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Will America's F-35 Soon Be Flying In The Indian Air Force?

India will defo get stealth tech from usa be it in the form of f35 or something else
No thanks but thanks... though I don't have any doubt that if push comes to show then uncle Sam will be actually offering us the JSF meant for Turkey..... but we are not interested.... our AMCA is under making and if delayed sukhoi 57 as a stop gap always available.... apart from that there's no hurry for such toys to a nuclear power....

Indian arrogance and delusions amaze me...:alcoholic:
our AMCA is under making and if delayed

It is not a question if the AMCA will be delayed by but by how long. My guess is 2035 we will still be discussing IOC.

US offering India F35 now is just a pipe dream. F21 is the only thing on offer. Maybe post 2035 they might offer F35. 15yrs is a long time though in the geopolitical space. Lots of things will change.
No, not with S-400 systems in the picture. This is American state policy.

Those American policies are for other states.... Not for India.... Even NATO turkey couldn't get away but India is totally a different ball game.... Deep down inside you guys know this just don't have hearts to accept.... Mark my words... India will deploy S400 and even then she will be allowed to purchase JSF if push comes to shove.... We don't need it that is a different story...
Those American policies are for other states.... Not for India.... Even NATO turkey couldn't get away but India is totally a different ball game.... Deep down inside you guys know this just don't have hearts to accept.... Mark my words... India will deploy S400 and even then she will be allowed to purchase JSF if push comes to shove.... We don't need it that is a different story...
FYI: https://m.economictimes.com/news/de...craps-s-400-deal/amp_articleshow/69698536.cms

USA will not appease India for indefinite period. They have conditions and expectations.

F-35 is being offered to only those countries who are firmly in American CAMP for this century and next. This is not just another military asset.
Those American policies are for other states.... Not for India.... Even NATO turkey couldn't get away but India is totally a different ball game.... Deep down inside you guys know this just don't have hearts to accept.... Mark my words... India will deploy S400 and even then she will be allowed to purchase JSF if push comes to shove.... We don't need it that is a different story...
JSF is a jet which will form the backbone of Japan, Taiwan and other asian countries which will the first wall of defence against China in SCS. In Europe it will be with the countries which are against Russia. It's a project worth trillions. So do you think US will jeopardize such a project by flying it under a Russian SAM system???
It is not a question if the AMCA will be delayed by but by how long. My guess is 2035 we will still be discussing IOC.

US offering India F35 now is just a pipe dream. F21 is the only thing on offer. Maybe post 2035 they might offer F35. 15yrs is a long time though in the geopolitical space. Lots of things will change.

It's not a pipe dream as we don't at all dream about f35.... It might be a pipe or day dream for you not for us..... We don't have any hurry to succumb to conditions set by uncle Sam for F35... We have everything any nation military can just dream about..... Take arihant and K series missile as an example....
Only if India first buys the F-16 in sizeable numbers LOL

LOL I would love to hear from the Americans who were lambasting Turkey for getting S-400 which would undermine interoperability with the F-35. Would India get an exemption here just like the nuclear deal?
That would mean NATO has zero credibility
JSF is a jet which will form the backbone of Japan, Taiwan and other asian countries which will the first wall of defence against China in SCS. In Europe it will be with the countries which are against Russia. It's a project worth trillions. So do you think US will jeopardize such a project by flying it under a Russian SAM system???

Don't fall in to too much to marketing tactics of west about JSF.... JSF or no JSF USA will beat China to death and that is a simple fact..... So no need to patronize China beyond a limit..... It's nothing but an idea to attract poor Air Forces to pay like anything and control their doctrine for it... after some years it will be available to every Tom dick and harry ... Why raptor is not on sale???? Think about it....
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It's not a pipe dream as we don't at all dream about f35.... It might be a pipe or day dream for you not for us..... We don't have any hurry to succumb to conditions set by uncle Sam for F35... We have everything any nation military can just dream about..... Take arihant and K series missile as an example....

Istg, when it comes to Indians logic goes down the drain and you lot just repeat the mantra you want to hear.

India is not a country which the US will make exceptions for. Why would the US risk exposing their secrets to Russia when India being led by Modi the IFBB pro with a 52inch chest is purchasing the S400 system. FYI, Turkey and US are much closer than India and US so keep on dreaming. When it comes to Pakistanis, we might be emotional too but at least some of us are able to think logically. When it comes to Indians, all of your are just emotional.
I hope they never gets their hand on this beast

@Haris Ali2140
IAF most probably wouldn't opt for American jets as their frontline fighters given the strings attached and we'd be forced to let go all defence procurements from any other country, particularly Russia.

Moreover, US would pressurize us to buy F-16s in significant numbers for them to offer F-35 since they've been trying hard to continue running the F-16 production line in the US or elsewhere.
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Istg, when it comes to Indians logic goes down the drain and you lot just repeat the mantra you want to hear.

India is not a country which the US will make exceptions for. Why would the US risk exposing their secrets to Russia when India being led by Modi the IFBB pro with a 52inch chest is purchasing the S400 system. FYI, Turkey and US are much closer than India and US so keep on dreaming. When it comes to Pakistanis, we might be emotional too but at least some of us are able to think logically. When it comes to Indians, all of your are just emotional.

I don't have energy and time to educate everyone..... Take care of Afghanistan and bag Viper block 72....

India is meant for something else..... LOOK EAST... Any guesses :cheers:

It's same like you getting cobras and India getting Apaches.... We don't need JSF that is a different story though... Flanker Fulcrum combo is enough till AMCA arrives.....
I don't have energy and time to educate everyone..... Take care of Afghanistan and bag Viper block 72....

India is meant for something else..... LOOK EAST... Any guesses :cheers:

It's same like you getting cobras and India getting Apaches.... We don't need JSF that is a different story though... Flanker Fulcrum combo is enough till AMCA arrives.....

India is meant for what? US will not give you their state of the art jet especially when you have the s400 system and other Russian tech. Please do educate me since I am curious to know how I can be wrong.
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