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Why Tejas Mk2 (MWF) Will Be Important

Very good. I know we cannot hope to match mighty India. Our junk designs are best we can do. You don't need to tell us and make fun of us when we are so bottom looking up at mighty Indians. Please have some modesty and feel pity for us poor brainwashed Chin*is.

No way! That's because you don't understand real situation. India need to give their iron brothers some charity. Mig-29 even if 100 match a single Teja. This is simply just to help out a friend who is having some trouble. Rafale is also just to improve IAF a little but mostly also charity for France. Indians are very rich. Have you not seen all the "white servants" they are showing off in their youtube video?

I do not want to say anything to you guys until you come here and brag. Soon as something related to Indian is posted here, 50 cent army pops up start trolling here. When you guys do this, i just show you guys your face.

Why not say Rafale is junk too?

Simply because it is not.

Very good. I know we cannot hope to match mighty India. Our junk designs are best we can do. You don't need to tell us and make fun of us when we are so bottom looking up at mighty Indians. Please have some modesty and feel pity for us poor brainwashed Chin*is.

No way! That's because you don't understand real situation. India need to give their iron brothers some charity. Mig-29 even if 100 match a single Teja. This is simply just to help out a friend who is having some trouble. Rafale is also just to improve IAF a little but mostly also charity for France. Indians are very rich. Have you not seen all the "white servants" they are showing off in their youtube video?

But really this is actually very sad for them. For their situation and for one Indian patriot losing his mind like this. I know we like to pick fun here on this forum like this but not all Indians are not as pitiful like this guy.

Why did you buy Su 35 from your brother? Just to help them or you know that your chinese junk is not worth fighting war. It is just good to sell it to Pakistan. Can you please explain?
Which Double standards? Can you please explain?
You claimed "We do not build junk like J 15 or J 20 whose designers are sacked and CHina has to rush to russia to buy 4th generation Su 30 and Su 35 even after having 5th generation plane."

And India also has to rush to Russia to buy 4th-generation second-hand Mig-29 even after having bought 4.5th-generation Rafale already.

So, according to your logic, Rafale is junk for sure.

That is why I say you hold a double standard.
I do not want to say anything to you guys until you come here and brag. Soon as something related to Indian is posted here, 50 cent army pops up start trolling here. When you guys do this, i just show you guys your face.

Simply because it is not.

Why did you buy Su 35 from your brother? Just to help them or you know that your chinese junk is not worth fighting war. It is just good to sell it to Pakistan. Can you please explain?

I only ever see Indian troll army start bragging and talking down Chinese. Only last year started Chinese people trolling. If you look at posts from 2000 to maybe 2016, it's always Indians talking garbage. Never Chinese member talking about Indians before 2016. So Chinese are just reacting.

Su-35 purchase is useful to study Russian method of building thrust vectoring. They're method is heavier but better but also more expensive and take longer to do. Chinese thrust vector method shown in J-10 is already adopted. It is lighter and easier to build but angle is not as much as Russian. This is one of many Chinese TVC projects. Selected because it is balance of ability and easy and cheap to make. Also we use Su35 to see what latest Russian flanker fighter can do. Our J11D project was rejected by PLAAF because it was not much improvement over our J11B and only electronics is updated but electronics for newest J11B using those types already so Su35 is much better performance in movement. This is good to simulate Su30MKI. It performs even better than thrust vector Su-30MKI and has newer generation radar and electronics. With just 24 we can see what India's over 200 MKI can maybe perform like and how to best defeat them in case of war.

But okay maybe we also are making shit J20 and J11 and J10 and J16 not match for Su-35. 24 Su-35 is better than everything in PLAAF Hahahaha. Definitely when India gets Tija, we are doomed. Not even Su-35 can take Chicken Tika I mean Teja.

Everyone can keep believing their fairytales. Each day those fairytales become more and more unrealistic. Some will wake up but I hope most stay asleep. Telling yourself good things is one way to ignore reality and one way to become worse and worse. So keep saying rubbish words. We know ourselves what is happening and deep inside you know you are garbage. This attitude keeps up and military of India will be at Pakistan's feet also. Now you must feel better by saying China is at USA feet and everytime news about bad China strong USA and you feel better. Good. We don't care about comparing with you. You may feel good about comparing us to No.1 thank you. Very kind.

Also don't forget Surya1 you are the troll who started this troll post thread. You started with big claims of radar that isn't in service about a plane type that isn't in service. Imagine if Chinese member post about J50 fighter... instantly vaporise all of India. That would also be troll thread. I don't see Chinese member even the troll members start those sort of threads. Whatever bad Chinese trolls there exist in the world, the Indian trolls are more numerous, started earlier and started punching first, and they have dirtier words. Even the worst Chinese trolls cannot compare to the level of some Indian trolls.
stupidity has no limit````these few funny Indian demonstrated it very well``````a factor dirven primitive society talking about fighter jet```lol, if they can frame a loser as a F-16 slayer, then there is no limit for them to brag virtually anything````

reality: "cheap low quality" Chinese plane and missile shoot down a Mig-21 and Su-30MKI````:lol:
Tejas Mk2 will carry two brahmos NG, the world's fastest cruise missile. This missile is so agile that it will not hit ant ship or ground target but it will be able to target big planes like oil tankers, awacs, choppers and planes used to carry military payload. I don't think any such missile exist in world or even in making. Imagine Tejas mk2 flies with 2 Brahmos NG for a mission to attack ground target and sees AW&C 400 km away and shoots it with same missile. It is amazing isn't it?
"Imagine" beung the key word.
Why does India have to rush to Russia to buy 4th-generation second-hand Mig-29 even after having bought 4.5th-generation Rafale?

Does it mean Rafale is junk too?

No, it just means we are desperately in need of fighter jets because our squadron numbers have fallen dangerously low. Our primary procurement will happen only after 2025, so we are doing whatever we can to bridge the gap between now and then using whatever way we can.

Also we recently found out that the newly upgraded Mig-29s are really kickass, as far as 4th gen goes, so we want some more rather quickly. Plus the jets are dirt cheap, less than a billion for the lot, with upgrades. Btw, these jets are not second-hand, they are brand new, never been used, but been sitting in a hangar in kits waiting for a war between the SU and US.
No, it just means we are desperately in need of fighter jets because our squadron numbers have fallen dangerously low. Our primary procurement will happen only after 2025, so we are doing whatever we can to bridge the gap between now and then using whatever way we can.

Also we recently found out that the newly upgraded Mig-29s are really kickass, as far as 4th gen goes, so we want some more rather quickly. Plus the jets are dirt cheap, less than a billion for the lot, with upgrades. Btw, these jets are not second-hand, they are brand new, never been used, but been sitting in a hangar in kits waiting for a war between the SU and US.
And PLAAF doesn't have 4.5-generation heavy-weight air-superiority fighters, while J-16 and J-10C are 4.5-generation multirole fighters, and J-20 is still in a small number.

That is why China choose to buy only 24 Su-35s.
Su-35 purchase is useful to study Russian method of building thrust vectoring. They're method is heavier but better but also more expensive and take longer to do.

Why don't you say copying?
J-10 is already adopted. It is lighter and easier to build but angle is not as much as Russian. This is one of many Chinese TVC projects. Selected because it is balance of ability and easy and cheap to make.

How many have fallen down till date. I have the data that 9 had fallen down in 2015 and 2016.
Also we use Su35 to see what latest Russian flanker fighter can do. Our J11D project was rejected by PLAAF because it was not much improvement over our J11B and only electronics is updated but electronics for newest J11B using those types already so Su35 is much better performance in movement.

Admission of Junk Quality of Chinese planes.
This is good to simulate Su30MKI.

You should have done this with your own Su 30.
It performs even better than thrust vector Su-30MKI and has newer generation radar and electronics. With just 24 we can see what India's over 200 MKI can maybe perform like and how to best defeat them in case of war.

Radar we are going to install in super MKI are much better than what CHina will get with Su 35.
But okay maybe we also are making shit J20 and J11 and J10 and J16 not match for Su-35. 24 Su-35 is better than everything in PLAAF Hahahaha. Definitely when India gets Tija, we are doomed. Not even Su-35 can take Chicken Tika I mean Teja.

Tejas was not made to take on Su 35 but our Mk1+ will see your Su 35 much before it can see tejas and shoot SFDR or METEOR. Now let us see whether chinese pilots have the capability to dodge it with its EW and super maneuverability.
Everyone can keep believing their fairytales. Each day those fairytales become more and more unrealistic. Some will wake up but I hope most stay asleep. Telling yourself good things is one way to ignore reality and one way to become worse and worse. So keep saying rubbish words. We know ourselves what is happening and deep inside you know you are garbage. This attitude keeps up and military of India will be at Pakistan's feet also. Now you must feel better by saying China is at USA feet and everytime news about bad China strong USA and you feel better. Good. We don't care about comparing with you. You may feel good about comparing us to No.1 thank you. Very kind.

I think this applies to you guys more than anybody else.
You started with big claims of radar that isn't in service about a plane type that isn't in service.

It is already mounted on Tejas for testing. As usual it will take some more time for testing and refinement. We do not accept junk in our inventory. We do not operationalize junks like you guys do.
Whatever bad Chinese trolls there exist in the world, the Indian trolls are more numerous, started earlier and started punching first, and they have dirtier words. Even the worst Chinese trolls cannot compare to the level of some Indian trolls.

We have already build tejas and its MK2 is in making. Many of its weapons and systems are already operational. When it will come, we shall integrate it. We are not making big claims like you guys who says that their submarine will move at a speed of mach 2 and their J 20 is F 22 killer, you guys can sink US aircraft carrier with some of your shitty missile. After every interval of time you come here and brag. You made a paper missile CX 1 and brag for almost a year citing it to be better than Brahmos. Where is your shity missile CX-1? Than you come up with an another papare missile saying that it will be better than Brahmos. Where is it? You are bragging about carrier killer DF 21 without a single test for decades. Tell me about a single test when it was tested either successfully or even it failed. Tell me when did your JL 2 got FOC? You guys keep posting your Mega fart here and when we talk about our plane design or specification, you call it Imaginary. Remember how much did you ridicule tejas? Now it is flying with FOC. You are unable to face Tejas in any air show and shy away from letting it face Tejas off .

Tajas Mk2 design is the testimony of what we have achieved after our hard work. We have not made junk and do chest thumping by copying from other countries and do chest thumping and then scrap the project. Our plane tejas Mk1 is put to the test in Harshest of test from Himaya to rajasthan desert. It has performed exceptionally well. It has not met with with even a smallest of accident. Even our airforce was not convinced about its ability but now they want it in big numbers. They want it fast. So first look at your mega fart first before declaring our genuine efforts as imaginary.
Honestly are you so blinded by patriotism that you believe this claim?

Let me ask you some simple question. How did they know they were looking at J-20? How did they know the J-20 didn't have a RCS increasing lens which it always shown flying with? If they can see J-20 which is PLAAF's best with only old non-AESA radar, why did they tell everyone? It seems like this is a big lie made to fool patriotic Indians because the above three main questions cannot be answered. If they have that ability, why buy Rafale? Why rush introduction of AESA and better radar if old radar can defeat best of PLAAF? Why is PLAAF ordering J-20s as fast as CAC can produce them if even IAF's old technology can easily see it? Why did they bother telling China and reveal its ability? Truth is more likely that Indians WANT to believe this but it is very far from reality.

Uttam radar isn't even in service yet but you already making big claims. This is such an Indian attitude. Celebrating before anything even happened. Uttam will by Indian accounts take another 3 years at least to become full service onboard Tejas MK1a or MK2 forwards. Chinese has AESA type technology for three generations on land, SAM, surface vessels, and fighters now. J-10C, J-11D (failed demonstrator to replace J11B), J-15, J-16, J-20. Each has had upgrades received. JF-17 has two different types proposed by two different radar manufacturers. Yet Indians want to say with confidence their not even ready Uttam can easily defeat all of PLAAF fighters and outrange all PLAAF AESA radars which they don't even know about. They just assume they are shit and India is best. Good luck with that type of attitude, you will not even come close to winning.
Wasting your time..same sukhoi that were deemed useless against old 4th gen fighters(radars coulnt seek/lockon) forcing india to get 4.5 gen fighter (rafale) somehow was able to counter a 5th gen fighter ?

Like duh!?
And India also has to rush to Russia to buy 4th-generation second-hand Mig-29 even after having bought 4.5th-generation Rafale already.

No , we are short of 12/13 squadron out of which 12 are coming by the way of Rafale. How can we get rest of the planes? So we are planning to buy Mig 29 (Not decided yet). We are buying it because we do not build medium category plane right now. We need squadron strength which we can get at a lower price. Moreover we have developed state of art EW and other electronics for Mig 29 which we can straight away put in Mig 29 and we need not develop right from scratch like we have to do for Sukhoi 30.

In your case, you claim that you have 2 fifth generation planes of your own but you go to Russia and buy fourth generation plane. This exposes the quality of your fifth generation plane.
No , we are short of 12/13 squadron out of which 12 are coming by the way of Rafale. How can we get rest of the planes? So we are planning to buy Mig 29 (Not decided yet). We are buying it because we do not build medium category plane right now. We need squadron strength which we can get at a lower price. Moreover we have developed state of art EW and other electronics for Mig 29 which we can straight away put in Mig 29 and we need not develop right from scratch like we have to do for Sukhoi 30.

In your case, you claim that you have 2 fifth generation planes of your own but you go to Russia and buy fourth generation plane. This exposes the quality of your fifth generation plane.
Why do you always hold a double standard?
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