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Wikileaks: US fears bioweapons from India labs


Jun 28, 2010
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Wikileaks: US fears bioweapons from India labs
The Associated Press: Wikileaks: US fears bioweapons from India labs

U.S. officials fear lax security at Indian laboratories could make the facilities targets for terrorists seeking biological weapons, according to comments in a leaked U.S. diplomatic cable made public Friday.

The cable sent from the U.S. Embassy in New Delhi in June 2006 said Indian government officials regarded the chances of a bioterror attack here as extremely small. Regardless, India's surveillance system and its public health system were ill-prepared for the possibility, the cable said.

But a greater concern appeared to be the danger that terror groups could take advantage of weak security at Indian laboratories to steal "bacteria, parasites, viruses or toxins" for use in attacks elsewhere, according to the 2006 cable.

"Terrorists planning attacks anywhere in the world could use India's advanced biotechnology industry and large bio-medical research community as potential sources of biological agents," the cable read. "Given the strong air connections Delhi shares with the rest of the world and the vulnerabilities that might be exploited at airports, a witting or unwitting person could easily take hazardous materials into or out of the country."

The cable, marked confidential, was obtained by WikiLeaks and posted Friday on the Website of the British newspaper The Guardian.

"Getting into a facility to obtain lethal bio-agents is not very difficult here," one expert, whose name was redacted from the cable, told U.S. diplomats.

A second expert said that academic research facilities maintain only very loose security procedures. "The harsh reality is that you can bribe a guard with a pack of cigarettes to get inside," the expert was quoted as saying.

One source told the diplomats that India's thousands of biological scientists also could pose a problem.

"Recruitment of Indian scientists by anti-U.S. extremists, either for ideological brotherhood or for commercial gain, could pose a significant threat," the cable read.

Indian officials were not immediately available for comment.

While India has not been the target of a biological attack, it has suffered devastating conventional terror strikes, including a 2001 attack on its parliament and the 2008 attack by 10 Pakistan-based militants who laid siege to the city of Mumbai for 60 hours.

Indian officials made it clear that they were focusing more on a possible nuclear or chemical attack — presumably from longtime rival Pakistan — than a biological one, the cable read.

While many countries are also poorly prepared for a bioterror attack, the cable said, "few live in the kind of dangerous neighborhood that India does, where terrorism, lax security, petty corruption, high population density, weak public health and agricultural infrastructures, and a booming and sophisticated biotech industry coexist."

India might not even know such an attack was happening, the cable said.

"Given the number of diseases endemic to India the (government) would have a hard time differentiating between a newly emerging or re-emerging disease and a bio-terrorism attack," the cable said.

Then shouldn't USA take over the control of the security of the Indian Labs ???
Then shouldn't USA take over the control of the security of the Indian Labs ???

Yes US is planning to Threaten us with Drone strikes... if we dont give them control..

On a Serious note .... we are a free country .... and we dont give a hoot about it .....and the US know even if they actually fear (i doubt the genuineness of the article) they cant do sh1t........

I think US' fears are valid. :yes: They maybe after our chilli bombs. :lol:

Curry bomb! Indian army chiefs reveal latest weapon in war on terror: the world's hottest chili


Indian army chiefs are set to deploy a new weapon to win the war on terror.

Weapons development experts have developed an eye-watering spice bomb, packed with a potent mix made from the bhut jolokia chili - recognised as the world's hottest.

Scientists from India's Defence Research and Development Organisation have created an 81-mm tear-gas like grenade.

The new grenade will help its soldiers to immobilise enemy fighters, and allow them to be captured, without long-term injury.

The thumb-sized bhut jolokia, or 'ghost chili,' was accepted by Guinness World Records in 2007 as the world’s spiciest chili. It is grown and eaten in India’s north-east for its taste, as a cure for stomach troubles and a way to fight the crippling summer heat.

It has more than one million Scoville units, the scientific measurement of a chili’s spiciness. Classic Tabasco sauce ranges from 2,500 to 5,000 Scoville units, while jalapeno peppers measure anywhere from 2,500 to 8,000.
Yes US is planning to Threaten us with Drone strikes... if we dont give them control..

On a Serious note .... we are a free country .... and we dont give a hoot about it .....and the US know even if they actually fear (i doubt the genuineness of the article) they cant do sh1t........


TRUST me thay can do a lot about if thay wanted to :disagree:
india is already in usa control.

How is it? :lazy:

1) USA dont have any bases in India.
2) India dont take any military aid from USA.
3) Blackwater dont roam in India.
4) No drone attack on Indian civilians.

Recent India-US joint statement says that India and US are partners in working together in Asia and Africa. India so far has good relation with Myanmar and Iran.
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Then shouldn't USA take over the control of the security of the Indian Labs ???

on what basis?? india is not obliged to USA in any which way. above logic of yours only applies to those countries who live at the mercy of USA!!
As India do not have any biological weapons, the chance of terrorist attack there is minimum. Most of the labs are purely medical or else for anti-biological warfare.
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