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Why Türkiye should rethink its relations with India

do you consider Qadiani Muslims? he was supposedly a leftist in the 70's.

excellent post.
Call me a bemused observer... come to think of it Pakistan also facilitated opening of China for U.S. ... who is it to say that this thread isn't or won't do the same for India... in hindsight it could aptly be named "opening of Turkiye"? But I digress ...

After all it could've all been an oversight or mere misunderstanding that the two don't/haven't get/gotten along. So, someone says... wait a minute... secular, secular. Kashmir, bilateral... oh why don't we use Umtas on Pakistanis... isn't that it?

) Pakistan has been consistently increasing its reliance on China for its defence needs which means their procurement from Türkiye will decrease

This is not true, u cant be more wrong. Pakistan have decreased relliance on the US and replaced it with Turkey. Infact our procurement from Turkey is on the rise. Given their good quality weapons, its thought that Pakistan might actually reduce reliance on china and increasingly opt for Turkish weapons. Pakistan will also not hesitate to provide nuclear security to Turkey, something india can never.

2) India does NOT procure any weapons from China and is open to procuring weapons from Türkiye

The US weapons market is opened to india, it wont remain like that if it starts buying from Turkey and would anger US, they r already baring with ur procurement from russia.
3) There is greater chance that Türkiye can get support on East Turkestan from India than Pakistan. Pakistan will never support Türkiye due to their close strategic relations with China.
Turkey is slowly withdrawing support for turkistan movement. After the experience with Russia, Turkey is actually improving relations with China and Pakistan in this case can help Turkey alot.

4) Türkiye's defence partners like US, Russia, Germany, UK etc would be more open to providing their tech for Indian orders than Pakistani orders
Lolz the west wont suddenly allow sensitive tech to Turkey just because its selling to india, Turkey already sells to Europeans and others. The tech transfer barrier is set for every country based on many factors and selling to india is the least important factor if not totally unimportant.

5) Türkiye's Technology and Indian money could give birth to many joint ventures. India will also lobby other partners from like Russia, US, UK, Germany on Tech and Subsystem transfers. This will also protect such joint ventures from sanctions.

I think u guys need to comeout of the india has money high. Its not as it used to be, u still have many years of BJP left. For countries like Turkey, its more about power and influence and natural resources.

Turkey would not mind having some relations but not to the level to annoy Pakistan. We have a history and a mature level of trust, which is now being enhanced by interoperability between armed forces, industries and education sector of each country.
What influence does turkey have on subcontinent to interfere on Kashmir nothing,simlary it dsnt harm anyone if India starts issuing a statement or two on Kurdistan .
I agree our countries should have good economic cooperation and prosper and the statements from our govts on Kashmir and Kurdistan has zero effect on the ground .and there is no point in making such statements which has no value other than strain our relations.
You can go through me previous post.
All I want is we have not issues with your country other than your pm making statement on kashmir.if your pm statement had even .01% impact on the ground I can understand but it dsnt .so why make such statements and strain the relations ,we both can cooperate and prosper economically.
To understand why Turkey make comments about Kashmir you have to dive more deeply in turkish foreign policy and its goals
Turks have their own policy for Asia(which is pro-Turkey but in most cases overlap with americans) yet for now they keep low profile(turks don’t want too much exposure in the eyes of China and Russia who are traditionally the most influential countries in this particular continent) by only issuing statements that doesn’t change anything on the ground but this stance give Turkey soft power and (I would say) respect from certain countries in Asia(not only muslims but also countries like Japan S.Korea etc)
After all Kashmir issue can only be solved between India Pakistan and Kashmiris
Of course there will be third parties but on the ground these three actors (mentioned above) will fight!!!
Indian ruling party used the statement for their own internal agenda which made Turkey scapegoat after several months the drama has finally ended and we have heard recently that the ship deal is back on track(most likely same can be said for overall economic relations)
There’s definitely potential for turkish-indian collaboration in certain crisis/affairs against possible joint rival(s) but if we talk about Pakistan-India issues then you should now that it’s state policy to choose Pakistan and this is established long before Erdogan came to power and it will continue after him until the last day of the Earth-other members explained already the eternal respect and gratitude turks feel for pakistanis(also should mention other muslims from the subcontinent too) help during hardest times
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Pakistan's parliament has 272 seats. Only 60 of these are reserved for Women? Don't you see them as equal citizens? Why didn't you reserve 236 seats for women?

And why do you have only 10 seats for non-muslims?
By that logic muslims men are the most discriminated they don't have any reserved seats in the parliament.
Gandhi always fought for the unity of Hindus and Muslims to fight against the British rule. No other British Indian leader fought so hard for the Hindu-Muslim unity.

If he fought for that (which in fact is not true) doesn't mean that he actually was in favor of that, because in hidden he was also fond of few other inhuman stuff but he hide it from public,


Gandhi was also called a pedophile by many in the crowd for sleeping nude with his teenage grandnieces to test the strength of his vow of chastity.

“Gandhi was a child molester,”

Can the Admins close this thread? It literally adds nothing to the sub. I don't even understand why Indians come over here, we barely talk or hear about them. You guys should keep your Pakistan-Indian rivalry between yourselves.
US,China & India are Powerful and too BIG they can survive on their own.
What does this have to do with the title of the discussion? Yeah, try to feed your population for a day without the global food and goods trade... Let's see what happens...
What does this have to do with the title of the discussion? Yeah, try to feed your population for a day without the global food and goods trade... Let's see what happens...

Even with the huge population India is SURPLUS food production country .... we don't need small countries advice or help.

2.We have the most fertile land and sit in middle of the 'Indian' ocean so trade and food is never be a problem for us.
I just came to know from @Turan09 that Türkiye has a law limiting defense cooperation with India. I urge Türkiye to reconsider this law for the following reasons

1) Pakistan has been consistently increasing its reliance on China for its defence needs which means their procurement from Türkiye will decrease

2) India does NOT procure any weapons from China and is open to procuring weapons from Türkiye

3) There is greater chance that Türkiye can get support on East Turkestan from India than Pakistan. Pakistan will never support Türkiye due to their close strategic relations with China.

4) Türkiye's defence partners like US, Russia, Germany, UK etc would be more open to providing their tech for Indian orders than Pakistani orders
5) Türkiye's Technology and Indian money could give birth to many joint ventures. India will also lobby other partners from like Russia, US, UK, Germany on Tech and Subsystem transfers. This will also protect such joint ventures from sanctions.
Ever occured to you that it was out of need and not a favor? Since when did trade become a favor?

Let's not forget Malaysia, India halted trade relations with Malaysia because of their Kashmir opinion.

Either way, here are my points as to why the relations can't go further.

1. Modi Government is hell bent on confronting anyone who speaks on Kashmir.
2. They criticize Operation Peace Spring, and join hands with Armenia and Greece.
3. Historically, India's stance was similar, most prominent being the operation for TRNC (if you even know what that means).
4. Going even more back in history since you want to play the history card, Khilafat movement was used as a political tool to get more Muslims to support Congress and the non Muslim leaders. After abolishment, they were all in shock except Muslim league which kept opinion in favor of Turkish Republic, something to which Iqbal's book testifies.
5. Let's not forget the Indian public at large, the words they used for Turkey over Kashmir issue... it is obvious what Indians want, and it is for Turkey to keep quiet, and for that they will threaten, bribe with contracts, lobby, or do petty things with their diplomats in Ankara that I have seen.
6. Countries like Malaysia, trade relations broken off. Countries like China, India knows it can't break trade relations because trade is not a favor, it is a necessity, so they keep their mouth shut except the public.
7. Indians praise, upon praise, upon praise China for what they are doing in Xinjiang/East Turkistan to the Uighur Muslims.
8. Let's not forget the kind of humiliation Indians tried to do to the British and European politicians for trying to visit Kashmir. This is how India treats others.
9. Need more? There are many, many more. Not a dictation. I am only pointing out. Like I said, if Turkey can engage with Israel and have defence ties, they can also with India. The hurdle is your Government and your childish population.

Wveb Pakistan repeatedly expressed desire to build relations, and TALK on Kashmir issue. But your Government and people turned it down.
I tell you with the resolution of UNSC. East Turkistan is terrorism.
I tell you with the power of P5. Just Turkey, India or Pakistan? LOL! Xinjiang is even more advanced than your country.
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