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Why the sikhs had no desire for a independent sikh state in the 1940s?

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There are an equal mumber of trolls on every side on this forum, sikhs, muslims, hindus, everyone trolls freely, and the mods dont seem to be bothered. Just picked Cleanwell cos he is my "brethren" and this time he started with the "hindu bhayya" shit. fellow indians should not fight among each other on a pakistani forum, as nothing pleases the pakistani menbers more.

Reporting the posts would be helpful rather than quoting and trolling back.

Hindus using those clever words once again. Ask those Sikh pilgrims that come from India how they are treated in Pakistan. They got nothing bad to say.

In my experience, hospitality is a common treat in whole of south asia, so what you are saying is not surprising. Pakistanis visiting India have similar experiences. ordinary people of pakistan and india have nothing against each other, it is politics that divide us.

Reporting the posts would be helpful rather than quoting and trolling back.

I didnt troll back.

and excuse me for saying this, but the moderating here sucks, so cant be bothered reporting stuff.
I didnt troll back.

and excuse me for saying this, but the moderating here sucks, so cant be bothered reporting stuff.

You are not accused as such. Rest about moderation, you did not report but still being judgmental and yet making accusation is not plausible.
The sikhs pussied out

They lost a once in lifetime opportunity to be masters of their own home

Raise their own flag
declare their own state
create their own laws

Low confidence, subservience to the Raj probably had something to do with it
You are not accused as such. Rest about moderation, you did not report but still being judgmental and yet making accusation is not plausible.

Not being judgmental. Just go through this tread and decide for yourself how good the moderation is.
The sikhs pussied out

No they saw through the SNAKE OIL that Pakistan was selling to them

They lost a once in lifetime opportunity to be masters of their own home

They are masters of Indian Punjab AND are living and Thriving all over India

India offers TEN times More opportunities and prospects to Sikhs

Raise their own flag
declare their own state

They have their flag and their state


The SAFFRON Background proves the CONNECTION between
Hindus and Sikhs

Low confidence, subservience to the Raj probably had something to do with it

Sikhs and Marathas were the LAST to Surrender to the British

Ranjit Singh was the ONLY emperor who was Ever RESPECTED by the British in India
The British signed a peace treaty with Ranjit Singh

Not even Tipu Sultan earned that honour


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The sikhs pussied out

They lost a once in lifetime opportunity to be masters of their own home

Raise their own flag
declare their own state
create their own laws

Low confidence, subservience to the Raj probably had something to do with it

Pakistanis, Indians, Afghans, Iranians etc etc living in the western world dont get to raise their own flag, yet they live a better life there compared to in their own respectiv native lands. If raising your own flag was so important you would still live in pakistan and not UK. Nationalism is outdated, and hopefully it will be extinct in the future.
Not being judgmental. Just go through this tread and decide for yourself how good the moderation is.

The question remains, did you or anyone else reported the posts for moderation so action can be taken. If such posts are not reported immediately, then it takes time for moderation though to solve such issues, report the posts and move-on without quoting back.

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