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Wikileaks: US fears bioweapons from India labs

Yes US is planning to Threaten us with Drone strikes... if we dont give them control..

On a Serious note .... we are a free country .... and we dont give a hoot about it .....and the US know even if they actually fear (i doubt the genuineness of the article) they cant do sh1t........


Nuclear weapons won't make you impregnable. I don't think India need fear the US, since the US fears China. India is just a useful tool to help counter China and keep it busy. China will be getting too strong soon though.
TRUST me thay can do a lot about if thay wanted to :disagree:

Yes what you said is completely TRUE.

They should first try with PRC, if they are successful than can try for India. :)

You first try with an easy task then you move on to a more difficult task.

If the security of the Chinese labs were not good then wouldn't Uncle SAM mention it ????

India is a democractic country and world 4th largest economy not most Banna republic running on American Aid.

Uncle SAM is the only Policeman in this world so he has the right to protect the International community from Indian Biological Weapons

on what basis?? india is not obliged to USA in any which way. above logic of yours only applies to those countries who live at the mercy of USA!!

USA has every right to seek control of Indian Biological Labs because of the weak Indian security that guards the labs....imagine Terrorists getting their hands on Indian Biological Weapons. These Biological weapons then will be used against USA and the West. So the USA has the right to prevent things from happening.
I read that somewhere...would you like to post more about it. thanks

Buddy, if you like I can scan the internet for such articles but what I said above was after my interaction with some one in the defence circles, cannot post details about him but rest assured India does have a very old biological weapons program. Infact, may I add, India is the only other country after US and Russia to still maintain smallpox virus strain.

DRDE Gwalior is one of only 3 such institutes worldwide which provides training on how to tackle bio weapons. :D

Western countries feel DRDE Gwalior also has a massive underground lab where India manufactures bio weapons.

Lets not divulge any more information on this.
Thats not entirely true. :D

Not openly accepted, India is known to have a secret bio weapons programme.

If not openly accepted we do not have them! You know why!! :D

India has a very potent biotechnology industry where they are working on medical and anti-bio warfare technologies, so its not difficult for us to make bio weapons and I think we dont! ;)
USA has every right to seek control of Indian Biological Labs because of the weak Indian security that guards the labs....imagine Terrorists getting their hands on Indian Biological Weapons. These Biological weapons then will be used against USA and the West. So the USA has the right to prevent things from happening.

my friend it's india we are talking about. not any banana republic which survives on aides given by the west, so they can jump in & dictate how they should run a sovereign country's internal security.
there is quite a lot wrong in india internally. but no country dares to interfere in our internal matters.. you know why?? we don't let them!
Nuclear weapons won't make you impregnable. I don't think India need fear the US, since the US fears China. India is just a useful tool to help counter China and keep it busy.

India is not a tool and cannot be! nuke deal, UNSC seat proved that what US gained and what we! China is a more threat to India than US so if India and US join hand against China its natural.

China will be getting too strong soon though.
So is India.
I think US' fears are valid. :yes: They maybe after our chilli bombs. :lol:

Curry bomb! Indian army chiefs reveal latest weapon in war on terror: the world's hottest chili


Indian army chiefs are set to deploy a new weapon to win the war on terror.

Weapons development experts have developed an eye-watering spice bomb, packed with a potent mix made from the bhut jolokia chili - recognised as the world's hottest.

Scientists from India's Defence Research and Development Organisation have created an 81-mm tear-gas like grenade.

The new grenade will help its soldiers to immobilise enemy fighters, and allow them to be captured, without long-term injury.

The thumb-sized bhut jolokia, or 'ghost chili,' was accepted by Guinness World Records in 2007 as the world’s spiciest chili. It is grown and eaten in India’s north-east for its taste, as a cure for stomach troubles and a way to fight the crippling summer heat.

It has more than one million Scoville units, the scientific measurement of a chili’s spiciness. Classic Tabasco sauce ranges from 2,500 to 5,000 Scoville units, while jalapeno peppers measure anywhere from 2,500 to 8,000.

LOL... :lol:

So wait the Indian army is going to capture troops by giving them stomach ulcers... GG! :tongue:
LOL... :lol:

So wait the Indian army is going to capture troops by giving them stomach ulcers... GG! :tongue:

they will have to come out frm their hides out when these chillies will be used,u know whom i m talking about?:chilli:
American should be more bothered about Terroist getting their hands on Pakistani Nukes.

India is a democractic country and world 4th largest economy not some banana republic running on American Aid.

Though off topic and had been discussed many times in the past.

Still your logic does not mean that US or for that matter specially the world should close eyes to the Indian nukes and chemical, biological weapons' security since when India has no command and control system, since Indian serving army officer had been found involved in shipping Indian army RDX for terrorist activities in own country.

since he had been found involved in bombing in India.

The nukes are more dangerous than anyone keeping in mind the over two dozen insurgencies going on in India. The weapons falling in hands of Hindu militants who have links with Indian army personnel can wreck havoc not only in India but could also be used against regional countries .
my friend it's india we are talking about. not any banana republic which survives on aides given by the west, so they can jump in & dictate how they should run a sovereign country's internal security.
there is quite a lot wrong in india internally. but no country dares to interfere in our internal matters.. you know why?? we don't let them!

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