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Wikileaks: US fears bioweapons from India labs

India is not a tool and cannot be! nuke deal, UNSC seat proved that what US gained and what we! China is a more threat to India than US so if India and US join hand against China its natural.


Very right that US is not a threat to India but its otherway specially when US should be worried the prospect that India being progressing economically will be a rival to US

Shameless rupeenews...... made India, Israel top 'failed states' and making Pakistan 'most stable'!!! :rolleyes:

here is the real one...

List of countries by Failed States Index - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Are we heading to being a failed State?
Are we heading to being a failed State?

Read it before posting! :P

rupeenews failstate index


World Rankings
Iraq (Post US invation)
Afghanistan (Post NATO/ISAF/US invastion)
Central African Republic

Foreign Policy/The Fund for Peace failed state ranking....

rupeenews version... :woot:
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Very right that US is not a threat to India but its otherway specially when US should be worried the prospect that India being progressing economically will be a rival to US

Read the post properly before posting. I didn't said US as threat to India but China.
India-the failed state of South Asia
India-the failed state of South Asia Failed States

Are we heading to being a failed State?
Are we heading to being a failed State?

my friend.. i didn't bother going thru the link you sent.. 'cause i think it has nothing to do with the subject us two are talking about.
you have raised a point where you wanted US to take over the security of indian labs. I have countered it & explained to you why US can't.
by bringing up the above you are either short of arguments to support your own wish or you are trolling in a thread started by yourself! which one is it?? let you decide!
@Topic: Its just personal opinion of a diplomat based on his inputs...

As per my knowledge None of indian labs are working on bio-weapon except Bhut-Jholika...
@Topic: Its just personal opinion of a diplomat based on his inputs...

As per my knowledge None of indian labs are working on bio-weapon except Bhut-Jholika...

It is not Bhut - Jholika it is Bhoot Jolokiya
Bhoot mean Ghost
Jolokiya means Chilly
and One Bhoot Jolokiya equal to 400 general chillies
We must cross our fingers and wait for wikileaks from ruppee news mouthpiece now..
"Terrorists planning attacks anywhere in the world could use India's advanced biotechnology industry and large bio-medical research community as potential sources of biological agents," the cable read.
HAfizz what made you post an article which says that india is advanced in some field.ehhh???strange
"The harsh reality is that you can bribe a guard with a pack of cigarettes to get inside," the expert was quoted as saying.
yes a sad reality
Very right that US is not a threat to India but its otherway specially when US should be worried the prospect that India being progressing economically will be a rival to US

USA should not be worried of terrorist getting into India labs.

India will terminate any terrorists from Pakistan, that tries to do it.
Buddy, if you like I can scan the internet for such articles but what I said above was after my interaction with some one in the defence circles, cannot post details about him but rest assured India does have a very old biological weapons program. Infact, may I add, India is the only other country after US and Russia to still maintain smallpox virus strain.

DRDE Gwalior is one of only 3 such institutes worldwide which provides training on how to tackle bio weapons. :D

Western countries feel DRDE Gwalior also has a massive underground lab where India manufactures bio weapons.

Lets not divulge any more information on this.

Totally agree bro...even i had discussions with some officials. They said even we secretly posses chemical weapons as well. Afterall we are leaders in bio-technology and pharma :)
Shameless rupeenews...... made India, Israel top 'failed states' and making Pakistan 'most stable'!!! :rolleyes:

here is the real one...

List of countries by Failed States Index - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Read it before posting! :P

rupeenews failstate index


World Rankings
Iraq (Post US invation)
Afghanistan (Post NATO/ISAF/US invastion)
Central African Republic

Foreign Policy/The Fund for Peace failed state ranking....

rupeenews version... :woot:

WTF!!! Pakistan stable...China borderline and India critical?
U.S is most feared on this planet when it comes to nukes or bioweapons. the great example is Iraq, there was just a rumour of Iraq having bioweapons & look what U.S did to that country.
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