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Why west countries are so vulnerable to the virus? Because you were fooled by lies made by yourself


Jun 7, 2011
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Media in western countries tirelessly badmouth China. As a result, People in west believe Chinese government is an evil.

When the Covid-19 broke out in China, western media critisized every measure China adopted.

For example, when China shut down the cities and quarantined people in home, they called it human right violation. When infected people were sent to quarantine hospital, they called the hospital concentration camp(Sounds familiar? Reminds me another lie made by west media about the Uyghur concentration camp. BTW, just like the virus, terrorism in Xinjiang has also been sucessfully eliminated thank to the "concentration camp")

Despising China's political system produced illusions among west countries. 1, Dictatorship is the major reason why the situation went bad. It would not be a problem in a democratic country. 2, All the serious measures Chinese government made are not really that necessary because Chinese government is good at doing wrong things.

Western media, keep making lies, distorting truths about China. Now you pay for what you did. Lies backfired to you.
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Xi's communist malfeasance and misrule fueled China's coronavirus disaster: Sen. Ben Sasse
Chinese citizens deserve a truly clean, adaptive and responsive government with real transparency and democratic accountability.
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Media in western countries tirelessly badmouth China. As a result, People in west believe Chinese government is an evil.

When the Covid-19 broke out in China, western media critisized every measure China adopted.

For example, when China shut down the cities and quarantine people in home, they called it human right violence. When infected people were sent to quarantine hospital, they called the hospital concentration camp(Sounds familiar? Remind me another lie made by west media about the Uyghur concentration camp. BTW, just like the virus, terrorism in Xinjiang has also been sucessfully eliminated thank to the "concentration camp")

Despising China's political system produced illusions among west countries. 1, Dictatorship is the major reason why the situation went bad. It would not be a problem in a democratic country. 2, All the serious measures Chinese government made are not really that necessary because Chinese government is good at doing wrong things.

Western media, keep making lies, distorting truths about China. Now you pay for what you did. Lies backfired to you.
You reap what you sow
When China was hit, they were just laughing, mocking and celebrating with beer and coffee, now they are begging for life saving supplies that they can only hope to get from China.
Must be a hard decision to make for US, considering what US had done to China when we were in dark time. Chinese government has confirmed that US government offered zero aid to China since the disease broke out.
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China make it look easy and they thought they could easily contain it without resorting to draconian measures. They thought that transparency, free media and speech that was needed to contain the virus. Ideological hubris doom them.
1- States have less courage to restrict individuals' freedom. There are already huge street actions in France, there are very strong opposition structures in each of these countries. There is no only-party system in any country here, and every policy is questioned.

2- Individuals are more insensitive about changing their social habits despite all the warnings. The police don't lock them in their homes or soldiers doesn't beat them becase of they dnt obey. People are not willing to sacrifice their social life and habits. Until death comes to them. Despite this, there are countries like Germany that sustain the health system very successfully with minimum restrictions.

3- Since the measures to be taken by Italy were leaked to the media, the spread of the disease increased. In addition, all issues, even problematic images, which are currently lacking by states, are broadcast on national channels. Millions of people criticize these issues.

3- All health data in EU transparent and auditable. Data from Europe(With countries like Japan, S.Korea...) now the healthiest statistical data on the disease.

4- Most of EU states wanted to evaluate this issue with economic parameters for a long time. They were not very interfering with foreign workers or import / export issues. As an example, the region of Lombardy, the center of epidemic disease in Europe, is the region where most Chinese workers are employed in EU. The disease exploded in this area after workers returns from holiday.

When China was hit, they were just laughing, mocking and celebrating with beer and coffee, now they are begging for life saving supplies that they can only hope to get from China.
You cant generalize based on the messages of a few trolls here. According to your logic, if we generalize what you are doing now to all the Chinese people, so the Chinese people are now in a much more disgusting attitude. This virus has spread all over the world with your state's and people's irresponsibility. The measures you take after this epidemic has spread to large areas are of no importance. Still, no one has forgotten where this problem started. Nobody is begging to China. China cannot clear its stupidity so easily.

For the PDF, the political agenda of the Chinese members through the coronavirus has become increasingly disgusting.
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This virus has spread all over the world with your state's and people's irresponsibility. The measures you take after this epidemic has spread to large areas are of no importance. Still, no one has forgotten where this problem started. Nobody is begging to China. China cannot clear its stupidity so easily.
That's what it was like when China locked down the whole country on January.20, we sacrifice the cities , provinces and even the whole country to try to save time for the rest of the world, so what US did? Squandering away the valuable time window and dismissed it as no worse than a common cold.

The virus now in Europe is slightly different from the one in China, that means the main infection started from with Europe, if China can beat it with no prior knowledge about this new virus, how the west can't after almost everything is known about it?


Nobody is begging to China
Maybe not begging , but check the news on how many world leader called China for help, the list is going on.
1- States have less courage to restrict individuals' freedom. There are already huge street actions in France, there are very strong opposition structures in each of these countries. There is no only-party system in any country here, and every policy is questioned.

2- Individuals are more insensitive about changing their social habits despite all the warnings. The police don't lock them in their homes or soldiers doesn't beat them becase of they dnt obey. People are not willing to sacrifice their social life and habits. Until death comes to them. Despite this, there are countries like Germany that sustain the health system very successfully with minimum restrictions.

3- Since the measures to be taken by Italy were leaked to the media, the spread of the disease increased. In addition, all issues, even problematic images, which are currently lacking by states, are broadcast on national channels. Millions of people criticize these issues.

3- All health data in EU transparent and auditable. Data from Europe(With countries like Japan, S.Korea...) now the healthiest statistical data on the disease.

4- Most of EU states wanted to evaluate this issue with economic parameters for a long time. They were not very interfering with foreign workers or import / export issues. As an example, the region of Lombardy, the center of epidemic disease in Europe, is the region where most Chinese workers are employed in EU. The disease exploded in this area after workers returns from holiday.
To summary. Western people don't have respect to the virus because they still don't know how contagious and deadly it is. It's ignorance rather than brave or rationality.
West as well... like Pakistan has let the virus flow freely until couple of weeks ago.
Politicians were in perfect position to announce measures in advance but instead they let the virus spread.
There was no point in keeping borders open without checks.
I have seen countries in Africa having taken precautions against contagious virus, but non of the largest European airport was having any measures in place until a week ago.
I'm not saying it's a conspiracy but there's clearly an effort by European politicians to profit from it.
Now all the lock down is useless.
At least there are is some honesty from some European govt. and they state on reporting websites that every one will be effected.
Here army imposed curfew starts at 12am because people refused to listen to isolation order.
You can find much more on the Internet, forgive me for my laziness:
The Italian mayor is begging the public. Hundreds of people die every day, but people still don't care, people are on the streets and in the parks, house parties organized. Municipalities are removing benches in parks to prevent people from going to parks. Can you imagine such a thing in China? No, if you're creating a lot of problems, anything can happen to you. Even if you are a doctor, you cannot say everything.
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You can find much more on the Internet, forgive me for my laziness:
The Italian mayor is begging the public. Hundreds of people die every day, but people still don't care, people are on the streets and in the parks, house parties organized. Municipalities are removing benches in parks to prevent people from going to parks. Can you imagine such a thing in China? No, if you're creating a lot of problems, anything can happen to you. Even if you are a doctor, you cannot say everything.
Effective lockdowns need strong governments.

check this out
China make it look easy and they thought they could easily contain it without resorting to draconian measures. They thought that transparency, free media and speech that was needed to contain the virus. Ideological hubris doom them.

Though I admire how china controlled - transparency, free media and speech are very important values. But you first need a strong society before taking up these challenging but ultimately very rewarding values. west believes they have such strong societies - it maybe true sometimes maybe not. But nevertheless the importance of these values do not go down. I hope as china builds it strong society and is able to trust a large part of its people it will usher in tese values.
Though I admire how china controlled - transparency, free media and speech are very important values. But you first need a strong society before taking up these challenging but ultimately very rewarding values. west believes they have such strong societies - it maybe true sometimes maybe not. But nevertheless the importance of these values do not go down. I hope as china builds it strong society and is able to trust a large part of its people it will usher in tese values.
Disagree, ordinary people are irrational and selfish. Dr.Li made it worst. He causes many to flood the hospital with non-critical coronavirus and flu like symptoms when the virus wasn't identified yet. Worst still many fled Wuhan spreading the virus even further. China officials aren't some soviet apparatchik yet Dr.Li trust the public can fix it. The PUBLIC cannot fix it. Just look at the west. Western government on China is not about promoting "strong society". It's only goal is about destabilizing China through dissent, distrust, and disobedient.
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