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Why would people from China, the world's second-biggest economy, risk their lives to enter the UK?

It appears the victims were mix of Chinese and Vietnames.

However, the BBC now understands at least three of those on board may have been from Vietnam.


Yup as expected again this what I say the current neo liberal economic system of cheap labor exploitation needs to end govts all round dont do crap cause big corporate wants cheap flexible migrants to exploit
Brah are all Chinese the same yellow with eye lids lol,no not all Pakistanis are brown and I hate when a good chunk of our 2nd gen diaspora types harp on being brown when a good chunk of our country is mostly swarthy looking or olive skin lol

Precisely, I think the UK mistaken those dead as Chinese just becos they are oriental looking.
Precisely, I think the UK mistaken those dead as Chinese just becos they are oriental looking.

Depends but let's wait till we get the autopsy reports out I know the Brits call it post mortem anyways let's wait
"VietHome, an organisation for the Vietnamese community in Britain, said it had received news from 10 families that their relatives were missing."
My sons Chinese friend told me in China often 10 students will be renting one room and sleep in a triple shared bunk of 8 hour shifts and elecity is cut off after 10 pm. With such conditions is it surprising we see this happen? It's about quality of life.

I don't know which kind of "university" your son's Chinese friend studied at. To my knowledge, 4-6 students share a dorm on campus, usually looks like the following photo:


"sleep in a triple shared bunk of 8 hour shifts " is totally unheard of, not even 30-40 years ago when China was in her poorest time. If you would even derive your conclusion “about quality of life" based this "info" alone, then it says something about you as a mature adult.
In other developments, I saw Vietnamese workers quite regularly in Shenzhen. Engineers, machinists, process engineers, etc.

Other way around also works. I know people who travel near regularly to Vietnam to run factories there.
excluding sub sahran Africa, leaving your country for economic reasons is the most stupid thing you could do, the harsh trueth is that.. if you are a loser in your country then you will remain a loser no matter which place you go to, if you are a beggar in Iraq, Vietnam, China, Pakistan, India etc.. then you will remain a beggar if you go to Germany or UK, if you are successfull in your country then you will be succesfull if you go to another country.

my uncle is a doctor, he is very smart & a workaholic who got top grades, he was succesfull in Iraq, he latter on went to Germany & now he got two houses in the middle of a major city one is 500 meters & he also has more than one car one of which cost more than 100k dollars.

my aunt also went to Germany with her husband, the husband was a freelancer if I'm not mistaken & they had a farm, back when she was in Iraq they didn't earn much but they had a big house & they always had enough money to buy what ever consumer electronics they want they had an easy comfortable life, after they went to Germany they started earning more money but surprise surprise.. taxes are so great that they have less money than what they got back in Iraq to buy goods.
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