example when we chose to begin armed the Free Syrian Army, KSA received threats from Iran, Syria, and Hezbollah. Yet, no body prevented us from carrying the task we do.

I'm just happy about how China tends to think of us, even in cases like Syria - China wants to keep the US in check, but it doesn't mean that China is getting in our way to deal with the Assad's regime.
I'm just happy about how China tends to think of us, even in cases like Syria - China wants to keep the US in check, but it doesn't mean that China is getting in our way to deal with the Assad's regime.

I think we are both very mature countries, we deal with things on a rational basis. We balance foreign relations with other countries, to meet our own interests, without getting involved in wars and the like. :D

We don't like America due to historical reasons (we fought the US + 16 of her allies during the Korean War) but we do business with them, and we do learn from them. We have trade and investments based on logical reasons, not ideological ones.

As for people to people relations, I can only speak for myself. Personally one of my closest friends growing up was an Arab guy (Jordanian). He taught me to play the guitar. :P But then I went to an International school in Hong Kong so there were a lot of foreigners there.
I don't mind that part. :P

A lot of people on this forum take our flag as some sort of tribute, usually I do not mind as long as they refrain from insulting China.

i always knew but very few people know that 50 CENT ARMY OF CHINA is paid to malign non-Muslim countries like India. but when democracy comes to China, this 50 CENT ARMY is going to be in labor camps as it has tried to create enmity between the Chinese and Indian people and this 50 CENT ARMY has supported the Chinese war crime of providing nuclear weapons to Muslims. The ordinary Chinese will forever be grateful to Indi a and Russia for having saved China from the flames of Islam.

After all, why should the ordinary Chinese people forgive and spare fellow Chinese if they worship Mao and support his inhuman policies of enslavement of the Chinese people??? why should the chinese army fight futile wars with non-Muslim countries and get killed when the pampered pooches of Maoists are sitting comfortably in their homes and worshipping Pakistani Muslims???
i always knew but very few people know that 50 CENT ARMY OF CHINA is paid to malign non-Muslim countries like India. but when democracy comes to China, this 50 CENT ARMY is going to be in labor camps as it has tried to create enmity between the Chinese and Indian people and this 50 CENT ARMY has supported the Chinese war crime of providing nuclear weapons to Muslims. The ordinary Chinese will forever be grateful to Indi a and Russia for having saved China from the flames of Islam.

After all, why should the ordinary Chinese people forgive and spare fellow Chinese if worship Mao and his inhuman policies of enslavement of the Chinese people???

There is no such thing as 50 cent army.And China was strong enough to resist the central asian armies which India could not.
There is no such thing as 50 cent army.And China was strong enough to resist the central asian armies which India could not.

i do not know if you are a fake flag but get your facts straight. 50 CENT ARMY preaches pathological lies about India but understandably, they are very partial to Muslims and never question their version of history.

and as for India being the bulwark against Islam in Asia, everybody knows that. only the most ungrateful Chinese Maoists and their stooges will never acknowledge that.

but all this propaganda is not doing any good to Maoist China. it is only hastening their impending incarceration in labor camps. the Chinese army is not going to take orders from Maoist stooges who sit and grow fat in their homes while the Chinese soldier has to fight.
i do not know if you are a fake flag but get your facts straight. 50 CENT ARMY preaches pathological lies about India but understandably, they are very partial to Muslims and never question their version of history.

and as for India being the bulwark against Islam in Asia, everybody knows that. only the most ungrateful Chinese Maoists and their stooges will never acknowledge that.

but all this propaganda is not doing any good to Maoist China. it is only hastening their impending incarceration in labor camps. the Chinese army is not going to take orders from Maoist stooges who sit and grow fat in their homes while the Chinese soldier has to fight.

Fake flag ,lol? ask the mod for IP please. s

50 CENT ARMY preaches pathological lies about India but understandably, they are very partial to Muslims and never question their version of history.

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/middle...-help-riyadh-go-nuclear-10.html#ixzz2gpaejoir

Prove the existence of 50 cent army...

and as for India being the bulwark against Islam in Asia, everybody knows that. only the most ungrateful Chinese Maoists and their stooges will never acknowledge that.

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/middle...-help-riyadh-go-nuclear-10.html#ixzz2gpaj0ZyN

Central asia is directly connected to china ,but muslim armies there had a hard time even capturing parts of China or retaining them. India was under central asian afghan and mughal rule for over 500 years. I cannot call India a bulwark. At a local level ,the Sikhs and marathas contained islam. At a continental level, it was the russians as large parts of Western and Southern Russia were originally muslim khanates ,till the russians took them over with the most genocidal type of brutality possible.

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