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Will accept Modi if he apologises: UP Muslims

Modi is a saint compared to Sajjan Kumar jagdish tytler and kamal nath 3 men who were involved in the 1984 genocide yet still walk free is this how people can go? if that had happened to Hindus the perpetrators would be jailed and executed on the spot yet the people who did this to the Sikhs and Muslims go off free i have even seen disgusting videos of Hindu nationalists who were involved in the riots gloating about there heinous crimes

India need sufficient minority protection legislation the minorities in a society deserve the same rights as others is this not what Gandhi had preached to us?
what happened in 1984 and 2002 is incomparable one was the organized genocide of a people in response to the justified death of an autocrat carried out and master planned by her party (use of voter lists to identify Sikhs is proof of this)

the other was riots carried out by pissed right wing Hindu nationalists in response to the tragedy that occurred in Godhra Narendra Modi did not do sht during the riots and that is his only fault inaction he has even admitted himself he made a mistake by not acting and promised not do the former again.

you can't compare 1984 to 2002 as they are 2 different situations btw Hindus lost there lives in 2002 as well don't forget.

Modi is a clean politician look what he has done for all Gujaratis 10 years ago Gujarat was comparable to Bihar and Chattisgarh now it is on par with other developed Indian states like Punjab and Kerala

Thats enough to cause damage. And the trouble is he doesnt apologize either.

He's trapped. Apologize and lose the core-BJP Hindu right-wing vote or not apologize but carry the stain of guilt on his forehead, forever.
the gujarat muslims still like him and put him in power time and again. he is keeping gujarati families well-fed, I say that's his greatest pashyataap
apologises for what??? Riots??? There were many riots in India, when one CM came and being apologetic???

Muslim should stop living in past. Godhra and Train burning were dark mark on our country. Better we wash it and move forward. Gujrat riots were bad. it shouln't have happen. It's happen many time that situation goes out of hand.

I would be happier If this gentleman would have asked for apologises from those who started all this (Who burn the train..)
what happened in 1984 and 2002 is incomparable one was the organized genocide of a people in response to the justified death of an autocrat carried out and master planned by her party (use of voter lists to identify Sikhs is proof of this)

the other was riots carried out by pissed right wing Hindu nationalists in response to the tragedy that occurred in Godhra Narendra Modi did not do sht during the riots and that is his only fault inaction he has even admitted himself he made a mistake by not acting and promised not do the former again.

you can't compare 1984 to 2002 as they are 2 different situations btw Hindus lost there lives in 2002 as well don't forget.

In both events, census data and police records were used to identify people based on their religion and mobs were directed and escorted by police to carry out the massacres.

Modi is a clean politician look what he has done for all Gujaratis 10 years ago Gujarat was comparable to Bihar and Chattisgarh now it is on par with other developed Indian states like Punjab and Kerala

Hitler was also a very capable administrator. If you are wondering about the connection, look up Kristallnacht.
Hitler was also a very capable administrator. If you are wondering about the connection, look up Kristallnacht.

Hitler also openly called for annihilation of Jews. i don't see Modi doing that.
although I have seen a section of Pakistanis calling for jihad against India and to annihilate it with a thousand cuts.
These people also seem to identify themselves as a pure bred Arabic descendents, far superior to those pesky Hindus.

Yea I definitely see the connection in regards to Hitler.
Let the ballot speak.

It has spoken time & again in Gujarat. Modi has been returned to power & the state has become synomous with development and progress.

As regards acceptance, who has asked for it ? Did all of up accept Mayawati ?
apologises for what??? Riots??? There were many riots in India, when one CM came and being apologetic???

Muslim should stop living in past. Godhra and Train burning were dark mark on our country. Better we wash it and move forward. Gujrat riots were bad. it shouln't have happen. It's happen many time that situation goes out of hand.

I would be happier If this gentleman would have asked for apologises from those who started all this (Who burn the train..)

How easy to comment "Lets move on" typing away at home. There's no closure and the wounds will fester untill Modu owns up. Every anti-India organization will use videos from the riots and events like Babri masjid demolition untill there's redressal or justice of any sort. Unless that happens, the communal harmony is only in name.
Thats enough to cause damage. And the trouble is he doesnt apologize either.

He's trapped. Apologize and lose the core-BJP Hindu right-wing vote or not apologize but carry the stain of guilt on his forehead, forever.

inaction during a internal crisis is different from a planned out genocide of more than 3k people did you see Modi leading mobs? did you see him open up prisons so criminals could have there way with the "targeted people" did you see Modi handing out voter lists of people circling "target" names? no while i agree Modi should have acted swiftly that was his only mistake inaction

---------- Post added at 11:59 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:56 PM ----------

please provide me a credible source indicating Modi's involvement in the riots? if you do not have one then please shut up and stop talking crap about Modi the guy literally brought Gujarat up from its knees and this is how you pay him back? we need Modi in south block we need Modi to establish much needed reforms in the country

Modi is a pupil of the country's greatest prime minister AB Vajpayee imagine what he did in Gujarat happening to India mass socio-economic development and a leader with a spine. we lack either of the former today.
Hitler also openly called for annihilation of Jews. i don't see Modi doing that.

A chief executive sets the tone for the organization -- spoken or otherwise. An honest executive owns up and takes responsibility for major failures during his administration.

although I have seen a section of Pakistanis calling for jihad against India and to annihilate it with a thousand cuts. these people also seem to identify themselves as a pure bred Arabic descendents, far more superior to those pesky Hindus.

You have a deplorable penchant to try and divert the topic to Pakistan again and again.

save your false sympathies for someone who will actually believe you.

Nothing false about my sympathies.

Facts are facts, combined with the less-than-subtle anti-Muslim bigotry underlying the claim that Congress "panders to minorities".
what happened in 1984 and 2002 is incomparable one was the organized genocide of a people in response to the justified death of an autocrat carried out and master planned by her party (use of voter lists to identify Sikhs is proof of this)

the other was riots carried out by pissed right wing Hindu nationalists in response to the tragedy that occurred in Godhra Narendra Modi did not do sht during the riots and that is his only fault inaction he has even admitted himself he made a mistake by not acting and promised not do the former again.

you can't compare 1984 to 2002 as they are 2 different situations btw Hindus lost there lives in 2002 as well don't forget.

Modi is a clean politician look what he has done for all Gujaratis 10 years ago Gujarat was comparable to Bihar and Chattisgarh now it is on par with other developed Indian states like Punjab and Kerala

You can't compare both for your convenience..................
What is right for you may not be for me.....................
Facts are facts, combined with the less-than-subtle anti-Muslim bigotry underlying the claim that Congress "panders to minorities".
^ since you seem to like facts, how's this? He has been democratically brought to power by the same muslims that you are crying a river about. enough said.
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