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Why Waziristan cannot be conquered

Well there is always a first time for everything.

I pray that PA is able to clear the area from terrorists and civilians are able to return back to their areas safely.

BTW, media arund the world support their respective army but only in Pakistan media criticizes the Army for defending Pakistan.

This fifth time PA is attacking south waziristan not first time , wake up man :D
Bill Longley

Just consider a few factors:
 Whereas the people of FATA would love to have the normal Pakistani laws and constitution; the change must make a substantial difference to their lives.
 Pakistani bureaucracy is used to “Ruling” its people, whereas the only solution for FATA is just / benevolent governance.

While majority of Pakistan’s population is groaning under abject poverty, malnutrition, poor health, poor infrastructure and rapacious exploitation; Pakistan government just does not have the resources to ensure a minimum standard of living to the tribesmen.

The only practical strategy is to convince the US that such move is in its own long term security interests. The mandate of the US Afghan Provincial Reconstruction Teams (PRC) should be extended to include FATA. Rather than Mickey mouse PRC projects the US government should pump in at least US$ 3-4 b / year into FATA to bring it up to the level of prosperity of civilized nations. Following that FATA will gladly subscribe to the law of the land.

FATA people will happily trade their freedom for prosperity; but they will not accept slavery of the slaves.

Agreed that the government does not have the resources, but with proper planning and patience. The government has to win hearts of the tribesmen. The government has to do it step by step, open some schools, bring the literacy rate up. Explore the natural resources and use the money from the resource for development.
This fifth time PA is attacking south waziristan not first time , wake up man :D

On the previous occasions the consensus for a full scale military assault wasnt there , many felt that this was not the right thing to do and there wasnt wide spread support for the operations.

This is not the case now and these scum bags in waziristan will be gasping their last breaths very soon :sniper:

Ab tak tu tribal ye kehta tha kay 'hum tribal ha hum pechay sa aag nikalta ha' well abb khoon niklay ga

Watch this space , the Army has had enough of thie nonsense.
The government of Pakistan must establish its authority over all of Pakistan. We should have done this long ago. This nonsense about autonomous regions has got to stop.

Pakistan must be ONE country.
That means ONE government, ONE set of laws for everybody, and allegience to ONE common flag.
This fifth time PA is attacking south waziristan not first time , wake up man :D

The last assault, Operation Zalzala, was pretty successful, but was halted because we had a new government coming in and they wanted to try 'peace deals' again.
The government of Pakistan must establish its authority over all of Pakistan. We should have done this long ago. This nonsense about autonomous regions has got to stop.

Pakistan must be ONE country.
That means ONE government, ONE set of laws for everybody, and allegience to ONE common flag.

Agreed operation clean up is required against terrorism for our servival , but we have to first do operation against injustice and corruption,poverty which are root cause of terrorism.

Who will recover 600 Bill Rs tax money looted by politicians ?
Who will stop more than 200 Bill Rs value of good smuggled every year through Afghan Pakistan boarder.
Who will provide justice for millions of pending cases in courts ?
Who will provide 60% of Pakistanis clean water?
Who will provide health ,homes and education?
Who will take decision to build dams to control water and power shortgages?

If we can provide above rights to people the terrorism and security problems can only be resolved.

Terrorist have very good breeding ground in Pakistan due to poverty and also corrupt political leadership .

GOP dont have any other choice to obey the order of US right or wrong because of debts and world Bank and IMF conditions.
If we can provide above rights to people the terrorism and security problems can only be resolved.

Terrorist have very good breeding ground in Pakistan due to poverty and also corrupt political leadership .

I agree these problems contribute to terrorism but they are not the root cause. Poverty and corruption are everywhere. They exist in just about every third world country, but you don't see suicide bombers blowing up schoolkids on their way to school, or beheading ordinary policemen doing their (horribly paid) job in these countries.

The problem is the jihadi indoctrination in Pakistan and we must remove it from our people's minds. Whatever grievance or complaints people have, they must be handled within the law. It is the failure of law enforcement which makes people think they can get away with these kinds of suicide attacks. More than anything, we need to improve our police training, equipment and pay.

GOP dont have any other choice to obey the order of US right or wrong because of debts and world Bank and IMF conditions.

The GOP has many options to make Pakistan self-sufficient. We don't need the foreign aid if we just reform the feudal system, enforce the tax code, and curb corruption. But, as you point out, when the politicians themselves are thieves, what can we expect...
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How will the "victory" in South Waziristan look like? What is the definition of conquest there?

Pak Army will sure capture major population centers in about 3-4 days. probably kill 3000-4000 "bad guys" in the bargain. What then?

1. Control the area through curfews a la Swat?
2. Assign 2 divisions for stabilization operations?
3. Spend endless resources in keeping highways open?
4. Spend more resources blockading food, fuel, medical supplies and commerce?

Is there a sustainable and affordable solution?

Have some patience pal.

Swat operation was just finished so it will take time for things to go back to normal.

Also keep in mind that PA is going into areas which were never in direct control of the GoP, so all of your 4 points are true and for long term peace and prosperity these actions have to be taken.
who is conquering waziristan for mr rag head Amin this area is a soverign part of Pakistani ...its a stupid and silly term used to inflame an operation against terorist in waziristan .. nice try AH Amin but this sort of stuf doesnt work here any more
The waziristan operation will test a lot of things about Pakistan , let see if our enemies and critcs are proven right or wrong.

Allah apni hifazat mein rakkah iss mulk ko.
“” The problem is the jihadi indoctrination in Pakistan and we must remove it from our people's minds. Whatever grievance or complaints people have, they must be handled within the law.””

You are so right!. Actually Islam needs a bit of restructuring. This means:
1. All references to Jihad may be deleted from the Holy Quran and all the Hadith.
2. All mosques to be shut down.
3. Beards should be officially banned in Pakistan.
4. All Pakistanis should be encouraged to enjoy a pint of beer or some tequila shots at least once a week.
5. Hejab should be a punishable offense for the ladies.

In about 2 years jehadi extremism will be erased form the memory.
the first thing is nobody is going there to conquer SW. PA will clear the area from terrorists and thats all. People of SW owns the army as much as anybody else. the second this is the misconception that these areas cannot be conquered. most people cite history. there are few solid reasons why nobody conquered them. one, the area is not is not of any benefit economically. it was overshadowed by the fertile lands of punjab. two, people of these areas always struck deals with invaders like mughals and british. this was a very good bargaining for them. the mughals are sultan left the areas and these tribals volunteered to serve in their invading forces. they were paid soldiers. and of course very fierce. the britishers use them as buffer zone and had no interest to pay the cost which was much higher than the benefit. so the areas remained semi autonomous for most of the time.
with pakistan it is different. they joined pakistan out of their own free will. and we not going there too conquer them.
Not washing only vaccuming is what PA is doing and i pray it succeeds. Suction powers of the military are well known of
I would like to point out that pakistan might not be able to "conquer" even though how do we "conquer" something that is aready ours?
Defeating the undefeatable would be very easy......drop a nuke on the place and lets how undefeatable these guys really are.
We dont need to drop a nuke and i would not support such a course of action but just pointing out the obvious.
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