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wikileak , Indian style


Jun 28, 2010
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Leaked tapes put India, media in crisis
Leaked tapes put India, media in crisis - CNN.com

While the whistleblower website WikiLeaks is shaking up the United States and its diplomatic relations with the international community, India has got its own spate of "audio leaks" which has gripped local media and the public.

The controversy has hit top government officials, some of the nation's wealthiest tycoons and the 'Oprah of India.'

Recordings of phone conversations between a lobbyist and prominent journalists, industrialists and politicians leaked in the past few weeks reveal that some of India's most influential journalists served as power brokers for a deal that is considered one of India's biggest scams ever.

The "2G scam," as it is known in India, involves telecommunications minister A. Raja underselling mobile phone licenses in the world's fastest growing mobile phone market.

The leaked audio tapes recorded in 2009 reveal lobbyist Niira Radia asking senior journalists Barkha Dutt, group editor of leading news channel NDTV, and Vir Sanghvi, advisory editorial director of the Hindustan Times, to mediate with the ruling Congress party about cabinet posts.

The tapes suggest Radia was lobbying for the continuation of Raja's post as telecommunications minister after the 2009 elections and both journalists agreed to help.

Indian auditors say this cost the country some $40 billion in lost revenues as the mobile phone licenses were sold at prices set in 2001 under Raja's watch.

Raja was forced to resign last month, but the 2G scam has put parliament in a logjam for the past two weeks as recriminations fly across party lines.

While allegations of corruption are commonplace in India, revelations that some of India's most influential journalists were involved have shocked the public.

Dutt is known as the 'Oprah of India' and Sanghvi is a widely-read columnist.

"It's very, very disappointing. Neither of them is corrupt, nobody is saying they are corrupt. But corruption when it involves ethics is worse then taking money," senior political journalist Tavleen Singh told CNN.

Some 104 tapes have been leaked and are now widely available on the internet.

The transcripts were first published in two Indian magazines, which sourced them to audio recordings submitted recently to the Supreme Court as part of the 2G scam.

While the recordings feature many conversations, the focus has been on Radia's multiple conversations with Dutt and Sanghvi.

In one conversation, Dutt says to Radia, "What do you want me to tell them (Congress Party)? Tell me, I'll talk to them."

In another recording, Sanghvi tells Radia he can offer a fully scripted and rehearsed TV interview for India's wealthiest man Mukesh Ambani.

Radia's public relations firm represents Mukesh Ambani's Reliance Industries and the Tata Group.

"When I started out as journalist in Delhi, the government had other ways of controlling the media. It used to be by giving free houses and other freebies like trips with the prime minister. Now they are controlling access. So if journalists cooperate, they are given exclusive access to information, VIP parties and this is most worrying," Singh said.

One of the recordings also features Radia's conversation with the head of India's largest conglomerate, Ratan Tata.

Tata petitioned the Supreme Court on Monday to bar further dissemination of the tapes, contending the leakage has infringed upon his fundamental right to privacy.

"We have somewhat slipped into a morass of series of allegations ... unauthorized tapes flooding ... the media going crazy on alleging, convicting, executing ... literally character assassination ... stop this sort of Banana Republic kind of attack," Tata said in a statement.

While both Dutt and Sanghvi have not denied the authenticity of the recordings, they both maintain they were simply placating a source for news gathering purposes and believe they have done no wrong.

In a Twitter post, Dutt said: "Unless we only cover news based on bland press conferences, we have to talk to all sorts, good and bad, I think there is nothing wrong in stringing along a source for info,....I think EVERY journo has the right to engage a source, its (sic) NO CRIME...as a matter of record, I never passed the message. But info sharing per so is not immoral in a fluid news situations."

Other senior journalists believe the Indian media is facing a crisis of credibility.

"The feedback I'm getting is nobody trusts us journalists anymore," Singh said.

"Barkha and Vir are very good friends of mine, I still continue to respect them. But I just wish they had said sorry and ended it there. India has 300 television channels, most of them in very rural areas. If this is happening in Delhi just look at the consequences lower down."

Very soon India will come up with a lame excuse to put the whistle blower in Jail.
Guys this feller is known to change the topics to his convenience every time, especially for India related. So please be careful lest this turns in to flame war.
India being run like a mafia state,where criminals and cronies get huge kickbacks,aided by a corrupt administration.Look at the number of our MPs and MLAs who have criminal backgrounds and cases aganst them.It's no wonder that a "raider" like Radiia effortlessly slithered into this viper's pit of corruption and along with her fellow barkha dutt,fixed relationships,found ministerial berths and did tricks for the politico-business classes while furthering their own nests.

India being run like a mafia state,where criminals and cronies get huge kickbacks,aided by a corrupt administration.Look at the number of our MPs and MLAs who have criminal backgrounds and cases aganst them.It's no wonder that a "raider" like Radiia effortlessly slithered into this viper's pit of corruption and along with her fellow barkha dutt,fixed relationships,found ministerial berths and did tricks for the politico-business classes while furthering their own nests.


Thank for telling the truth. The only Indian in this forum. :tup:
Very soon India will come up with a lame excuse to put the whistle blower in Jail.


Very glad that people taking that much interest in our internal affairs .

But what about 10% ;)
Pakistan is the true democracy in this region. Pakistan has full media freedom and freedom of speech. Bhartis are just show off.

Frequent banning of facebook and youtube and a number of other sites.
restricting google searches.
Banning of Geo and Ary. Raiding Geo Tv office.
Murdering a number of journalists.

These didn't happen in India
Pakistan is the true democracy in this region. Pakistan has full media freedom and freedom of speech. Bhartis are just show off.

True. I agree. Pakistan has Media freedom, freedom of speech, Freedom of weapons, Freedom of Bomb, Freedom of terrorist organizations, etc.

My fellow indian members doesn't know this mate. you carry-on.
India being run like a mafia state,where criminals and cronies get huge kickbacks,aided by a corrupt administration.Look at the number of our MPs and MLAs who have criminal backgrounds and cases aganst them.It's no wonder that a "raider" like Radiia effortlessly slithered into this viper's pit of corruption and along with her fellow barkha dutt,fixed relationships,found ministerial berths and did tricks for the politico-business classes while furthering their own nests.


If you can't stand these corrupt MPs and MLAs, why didn't you take up politics and be a honest and clean MP or a MLA buddy.

It's no wonder that a "raider" like Radiia effortlessly slithered into this viper's pit of corruption and along with her fellow barkha dutt

It goes to show that women get equal rights in India, unlike pakistan. (Sarcasm)
Thank for telling the truth. The only Indian in this forum. :tup:

Yeah. He is the only Indian in this form. All other posters are hiding behind Indian flag to defame India.

You can still do better F-16_Falcon, expecting more from you.
Sri.Mani Shankar Iyer has himself remarked that the Congress has moved far to the right.If it had any strong Leftist inclinations,they are diluted greatly as of now.Those partymen who espoused socialist thinking have been mostly sidelined as the Congress sold off a huge part of the country to the US.It echoes Arun Shourie's comment about the BJP and Congress being very similar today.Crony Capitalism as we are seeing with this Congress led coalition regime, reminds me a lot of JR Jayawardene's similarly corrupt regime in Lanka in the early '80s.he also like PM MM Singh spoke of a "dharmista" (just) society,claimed to be clean as washing powder,but in fact,presided over a rotten entity which inevitably floundered on the ethnic issue.Right at this moment,we are seeing on television reports about Gadkari's son's mega wedding tamasha at Nagpur,house worth crores and a BMW for the son,the show costing allegedly about 25 crores,a lakh+ guests,CMs,ministers,MPs,MLA's in their dozens all attending.At this juncture with politicos and the entire establishment in disgrace,this mega wedding shows that when it comes to tamashas,all parties are alike.How much time do our politicians spend in attending such functions every year,which prevents them from administering their ministries,states and constituencies? I think if we total it up,we can see that most of what they do is attending one tamasha after another.

Had these scandals erupted in any western nation,we would've ahd half the population on the streets demanding the ouster of the regime.Remember the "orange" and other "coloured" revolutions in former east bloc nations? The scandals pouring out of Pandora's...sorry,Sonia's box of tricksters is getting so large that it is almost impossible to keep track of each day by day.There is now the CVC scandal,linked to the spectrum scandal,linked to the Radiagate scandal,linked to the fixing of cabinet seats scandal,lniked to the CWG scandal,linked to the IPL scandal and so on and on! Where and when will it end? As the great king said,"Who will rid us of these troublesome poliiticians?"
Journalists are second biggest crooks in India, the biggest crooks being SCjs, HCjs and LCjs. The journalists are bigger crooks than neta -- they have all powers without iota of responsibility.Indian Express's Goyenka was a known CIA agent and tried to destabilize Indira only because Indira was making Indian Military Industrial Complex strong, a step US/Russia did not like. N.Ram of The Hindu has been a China puppy. Only super-crooks are employed in IE/Hindu.
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