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Why would people from China, the world's second-biggest economy, risk their lives to enter the UK?

The news reports only stated that a few Vietnamese family may have had loved ones again I am saying there could be two factors assuming they were some females they could be Vietnamese who may have gotten fake documents or at some point were married to a Chinese person possible as Vietnamese females in recent years are are trying to tie not with wealthy Chinese across the border again I am not sure how Chinese citizenship process is I doubtful PRC does that pleas correct me 2nd the truck could have had both Chinese and Vietnamese victims
Few Vietnamese but China embassy so far failed to ID any of the victim as Chinese national. If they are not Chinese national, of cos they can't get any info since there is nothing inside their database.
I have not but my son has been to Beijing University as exchange student also visited Shanghai. Was most impressed. The infra made UK look 3rd world. And yes maybe next year I will go see China first hand.[/QUOTE]
Regardless I am not trying to point China as third world country I mean Shanghai subways are no doubt cleaner than the pissed Stained subway I deal with every day here
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Although I missed the boat but I think in todays world learning Chinese is strong asset. With a hyper-economy and 1.4 billion population there is huge advantage in learning Chinese. Although I understand it is difficult.
Although I missedthe boat but I think in todays world learning Chinese is strong asset. With a hyper-economy and 1.4 billion population there is huge advantage in learning Chinese. Although I understand it is difficult.

I always wanted to learn Mandarin as I saw it pretty useful but was never offered it in HS in Middle School it was only offered to 2nd gen Chinese American students
I always wanted to learn Mandarin as I saw it pretty useful but was never offered it in HS in Middle School it was only offered to 2nd gen Chinese American students
I think it offers huge advantage and even more in the future. My son is learning it from his Chinese friends. The business partnership has huge prospects.
Anyone who asks such a question probably has stayed in his bedroom for WAY TOO LONG. China has 1.4 billion people. Like a Chinese saying that says: when a forest is big enough, there are all kinds of birds in it.
I saw that last year. NYC looks like a has been city. Well past it's prime. Full of Blacks and wild Latinos.

NYC lost its prime because of white flight of the 70s to Long Island and the suburbs the only white folks left are pockets of Queens,Brooklyn tho Staten Island is still. Very white and Italian/Irish tho most whites here are recent immigrants from Former USSR,Yugoslavia and Albania
I think it offers huge advantage and even more in the future. My son is learning it from his Chinese friends. The business partnership has huge prospects.

I think I will just to that self teach myself and since I deal with Chinese folks on daily basis would not hurt to practice

My son like me is a keep fit junkie. Jogs, treks, sport is his passion.

Nice the opposite of me lol

You son looks very white, mixed blood?

Brah are all Chinese the same yellow with eye lids lol,no not all Pakistanis are brown and I hate when a good chunk of our 2nd gen diaspora types harp on being brown when a good chunk of our country is mostly swarthy looking or olive skin lol

Although I missed the boat but I think in todays world

You could be like Gweilo60 who is China vlogger who is like 60 something retired there and learned to speak mandarin
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