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Why Wouldn’t I get Married?

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I see you have listed the many points that women can do.. What would be the role of a woman per your understanding?

Only one person can drag a person to hell and that is his own self. You will not be answerable for anyone or anything come judgement day.

If you want I can list the particular ayah .. copy pasting google is not my forte.

I would be very interested in that. Even though it does make sense to me that it is my responsibility as a father to ensure my daughter is a good Muslim, to ensure that my wife is a good Muslim, to ensure that my Sister is a good Muslim and to ensure that my Mother is a good Muslim. That does not mean abusing them or harming them in anyway but right training, right arguments, right upbringing and right social networking etc.

But please do explain.
Reason Islam allows 4 wives is many fold:

1) So that the man does not stray
2) So that divorced/widowed women are looked after.
3) So that children are not born out of wedlock
4) To prevent STD's that have only very recently been identified by Science.
and many more.

Have a read of this:

Why is Polygamy allowed in Islam

A man does not stray. I see.

What happens to children born out of wedlock? Are they untouchables because they have no father?

Did you know that having multiple partners causes STD's? I am sure you did. Did you know what multiple partners means? Having 4-10 wives is known as multiple.

I feel that taking care of divorced women is a nobel thing to do, till they get married to someone they choose. You saying that they would be good to have as multiple wives does not actually bode well for the religion. They are not a burden on anyone unless they are practically useless other than sex and bearing children. If you think that cooking and cleaning are specific jobs you want the women of your family to do, then who am i to argue.
I would be very interested in that. Even though it does make sense to me that it is my responsibility as a father to ensure my daughter is a good Muslim, to ensure that my wife is a good Muslim, to ensure that my Sister is a good Muslim and to ensure that my Mother is a good Muslim. That does not mean abusing them or harming them in anyway but right training, right arguments, right upbringing and right social networking etc.

But please do explain.

I have missed a few pages .. probably because I am late .. but I do understand what you are trying to convey. You are explaining what Islam meant. not what is being practiced. As every society is broken down into good and bad people, we have to see the % of those that are actually following what is actually preached some 1400 years ago. The high birth rate that was required due to wars and other deaths due to illnesses as well as mens horniness were subdued by marrying more females who at the time were incapable of taking care of themselves. As time passed, we stand today in 2012.. where a poor guy can hardly dream of marrying more than one drama into his house of 5 children who were born by a case not much different than any western countries "out of wedlock". The west does it for entertainment purposes and here it is done for the lack of it. "Allah ki Dain hai" is definitely not the right answer. If these are the muslims you are trying to explain religion to than by all means be my guest. But if you want to talk to people that actually know the role of a female and what great things she can do other than cook and clean, then I will tell you stories that will blow your mind. Again .. those stories are by me and not Quran or Sunnah .. I will try to explain as best as I can taking all those 3 into account. Or I could become a mindless robot and keep repeating what I say over and over again like one of my other brothers.
Those examples were in reply to evolution of Religion...IF the basic theory of a medicine is not changed over years....HOW can the basic theory of religion change? Plus I gave the simplest example of translation change somewhere...If you are real to your curiosity you will search it :)

It is somewhere on this thread between pages 25 to now!

What's with the business with basic theory of medicine, I was talking about evolution in general. Medicine has evolved & will continue to evolve. The basic theories of religions need not change, the basic theories of those who follow it needs to.
However, the word of God is not bound by time or space. It is not bound by the physical laws as everything and everyone submits to Him alone.

Obviously not everyone or we would not be having this discussion. Your religion or any other, at best can claim to have a minority following in the total population of the world. Hardly everyone, then! I expect no direct change in religion itself but hopefully in the attitudes of the believers. Religion, any religion is the sum of its followers. If they does not evolve, they will be in conflict with those who have. True all those years back, true now.
I would be very interested in that. Even though it does make sense to me that it is my responsibility as a father to ensure my daughter is a good Muslim, to ensure that my wife is a good Muslim, to ensure that my Sister is a good Muslim and to ensure that my Mother is a good Muslim. That does not mean abusing them or harming them in anyway but right training, right arguments, right upbringing and right social networking etc.

But please do explain.

How about if the case was the other way around? An idiot got a devoted wife? Does she have to listen to his craziness? After all he will PREACH he is head!
..... then who am i to argue.

There is an old saying in Kannada(language of Karnataka) which goes something like this (translated): "Just because you have a strong head does not mean that you should go & bang it against a boulder"..... that's a bit like what you are doing....:)
A man does not stray. I see.

What happens to children born out of wedlock? Are they untouchables because they have no father?

Did you know that having multiple partners causes STD's? I am sure you did. Did you know what multiple partners means? Having 4-10 wives is known as multiple.

Lets not get carried away! STD can ONLY be contracted IF 1 partner has it...IF any of his 4 wives brings it from a foreign man or if he himself gives it to all 4 of his wives!
What's with the business with basic theory of medicine, I was talking about evolution in general. Medicine has evolved & will continue to evolve. The basic theories of religions need not change, the basic theories of those who follow it needs to.

Seriously? Basic theory of medicines have evolved? Then ask them to come up with a drug like penicillin without using ANYTHING that was found in the original penicillin! They still use the basic theories and will still use the same chemicals maybe extracted from a different source!
Basics of alot of things in the world are still the same otherwise there would be some serious changes!!

Learn science and you will see the basics still as the basic...An acid plus alkaline will not suddenly give you something else except salt + water

The basic chemicals used in some medicine is still the same just extracted/ purified differently!
There is an old saying in Kannada(language of Karnataka) which goes something like this (translated): "Just because you have a strong head does not mean that you should go & bang it against a boulder"..... that's a bit like what you are doing....:)

We have a saying in ISLAM: You are not considered a Muslim if you do not want the same goodness as you want for yourself!
Lets not get carried away! STD can ONLY be contracted IF 1 partner has it...IF any of his 4 wives brings it from a foreign man or if he himself gives it to all 4 of his wives!

Thats absurd .. STD's are not God's gift. That would be the chicken and egg debate. Which came first? STD's or Sex? The only way STD's can be contained is by wearing a condom. The % of people who get STD's with one partner is very very low. But not non-existent. Multiple partners that % increases in the double digits. And so on and so forth. If I am missing something I am all ears.
Basics of alot of things in the world are still the same otherwise there would be some serious changes!!

Learn science and you will see the basics still as the basic...An acid plus alkaline will not suddenly give you something else except salt + water

The basic chemicals used in some medicine is still the same just extracted/ purified differently!

It is constantly evolving. Just like religions through the times.
Seriously? Basic theory of medicines have evolved? Then ask them to come up with a drug like penicillin without using ANYTHING that was found in the original penicillin! They still use the basic theories and will still use the same chemicals maybe extracted from a different source!

This is becoming both pointless & a unnecessary display of cussedness. I'm careful with my words, maybe you should read them carefully too. You are now at risk of arguing for the sake of it. Evolution of medicine is a continuous, ongoing process. The medicines used today have changed from the ones used before, The procedures done today are not the same as those done 30 years ago let alone a much larger span of time. The equipment changes, everything changes.That is evolution. '

Btw, there are now many strains of bacteria which display penicillin resistance & that can only be handled by evolution. The bacteria has evolved & so must the treatment.

Yup things change, believers must too.
Never understood what that meant! Nor do I understand how can an elephant headed man be god or a huge monkey - not in mockery but that is how I see it! I have a few questions but if I ask I would be blamed for mockery!

The same way your imiginary friend is. No mockery intended, but asking ANY questions is mockery and must be punished with death. For good reason too. Rules you see, imaginary friend given.
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