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Why Waziristan cannot be conquered


Oct 19, 2008
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Why Waziristan cannot be conquered
by A. H. Amin
(Friday, February 13, 2004)

"Beware of despising the tribals. They brought both Muslim and non Muslim Emperors to grief whether it was Jahangir, Shah Jahan, Aurangzeb, Ranjit Singh or the British king."

Those who know the Pathans and their history will know exactly what is happening in Waziristan today and which Lashkar is doing what and for what reason. The tribal Pathans have traditionally been supreme fighters who defied the Mughal occupiers, the Sikh occupiers, the British occupiers and now the latest occupiers, i.e. the US coalition chasing the Pathans and Muslims of various castes and creeds motivated by sheer ideology.

While the tribesmen know the art of resistance they also know the art of extortion from occupiers who try to buy them. Thus while the tribal Pathans killed many thousand occupiers in the British era they also managed to extort many subsidy payments from the British. Thus the same tribesmen who worked as contract laborers making roads for the British during day time, enjoyed sniping and shooting many British officers after sunset or during daytime when not on duty.

Thus when a lashkar of tribesmen appears to be on the payroll of political agents fed by US CIA dollars, all is not what it seems. In this case the tribals are performing an overt function of collaboration and a covert function of increasing their financial muscle which may be subsequently channelised into gun running, drugs or Jihad.

The tribesmen were not loyal subjects of the British. They spent their lives in sniping and ambushing the British and their mercenary Indian troops. Their life script was not to get a BA degree and become a minor civil servant or an ICS officer more loyal than the King. Nor did they get barristers degree and conduct profitable law practices in the courts of the British occupiers.

These men defied the British, killing over 10,000 British or Indian troops from 1849 to 1947, bleeding the British Empire white, forcing the British to maintain a division plus force in the Trans Indus tribal tract. These tribesmen gave sanctuary to Mughal Prince Ferozshah and to the followers of Syed Ahmad Shaheed of Rai Barelly at Malka and Ambela. These tribesmen greeted the British Indian army with fire while many today are famous as great Muslim leaders accepted knighthood and were ridiculed for doing so by Maulana Zafar Ali Khan of "Zamindar" fame.

The tribesmen acceded to Pakistan out of their free will. They were not conquered by the Pakistan Army. As a matter of fact no army including the Mughal, Sikh or British ever succeeded in conquering them. The tribal areas were occupied, overrun but never conquered. Their mosques were never used as stables and powder magazines as many in the tract East of Indus including the Badshahi Mosque of Lahore.

The tribesmen were not saved by the army of the English East India Company unlike the Muslims of Delhi or UP or the Muslims of Punjab and settled Pathan areas were from Hindu Marathas and Sikhs in 1803 and 1849. The tribesmen's mosques were not restored after humble petitioning to the English East India Company as was the case with Badshahi Mosque of Lahore in 1856.

The tribesmen were not willing mercenaries of the British and many Mehsuds, Wazirs and Afridis defected to the German lines in WW-I and returned to Tirah and Waziristan to wage Jihad against the British. The tribesmen cannot be compared with mercenary Muslim troops who opened fire on the Holy Ka'aba on British orders or who gunned down freedom fighters like an FF unit did at Jallianwalla Bagh in 1919.

The tribesmen acceded to Pakistan on the solemn assurance by Mr Jinnah that their customs and their Pathan way of life would not be interfered with. The tribesmen waged Pakistan's first successful Jihad in Kashmir in 1947-48. The tribesmen were used as cannon fodder during the Afghan War of 1979-89 when many generals became rich overnight and won cheap glory without exposing themselves to within 300 miles of hostile fire. The tribals braved salvoes of Soviet Katushkas and shrapnel of Hind Gun ships while sons of ex military tailors became billionaires.

The tribals were more Pan Islamist than Jamaluddin Afghani, more martial than any so called martial race of Indo Pak. More resolute than any general from Cape Komorin to Khunjerab Pass. The tribals are raised as snipers, not as sycophants, their life script is not to please 15 different seniors and get a good ACR, practicing sycophancy with civilian prime ministers and launching coups without a shot being fired against unarmed civilian heads of state.

What is happening in the tribal areas is not in Pakistan's national interests. The venom which has been forced into the tribal Pathan's soul is counterproductive for Pakistan in the long run.

The tribal areas has seen many occupiers. They are classic practitioners of Liddell Harts strategy of indirect approach. Their guerrilla tactics are far more subtle than that of Mao, Ho Chi Minh or Che Guevara. They apply Mao without knowing what he had written. They apply Sandino's Nicaraguan tactics which brought US Marines to grief without ever having heard of him. They are warriors par excellence.

For each militant handed over the tribals gain goodwill from greedy political agents who they deceive and thus succeed in sheltering 50 militants. There is a method in the apparent outward collaboration of the tribals. They cannot be overawed by a telephone call or bought by a million dollar retainer.

No cadet school or college can tame the tribals for whom music is the whistling bullet and its ricochet in the rocky gorges of Waziristan. The tribals don't need a federal government to make money. Their very location is an asset.

Beware of despising the tribals. They brought both Muslim and non Muslim Emperors to grief whether it was Jahangir, Shah Jahan, Aurangzeb, Ranjit Singh or the British king.

These are not the men who would sell their mother for a thousand dollars as some US senator said about some Pakistani leaders. These leaders may be found in Dera Ghazi Khan or somewhere East of the tribal areas. The tribals are sons of their fathers and there is no confusion about their paternity.

A man who does not know the tribal Pathan way of life is not competent to judge the subtleties of their character. It appears that the same mistake is being made today in the highest echelons of Pakistan's present military usurpers.
yeah okay, so the terrain has been such that it isn't conducive for conventional battles, and favors the side familiar with the nuances of the region. not an area for armies with horses, tanks, etc.

but the playing field is very much leveled with the use of eyes in the sky/UAVs, and by coordinated air-dropping and retrieval of targeted strike forces. if "pathans" want to hide in hills, no problem. but if he wants to mess with pakistan, we'll get him in his hole in the hills with fire from the sky.

and let us not forget the role blood-money plays in this part of the world.
Well there is always a first time for everything.

I pray that PA is able to clear the area from terrorists and civilians are able to return back to their areas safely.

BTW, media arund the world support their respective army but only in Pakistan media criticizes the Army for defending Pakistan.
I dont think this article is entirely relevant. Most of the Phustun inhabitants have already left S.Waziristan. and Army is not going to conquor waziristan, it is purging it of extremist elements in waziristan. Infact waziristan has already been virtually conquered by the Taliban, they are acutally ruling the Waziristan with an Iron Hand. Comparing Pakistan operation with British Era Operations is not going to provide any significant answers here.
Writer must know there are Arab, Takfiris and most noticeably Uzbiks who are committing atrocities against local Pathans. So Actions will be taken against these foreigners who have infested peaceful tribesmen living there since ages.
A H Amin has defected to Afghanistan and works for a "construction company" in Kabul. We should take that into account before reading his stuff.
I dont think the intent of the offensive in Waziristan should not be to conquer it but rather to elimiate the terrorists that are carrying out daily attorcities inside Pakistan.

This operation is not like the operations of the past where the British , Mughals etc were looking to expand their frontiers.

We are looking to 'clear' our frontier. The double dealing haramzadgi of some tribals which the article talks about is by now well known and shall be duely taken into account when the operation is conducted.

We should not set foolish and vague objectives for the military as has been done in neighbouring Afghansitan by US and NATO forces. The military objectives should be clear.

Like for example if a certain feature , a ridge or a hideout has been identified to be infested with r a t s , then operation should be conducted to destroy it.

Use air power to soften it.
Use Artillary to flatten it.
Send in the troops to clear and finish off whatever is left of it.
Mine the whole place and leave.

No need to stick around , 'conquering' Waziristan is not the intent securing it is.

Also terrorist sympathisers in the media and News should not be allowed to undermine this operation , they will have to exposed as traitors and liers.

Insha Allah , Pakistan will be victorious over ALL ( without exception ) who seek to harm it.
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Pride is a good thing, the tribal people should be proud of their role in history. But pride can also be a bad thing if taken too far. In allowing the Al-Queda riddled Taliban to have complete freedom in their land, they have become complicit in the terrorism that their "guests" have rained down around the world, and most importantly the Pakistani people who had let them have their autonomy for so long. This action has left Pakistan no other course than to move into the land and weed out those who would hurt others for no sane reason. Pakistan must protect itself and its people, the tribal people must know this. It is time they decide to do what is right and push these "guests" out. In this they would have something to be proud of. After all Pakistan does not target the tribal people, and would have left them alone if it were possible.
Conquer is a very strong term to use while referring to countrymen. If the approach of the PA is / will be to ' conquer' they can expect major problems.

Those who live by power & the gun respect the same with others - grudgingly .

A man has to be spoken to in a language he understands. However the ' speaking to' has to be moderated so that he keeps his self respect intact and understands the repercussions of ' not understanding'.
conquered this does n t make any sense.
Pakistan army is operation in Waziristan to clear the terrorist element not to conquer.
Kila almout was also belived to be un winable but halqu khan invaded and distroyed Hassan bin Sabah's terror net work

so I dont think SWA is more secured then kila almout

its time to pay back terrorits

defeat is no option
How will the "victory" in South Waziristan look like? What is the definition of conquest there?

Pak Army will sure capture major population centers in about 3-4 days. probably kill 3000-4000 "bad guys" in the bargain. What then?

1. Control the area through curfews a la Swat?
2. Assign 2 divisions for stabilization operations?
3. Spend endless resources in keeping highways open?
4. Spend more resources blockading food, fuel, medical supplies and commerce?

Is there a sustainable and affordable solution?
How will the "victory" in South Waziristan look like? What is the definition of conquest there?

Pak Army will sure capture major population centers in about 3-4 days. probably kill 3000-4000 "bad guys" in the bargain. What then?

1. Control the area through curfews a la Swat?
2. Assign 2 divisions for stabilization operations?
3. Spend endless resources in keeping highways open?
4. Spend more resources blockading food, fuel, medical supplies and commerce?

Is there a sustainable and affordable solution?

do we have choice

if not do pray for Late Gen Zia ul Haq for taking decision of becomming ally of US for afghan jehad
How will the "victory" in South Waziristan look like? What is the definition of conquest there?

Pak Army will sure capture major population centers in about 3-4 days. probably kill 3000-4000 "bad guys" in the bargain. What then?

1. Control the area through curfews a la Swat?
2. Assign 2 divisions for stabilization operations?
3. Spend endless resources in keeping highways open?
4. Spend more resources blockading food, fuel, medical supplies and commerce?

Is there a sustainable and affordable solution?

The best option would be to set up an government system and end the tribes era.
Bill Longley

Just consider a few factors:
 Whereas the people of FATA would love to have the normal Pakistani laws and constitution; the change must make a substantial difference to their lives.
 Pakistani bureaucracy is used to “Ruling” its people, whereas the only solution for FATA is just / benevolent governance.

While majority of Pakistan’s population is groaning under abject poverty, malnutrition, poor health, poor infrastructure and rapacious exploitation; Pakistan government just does not have the resources to ensure a minimum standard of living to the tribesmen.

The only practical strategy is to convince the US that such move is in its own long term security interests. The mandate of the US Afghan Provincial Reconstruction Teams (PRC) should be extended to include FATA. Rather than Mickey mouse PRC projects the US government should pump in at least US$ 3-4 b / year into FATA to bring it up to the level of prosperity of civilized nations. Following that FATA will gladly subscribe to the law of the land.

FATA people will happily trade their freedom for prosperity; but they will not accept slavery of the slaves.

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