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Why Young Generations Want To Leave Pakistan

I feel the sentiments of this person so well, all the points they have raised are valid. Though it's not to say that the youth has not started picking up on these points ourselves. We love Pakistan and all of its cultures, at least i do and i try to learn much about the other cultures of Pakistan because i want to promote them better (i already promote it on the platforms i am logged into, i am trying my best to make a change in my own small way and i also want to reconnect with my roots better) (the burger cool western wannabe kids are honestly lame to me on so many levels that i feel repulsed by them)

Our beauty lies in our unity, this is another reason why i was so against Ertugrul Ghazi screening majorly in Pakistan. There is a huge segment of our society that likes to idolize that history rather than learn anything from it. For these people, they are ready to fawn over foreign heros rather than local people, they don't care about the morals or the lessons being taught. It seems that it is hard for a Pakistani to believe that another Pakistani is capable of noble characteristics. Jealousy from each other runs deep in this society and i just want every ethnic group to just embrace and love the other ethnicities as their own. I want the platform of PDF itself to start promoting all the various Cultural and historical aspects of Pakistanis so that we learn more about our own country. I will always give preference to a Pakistani over any foreigner, always.

The amalgamation of the different cultures of Pakistan gives a very beautiful big picture and i want all those insecurity-ridden Pakistanis to notice that. The youth, or at least the younger generation is trying to work for justice over social media but i agree, a lot more work needs to be done. We're speaking on issues of rape, colorism, racism, animal abuse, and much more.

Another mentality of older Pakistanis that deeply disturbs me is the "Let someone else do it, we cannot do it ourselves" one, meaning a person is not ready to stand up for their rights because they feel they won't be able to achieve anything, and will forever wait for some knight in shining armor to come their way and do it. The very fabric of this society does corruption, from the smallest level and there is a LOT of work to be done on Pakistanis. Dare i say we have to start from near ground zero on this.

I have many more frustrations but Kudos to this beautiful person for speaking up on these issues. :tup:
I like Tibet to put on pimples its best for that, but Tibet is not good for sunny day cause it makes your face sweaty , Coke/Pepsi/7up people can drink for digestion , Learning English is not a symbol of slavery actually learning languages are good and it opens up new doors for your professional career , English being International Language that is why people learn it, you can work with it all over the world to some extend, now with Chinese rising influence people are learning Chinese so they can work and communicate with them, does that makes us now slave of Chinese ? Some people learn Arabic to study Quran and Hadith , does that makes us Slave of Arabs ? Logic is not correct , message is to some extend right ..
Nothing wrong with it, we need more and more people outside then inside Pakistan. Its one way to take care of population growth and grow remittances further.
Nothing wrong with it, we need more and more people outside then inside Pakistan. Its one way to take care of population growth and grow remittances further.

If the ones who are immigrating are low skilled Pakistani, then it will be OK, but if the high qualified that leave, then it will be a brain drain. Is there any data that provide the composition of Pakistani immigration based on education level ?

One of my brother who is an electronic engineer (raised and educated in Indonesia) was also working in many western nations, but he never immigrate there and keep his Indonesian citizenship, he is currently in Indonesia and raise his family here.
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What utter tripe. I'm sure all those people working on building sites in Qatar in 50 degree heat are doing so because they hate living in Pakistan and thought being so dehydrated they can't piss anymore was a better way of living abroad. It had nothing to do with trying to find a way of earning money in abject poverty. Maybe they should have joined Julie and her "dancing" group.

Funny that a "woman" called Julie is bashing others for adopting foreign languages, reading foreign books and watching foreign TV shows.

Some people just love to bash the people, rather than focus on the problems. Ask anyone who lives in comfort if they'd even drive 1 hour away for work if they could find the same work for the same money in their own city. Most people wont. The difference is that these people are comfortable. I live a comfortable existence, i won't travel more than 1 hour for work - let alone leave my family, wife, kids to go abroad. If i was desperate - i'd do all that too.

Just because you wealthier people know some rich burger kids who are eager to leave and "see the world" doesn't mean everyone else is.
What utter tripe. I'm sure all those people working on building sites in Qatar in 50 degree heat are doing so because they hate living in Pakistan and thought being so dehydrated they can't piss anymore was a better way of living abroad. It had nothing to do with trying to find a way of earning money in abject poverty. Maybe they should have joined Julie and her "dancing" group.

Funny that a "woman" called Julie is bashing others for adopting foreign languages, reading foreign books and watching foreign TV shows.

Some people just love to bash the people, rather than focus on the problems. Ask anyone who lives in comfort if they'd even drive 1 hour away for work if they could find the same work for the same money in their own city. Most people wont. The difference is that these people are comfortable. I live a comfortable existence, i won't travel more than 1 hour for work - let alone leave my family, wife, kids to go abroad. If i was desperate - i'd do all that too.

Just because you wealthier people know some rich burger kids who are eager to leave and "see the world" doesn't mean everyone else is.
Widespread injustice.
injustice, little to no high paying jobs, high inflation etc etc
Imported stuff in govt, no main governing part. No one owns Pakistan. Jo own kerty thy, woh Mar k bhaga diay gaey. Even patriots like Alamgir and Ashir Azeem left country.
1 banda ghalat hosakta hai, pori qom nahi.
Na-insafi khatam na ki gai, tu mujhe der hai keh yeh mulk nahi bachayga.
Because Tania aidrus and zafar mirza have resigned but pasmaand khota buzdar is still there
The speaker in the video, Julie, is under the wrong impression about living abroad. Generally, many if not most go as economic migrants or career advancement in their fields, while others go as cultural migrants, and others to flee persecution (not necessarily by the state) or a natural disaster.

For the cultural migrants, the experience of living in another culture, especially one where you don’t have any ties or responsibilities can be a liberating experience. These would be people in generations past that have told me, we took the train to Karachi, where they have cabaret shows. These are not people that necessarily hate where they are from, but want to experience novel new experiences, hence the appeal of going to Dubai, these days.

Fleeing natural disasters and persecution speaks for itself. A refugee is a refugee. Seeking shelter where they can find it.

The majority of migrants are economic ones, including those that seek career advancement. All things being equal, people will move to where they can be paid best for their skills. In the US, a Mexican-American Doctor living in California can earn many times what he or she might in Mexico. California, especially Southern California is becoming a nicer extension of Mexico. The rule of law is stronger, regulations are enforced so that quality can be ensured, and a generally higher standard of living can be expected. There are just smaller enclaves like what can be found in Southern California in parts of Mexico.

It’s a trade off. You won’t find anywhere near as good Pakistani food anywhere in America as you would in even a modest restaurant in Pakistan, it’s just not cooked the same way. The cultural mores you wish to pass on to your children will have to reconcile with the culture of the land you live in. You can assimilate into another culture, but mostly on their terms.

For those seeking career advancement though, it has a lot to do with the opportunities available and their own ambitions. In the movie the Reluctant fundamentalist, the protagonist tells the talent scout, “In America I get an equal chance to win, and whether or not you hire me, I’m going to win.” When society is oriented towards allowing these best of the best to realize their ambitions, then you keep them from immigrating. What Elon Musk has done in the US could not have been done in South Africa. Even China has a hard time holding on to the best of the best talent, unless it build state of the art labs and offers considerable resources to allow scientists to do that work that will earn them global recognition.

There are many reasons people immigrate, and there are many that want to come back to Pakistan. For that matter there are many that don’t want to leave family and friends, to start all over again in a new country and new culture. To simply it as everyone wants to immigrate is at best naive.
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