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Why Wouldn’t I get Married?

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Everything can change, If Mohammed here at this time, may be wise man will let women to work, The religion dominants the spirit world and loose the real world
Sir orders of Islam don't change Sir they never have changed never will they Sir the rule will remain clear if women wants to work she can work with the permission of her husband and if environment is Islamic other wise not
If husband allows and environment of the job is according to Shariah its okay but main duty of women is to care of her home if she can't focus than she had to avoid job

Thats common sense. The % of women that want to ignore their home, children and husbands is very very low.
well, women have complete right to pursue the career they want

I also believe that a man should help his wife as much as possible, to pursue her career.

however, i am glad that this articles shows the problems through which a person goes when it turns from a dependent boy into an independent, responsible man.

Men, generally, marry in late 20s because they need 4 to 5 years to settle which includes getting a job, then switching to another job for better prospects and salary etc.

for most men these process is tough, but they do it

After marriage they continue working very hard to earn more and more money to keep their family happy> first for wife, then children.

As late Shri Wamanrao Pai correctly said." Wife and Children are jewels of a Man."

i wish that more and more women realize the pain through which a man has to go, that's it.
Sir I said that if husband is allowed and the environment is Islamic that women can work even if their is no need to earn for her just want to work but if husband doesn't allow she can't work simple as that
So its all about to maintain the superiority of man over nothing else be it hijab be it woman carreer everything has to be imposed by man or done by his permission.......:rolleyes:
Zarvan, never expected such a thread from you. Did you even understand it? :D
I won't get married cozz, like on bollywood there are no easy good looking bitches swaggering it around!
Zarvan yara, you have some sort of obsession with enslaving women. Dude, you need such things checked out!
Just my opinion:

People should marry early...Then when the child is say 10 and mother in mid 30s she can go back to work or something...not very practical but like I said my opinion...

That is to say marriages, and point in interest to early marriages. It is a common belief among certain women that marrying at an earlier age is somehow binding them to their bread earner hence curtailing their independence.

Not unless she marries and continues her studies then allowed to work! Ideal situation - but a few of my friends have been doing that soo...It was an interesting method!

I am sure a lot of readers here have and do certainly quote the glamorous lifestyle of the west. Well, one thing apart from marrying or not on their free will, men, women working as equals, or perceived to be working as equals as not many women are ever allowed to advance much in their careers,

I have heard, seen and recently got a conviction from a few Italians that it is true that it is still difficult for women to advance to the top after a certain level...Maybe it is unique to Italy!

having financial independence of spending, touring and living as they like, leaves, a vast majority of the population from 24 to 45 years of age alone, unmarried and companionless.

Sounds like me :sick:
Why wouldnt you get married, because you dont like women.

You dont want a partner a lover to share your life with you want a servant you can control.
Why wouldnt you get married, because you dont like women.

You dont want a partner a lover to share your life with you want a servant you can control.

Lollz...Seems like every wife ends up that way in the East while she wears the Pants in most parts of the West...Why is it all well at couple level then it all suddenly changes when people enter marriage? W-H-Y?

Same man same woman! Would be gaga with each other than suddenly 1 becomes a dictator while the other the slave...why no equality?
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