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Will America's F-35 Soon Be Flying In The Indian Air Force?

US wouldn't offer F-35 unless IAF procure F-16s in significant numbers i.e., atleast 200 as per the MMRCA 2.0 requirement. Even then, we'd be last in line and end up receiving our first F-35 in a good 15+ yrs given our flawed procurement process and neverending negotiations. Working on AMCA is a better option anytime since it would help us in achieving complete self-sufficiency in fighter jet further on. Also, LCA project lead to setting up of several research & test facilities which should quicken the overall development cycle for MWF, TEDBF & AMCA
With or without F35, I would vote for India procuring F21 or Griphen E. These two planes come with the the promise that the manufacturer will set an assembly line in India that will in future be used for export to third countries. This is a very tempting proposition that may kickstart something similar to the IT outsourcing industry of the 80’s. One can make arguments about F21 as an old platform and Griphens being another Tejas; but the strategic prospect of kickstarting Indian private defence industry is big enough to weather these claims.
That's an impossible scenario since Russia would be concerned that US personnel will try to know S-400 and figure out ways to dodge it's radars and Russia will eventually end up requesting to have their personnel stationed at all S-400 sites which India wouldn't obviously agree for. F-35 is a pipe dream and also not a practical option given the strings attached.

In regards to IN, though F-35C is a lucrative addition for IAC-2 & 3...it's highly unlikely US would offer without going for F-16s initially. IMO, 2 more squadrons of Rafales (36) in addition to the existing 36 ordered for IAF and 54 Rafale-M's for IN totaling 90-100 Rafales with localized production would be a good stop gap until MWF, TEDBF & AMCA are materialized

The F-35's effectiveness is greatly reduced when it operates in isolation (out-of-network) and its further reduced when it operates in a mixed ecosystem (e.g. the S400,Mig, Su, Rafale etc) and then there is the zoo that is the current IAF. The US decision not to offer the F-35 to India isn't just political. In addition, the rot caused by corruption inside your institutions, there is no way to secure the secrets of the F-35 in India.

Unless the above changes or the F-35 is near obsolescence the US is not going to offer the F-35 to India.
IMO, 2 more squadrons of Rafales (36) in addition to the existing 36 ordered for IAF and 54 Rafale-M's for IN totaling 90-100 Rafales with localized production would be a good stop-gap until MWF, TEDBF & AMCA are materialized
Best solution.
With or without F35, I would vote for India procuring F21 or Griphen E. These two planes come with the the promise that the manufacturer will set an assembly line in India that will in future be used for export to third countries. This is a very tempting proposition that may kickstart something similar to the IT outsourcing industry of the 80’s. One can make arguments about F21 as an old platform and Griphens being another Tejas; but the strategic prospect of kickstarting Indian private defence industry is big enough to weather these claims.
Just so you know, neither US nor Sweden would offer any significant ToT. All in all, it wouldn't be nothing more than a nut and bolt job or production of some non-critical components and I'm sure the overall involvement of Indian companies or local sourcing wold be limited. Gripen, despite being a great platform comes with a ton of strings attached since it uses several US components. We've built over 200 Su-30s but haven't been able to export any nor used any of that knowledge in enhancing our aviation industry. All research & test facilities neccesary for fighter jet development came up due to the LCA project.

Also, the world is moving towards 5th gen fighters including pakistan which is looking at J-31. Show me one country in recent times other than Taiwan which is interested in procuring the F-16? So that alone kills the export prospects. Also, we'll be intensely pressurized to stop our procurement from Russia & elsewhere and the moment India acts against American interests is when they'll stop spares or god knows if those kill switches ever exist

The F-35's effectiveness is greatly reduced when it operates in isolation (out-of-network) and its further reduced when it operates in a mixed ecosystem (e.g. the S400,Mig, Su, Rafale etc) and then there is the zoo that is the current IAF. The US decision not to offer the F-35 to India isn't just political. In addition, the rot caused by corruption inside your institutions, there is no way to secure the secrets of the F-35 in India.

Unless the above changes or the F-35 is near obsolescence the US is not going to offer the F-35 to India.
I agree with your post but even if that red-tape, corruption and the whole bureaucratic process changes, I'm sure IAF nor MoD wouldn't agree to procure American weapons systems as frontline fighters given the strings attached and the threat of sactions or stopping spares/critical components if we ever act against your interests. We've seen how pakistan has been denied additional F-16s or the AH-1Z's and most recently turkey being kicked outta the F-35 program due to S-400
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