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Will America's F-35 Soon Be Flying In The Indian Air Force?

It's nothing but a part of our modernization program.... we need to replace 100s of MIG 21s.... yeah keep enjoying small air skirmish victory which actually didn't add any value.... things further worsened on 5th August 2019... enjoy that...

Well, if you have noticed, the reply in response to your boosting of domestic jets production.
Now you contradicted yourself. Still didn't answer why the rush to get the deliveries!! They could have delivered according to the schedule.

As for small skirmish. It could have done a massive embarrassment for India if Pakistani Generals shown a little more
ruthlessness and go for the kill, literally.
You would have lost up to 8 jets not 2 you lost. Some of your command and control centres would have evaporated with few of your Generals including Bipin. Some of your ammunition dump could have also been easily destroyed.

We really regret why PAF was not ruthless, IAF and the IA was there for taking.
Remember, Modi didn't say it without a reason "If we had Rafale story would have been different". Ask him what story he was taking about!!
I guess thats why pakistan got 5 Jy-,27 anti steakth radars?? June last year 2019
No thanks but thanks... though I don't have any doubt that if push comes to show then uncle Sam will be actually offering us the JSF meant for Turkey..... but we are not interested.... our AMCA is under making and if delayed sukhoi 57 as a stop gap always available.... apart from that there's no hurry for such toys to a nuclear power....
IAF isn't interested in the Su-57 anymore. Also, IAF wanted to move away from Russian jets for future procurement give the high after-sales & maintenance costs along with spares procurement/serviciability proving to be relatively hard compared to western counterparts. Also, we have 200+ MKIs
Those American policies are for other states.... Not for India.... Even NATO turkey couldn't get away but India is totally a different ball game.... Deep down inside you guys know this just don't have hearts to accept.... Mark my words... India will deploy S400 and even then she will be allowed to purchase JSF if push comes to shove.... We don't need it that is a different story...
If we ever go with American fighter jets in significant numbers or as our frontline fighters, US would get a stranglehold on us and a potential possibility to threaten us with sanctions during times when we act against their interests
India is not privy to F35. AMCA is the only option and it seems to be a good 15 years away.

If AMCA should fail to materialize by then, India may settle for SU 57
India is not privy to F35. AMCA is the only option and it seems to be a good 15 years away.

If AMCA should fail to materialize by then, India may settle for SU 57
US wouldn't offer F-35 unless IAF procure F-16s in significant numbers i.e., atleast 200 as per the MMRCA 2.0 requirement. Even then, we'd be last in line and end up receiving our first F-35 in a good 15+ yrs given our flawed procurement process and neverending negotiations. Working on AMCA is a better option anytime since it would help us in achieving complete self-sufficiency in fighter jet further on. Also, LCA project lead to setting up of several research & test facilities which should quicken the overall development cycle for MWF, TEDBF & AMCA
There is still little chance India can get exemption for F35s, to counter china. Main hurdle is S400. Imagine russian Practicing S400 against indian F35, it will pose serious threat to U.S.A defense after Russian knowing weakness of F35 stealth fighter against S400. In case of war both are front line assets.
Only chance is if U.S.A inspectors remain permanent with indian F35s. Then deal is possible, obviously with few strings.
India will not mind to get F35s for Navy. But ball is in uncle SAM court.
It's nothing but a part of our modernization program.... we need to replace 100s of MIG 21s.... yeah keep enjoying small air skirmish victory which actually didn't add any value.... things further worsened on 5th August 2019... enjoy that...

You must be intellectually dumb and deaf to even think that.

Capturing and parading a wing commander of enemy in broad daylight is humiliation beyond words. The credibility of India has gone down the drain, militarily speaking.

The 5th August fiasco was revenge you could take and you took it. Cannot match the Pakistan military? Sure. We'll reek havoc in a disputed zone. It still doesnt mean you are any competent.

The value of your Vir Chakra now equals the dust of the Pakistan's soil where your jet crashed. Especially now when it has been awarded to someone for shooting down F-16. lol.

I can only imagine the look of your disgruntled high brass. No one would want this medal anyway after this.

I don't have energy and time to educate everyone..... Take care of Afghanistan and bag Viper block 72....

India is meant for something else..... LOOK EAST... Any guesses :cheers:

It's same like you getting cobras and India getting Apaches.... We don't need JSF that is a different story though... Flanker Fulcrum combo is enough till AMCA arrives.....

Your high brass says otherwise.

Rafale hota to ye hota.

Rafale hota to hamara moun kala na hota.

Atleast get on the same page with your country. You probably look as stupid as you sound.
Only chance is if U.S.A inspectors remain permanent with indian F35s. Then deal is possible, obviously with few strings.
That's an impossible scenario since Russia would be concerned that US personnel will try to know S-400 and figure out ways to dodge it's radars and Russia will eventually end up requesting to have their personnel stationed at all S-400 sites which India wouldn't obviously agree for. F-35 is a pipe dream and also not a practical option given the strings attached.

In regards to IN, though F-35C is a lucrative addition for IAC-2 & 3...it's highly unlikely US would offer without going for F-16s initially. IMO, 2 more squadrons of Rafales (36) in addition to the existing 36 ordered for IAF and 54 Rafale-M's for IN totaling 90-100 Rafales with localized production would be a good stop gap until MWF, TEDBF & AMCA are materialized
It's not a pipe dream as we don't at all dream about f35.... It might be a pipe or day dream for you not for us..... We don't have any hurry to succumb to conditions set by uncle Sam for F35... We have everything any nation military can just dream about..... Take arihant and K series missile as an example....
Brother with all due respect. I am not sure I understand what you are saying. Who is we?
I agree with K-Series & Arihant. I was only pointing to F35 & it seems you also agree with me.
What I meant by a pipe dream is just a fanciful hope. Nothing aimed at you.
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