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Will accept Modi if he apologises: UP Muslims

Sounds about right and fair.

The Mullahs must first publicly apologiise to the 950 million Hindus for burning the 60 Kar Sevaks alive.Then only the next phase of whether Modi should apologise arises.

That is fair

Thats enough to cause damage. And the trouble is he doesnt apologize either.

He's trapped. Apologize and lose the core-BJP Hindu right-wing vote or not apologize but carry the stain of guilt on his forehead, forever.

Does anyone here think that in a sensitive region like Gujarat whch had borne the brunt of Islamic invasions over the centuries (the most visible being the desecration of the famous Somnath Temple,repeatedly), the gruesome burning of 60 Kar Sevaks by a fanatic mob will go without a reaction ?

Even if Modi's baap himself would have come the riots would have happened. That is the simple truth.

You dont just fry 60 Hindus alive in a Hindu majority state which still has bad memories of Islamic invasions and get away. I dont know what is there to be surprised in the spontanous reaction in Gujarat. Ofcourse that was bad, but that was the natural reaction. And anyone who thinks otherwise is just fooling himself.
A chief executive sets the tone for the organization -- spoken or otherwise. An honest executive owns up and takes responsibility for major failures during his administration.

So when is Pakistan owning up the acts of its NON-STATE-ACTORS ?

Some says, Muslims incited violence against Kar Sevaks travelling in Train. Ok, Agreed it is true. BUT..the fact is Kar Sevaks are the Mujahideen of Rightwing Hinduism...That too has to be understood.

What a excellent job in brainwashing !

Those returning in the trains were mainly Pilgrims to Ayodhya (called Kar Sevaks) and most of them burnt were women and children.

Oh how dangerous women and children were that they deserve to be burnt to death...

Listen its simple - you incode violence against Hindus, expect the same in return..I am being blunt..if you want the Hindus to be good, then be good to them.

What do expect the Hindus to give laddus or what when 60 of them (mostly women and children) were brutally burnt alive in Godhra ?

Absolute BS !

2007 Elections were solely fought on developmental agenda and the only war of words were between Sonia and Modi and that too was initiayed by Sonia.

Modi attacks Congress for appeasement of Muslims

Playing the Bangladeshi card, Gujarat chief minister and BJP leader Narendra Modi today launched a scathing attack on the Tarun Gogoi led Congress government for appeasement of Muslims and its failure to stop illegal infiltration from across the border.[/I]

What is wrong in this ? :what:

Dont people castigate BJP for appeasing the Hindus ?

Double Standards.

BTW anyone from WB, Assma can aattest to the fact how the Commies and Congress have encouraged illegal migrants, provided them voting cards and made them their pet votebank.

Will any Muslim wear the Tilak or tie the holy saffron wrist band.

If no then STFU as you ppl have no right to criticise Modi.

Duh ! who cares ? If they want to be left behind in the progress that is their wish. No one can force the horse to drink the water.

BTW who will then forgive for Gidhra train burning ?

265 against 915 that balance it out?-

310 vs the 745 Muslims.

Hardly the definition of organized murders, let alone genocide.
In Kerala,The cheif minister is a Christian, with Hindus and Muslims forming the rest of the ministerial body. Can this EVER happen in some other state? Take for example, Maharashtra?

Bringing Modi into power will only result in an erosion of the secular values which India holds dear. We must do away with such politics....

What is 'secularism' according to you ?

BTW do you think in a sensitive state like Gujarat burning alive of 60 Hindus and that too mainly women and children who were returning on a pilgrimage will not cause any reaction ? Be frank.

Why do you people forget that it was the Godhra train burnings that started the spontaneous riots ?
why people want Modi to apologize on behalf of saffron terrorists who killed Muslims in 2002? the one thing that pisses me off is that minority religions can be attacked at will without any consequences there 4x the number of Sikhs killed in Delhi compared to the Gujarat riots yet not 1 person has been jailed same in the Gujarat riots except there are even ugly saffron terrorists gloating about there crimes in Gujarat i saw a video of a man being proud of killing a pregnant women

this is why India needs tough minority protection legislation its shameful how we claim to be secular but this crap happens and remains as blotches on our history the Sikh genocide and Gujarat riots are probably the 2 most shameful acts in our country....

So who will protect the Hindus who too get killed in the riots, ironically that were started by certain communities ?

Oh I get, they are Hindus and they deserve to die. Nothing bad about it. Only minorities are the sacred cows.

When will you guys come out of this majority/minority mindset ?

In a Hindu majority community if there is a provocation against Hindus there is bound to be retaliation. That is human nature. If you want to like happily don't provocate the majority community. As simple as that.

Would there have been a Gujarat riot without Godhra train burning ??

BTW regaarding the "shameful acts", there are whole lot of others like Bhagalpur riots, Shah Bano case, virtual neglect of the Kashmiri Pandits etc etc.

About the 84 massacre nothing has been done nothing will ever be, we have seen both BJP and Congress rule in the center.If the biggest minority in the country can't get justice in this country for the crimes done against them in 2002,don't think a minority amongst minority will get justice for something that happened in 1984.


Did the Hindus start the riots ? What were the Mullahs thinnkng when they burnt alive 60 pilgrims in Godhra ?

That they would be given Bharat Ratna for their services ?

Look let me be blunt...if there was no Godhra there would not have been a Guj riots and there would be no dead Muslims or Hindus...Its really that simple.

So why dont you people get that inside your heads and stop barking "Get Modi" and shedding your crocodile tears for the victims of riots ?

BTW which other CM has apologised for the communal riots that have taken place pre-2002 ? Any one ? Just one is sufficient.
yes, the hindus did, didnt they? the fire was accidental wasnt it? not due to muslims afaik

muslims burnt the trains carrying the pilgrims and lot of women,children were killed and you are saying it was accidental:angry:


so who appoligised for it??no body...its the congress govt which highlighted it for votes and still doing it.
and court could not find any proof of his involvement.
muslims burnt the trains carrying the pilgrims and lot of women,children were killed and you are saying it was accidental:angry:


so who appoligised for it??no body...its the congress govt which highlighted it for votes and still doing it.
and court could not find any proof of his involvement.

here's the link

Fire that sparked Gujarat riot was accident: judge -DAWN - International; March 4, 2006

though it was probably started by someone like col purohit to frame muslims. the courts took the lesser option of saying it was an accident is possible.
only gem in indian politics..one man army:devil:
and the mass murderer ALLAH Forbid the day if this man comes to power it will a complete disaster for Muslims of India and ALLAH save them from that day

---------- Post added at 11:01 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:59 AM ----------

The Mullahs must first publicly apologiise to the 950 million Hindus for burning the 60 Kar Sevaks alive.Then only the next phase of whether Modi should apologise arises.

That is fair

Does anyone here think that in a sensitive region like Gujarat whch had borne the brunt of Islamic invasions over the centuries (the most visible being the desecration of the famous Somnath Temple,repeatedly), the gruesome burning of 60 Kar Sevaks by a fanatic mob will go without a reaction ?

Even if Modi's baap himself would have come the riots would have happened. That is the simple truth.

You dont just fry 60 Hindus alive in a Hindu majority state which still has bad memories of Islamic invasions and get away. I dont know what is there to be surprised in the spontanous reaction in Gujarat. Ofcourse that was bad, but that was the natural reaction. And anyone who thinks otherwise is just fooling himself.
and it gave permission you to to kill ten thousand Muslims and insult several women Thanks to shining Indian and Secularism
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