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Will be army chief's boss, says Nawaz Sharif

You are right but i want to make some change as; and the drone attacks will stop only when PA decides to stop them.

You make a fair point, but our Army will do what it is paid to do by the Pentagon, as long as the payment is sufficient.

i think u are mis informed.Drone strikes are happening in pakistan only because the government of pakistan has allowed them to happen.The day they decide not to allow drone strikes.Any drone entering pak airspace will be shot down.The army and paf has stated several times that the gov has not allowed them to shoot down drones.

The real decision making power for foreign policy and WoT remains with the Army, no one else. So it is dishonest of them to claim that they need permission from anybody to stop the drones.
Plz dont mislead Pakistani nation... There should be no martial law in Pakistan now.
Our nation is tired of hide and seek between Democracy and martial laws ..
It is better said that the worst democracy is far better than bestest dictatorship or martial law.
So there should be no martial law now and democracy should be supported by the nation now...

Just five years of democracy... you see the results.
1.free media
2.Independent Supreme Court.
3.Independent Election Commision of Pakistan.

Now the next govt. should only focus on education.. and then you will see more positive results... I.A

What have you got from those three? love or pain?
This statement of Nawaz Sharif is just as naive as Imran Khan's statement about shooting down drones.

No matter who wins on 11 May, the COAS will remain the boss, and the drone attacks will stop only when USA decides to stop them.

dont be lakeer kay fakir... under Imran things will change.... not only because Imran would take a stand on what he says, but also because of the public support...
dont be lakeer kay fakir... under Imran things will change.... not only because Imran would take a stand on what he says, but also because of the public support...

I agree that under Imran Khan most things will change for the better, but only some things. Some other things however will remain the same.
I agree that under Imran Khan most things will change for the better, but only some things. Some other things however will remain the same.

nothing is impossible like you put forward as a pessimist... your wording, its always in bad taste...
nothing is impossible like you put forward as a pessimist... your wording, its always in bad taste...

We will soon find out whether I am a pessimist or a realist who tells it like it is. 11 May is not that far way.

Sab pata lag jaye gaa. Then we can discuss it all here.
This statement of Nawaz Sharif is just as naive as Imran Khan's statement about shooting down drones.

No matter who wins on 11 May, the COAS will remain the boss, and the drone attacks will stop only when USA decides to stop them.

I don't think so, Pakistanis are reaching the end of their patience with all the terrorism going around. Army usually jumped in with support of one party or another and this time around no party other then MQM will welcome a role from Army in politics. Judiciary is already active and with a passionate lawyers movement Judges will find it difficult to approve of any unconstitutional acts of Army.
I don't think so, Pakistanis are reaching the end of their patience with all the terrorism going around. Army usually jumped in with support of one party or another and this time around no party other then MQM will welcome a role from Army in politics. Judiciary is already active and with a passionate lawyers movement Judges will find it difficult to approve of any unconstitutional acts of Army.

I think that the so-called Pakistanis "patience" will continue. Nobody will "welcome" the Army's role, but everyone will be forced to accept it, just like before. And the judges will find ways to do what they are told to do, selectively.

My prediction: Status Quo wins after 11 May.
NS can be the army chief's boss as long as he dosnt 'interfere' in the normal promotions board (Col to Brig, Brig to MGen, Mgen to LtGen) which is an internal army affair.....and please promote the senior-most LtGen to the post of CoAS not like what he did with Musharraf - pl no promotions based on 'baradari' system....on seniority and merit....
well...its Mushy who got the big kicks on his arse for all misadventures he did when in uniform…Look at Nawaz who represents the civilian society and taking the constitutional paths..he is well off and can dare to say this!

Looking at the ghastly condition of its ex General, I don’t think current as well as future generals of Pak army would attempt to follow his suit!
Agree 100%.
None. But I think Its only the democracy that can save our country, And it is necessary for the progress of Pakistan.

Democracy under the qatil patwari bros, Gadari, fake mullah's, murderer of Karachi & Khyber is......... well why don't you complete the sentence for me, please.

well...its Mushy who got the big kicks on his arse for all misadventures he did when in uniform…Look at Nawaz who represents the civilian society and taking the constitutional paths..he is well off and can dare to say this!

Looking at the ghastly condition of its ex General, I don’t think current as well as future generals of Pak army would attempt to follow his suit!


I know why you hindis love the qatil patwari's & I know why you hindis hate Gen. Musharraf so much, it's ok.
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