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why stars disappear??

i have a bit knowledge of it...but tell me fahad when a star is about to destroy or is under its destruction process,one can definitely expect some flash or extra light...which I didn't...
that star was normal..like others and after passage of sometime it was jUST GONE..JUST DISAPPEAR...thats why i am so confuse...:sick:

Well, according to some observations and theories some stars can just collapse into a black hole without an explosion.

Massive Star Mystery: Do They Explode? | Space.com

If this theory is true, you are very lucky. You observed the last of the light that travelled to Earth before the star went dim.
Well, according to some observations and theories some stars can just collapse into a black hole without an explosion.

Massive Star Mystery: Do They Explode? | Space.com

If this theory is true, you are very lucky. You observed the last of the light that travelled to Earth before the star went dim.

one of the best post @Audio my mind is accepting this one...excellent post...shabash cheetay

Well, according to some observations and theories some stars can just collapse into a black hole without an explosion.

Massive Star Mystery: Do They Explode? | Space.com

If this theory is true, you are very lucky. You observed the last of the light that travelled to Earth before the star went dim.

one of the best post @Audio my mind is accepting this one...excellent post...shabash cheetay
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i have a bit knowledge of it...but tell me fahad when a star is about to destroy or is under its destruction process,one can definitely expect some flash or extra light...which I didn't...
that star was normal..like others and after passage of sometime it was jUST GONE..JUST DISAPPEAR...thats why i am so confuse...:sick:

if it would have been a super-nova everybody would know!

Supernova happen to much in our universe and almost 1000 daily they are not news item but they happen at very far distance and took million of year to reach here know has light-year ..... it might have destroyed million light year ago and its explosion light reached now on earth... our universe is very complicated
i have a bit knowledge of it...but tell me fahad when a star is about to destroy or is under its destruction process,one can definitely expect some flash or extra light...which I didn't...
that star was normal..like others and after passage of sometime it was jUST GONE..JUST DISAPPEAR...thats why i am so confuse...:sick:

If it was not Uranus, then it could be a light effect. Places where there are no artificial city lights, you get to see all the stars, and the Milky Way at night, just like in the movies, but in cities which are fully lighted at night, you only get to see few stars in the sky.

But since we live in Pakistan, chances are, half the city would have been under load shedding, and you were able to see few stars more than usually, but when the electricity came back and the city was fully lit again, the star visibly disappeared again due to city light..
Supernova happen to much in our universe and almost 1000 daily they are not news item but they happen at very far distance and took million of year to reach here know has light-year ..... it might have destroyed million light year ago and its explosion light reached now on earth... our universe is very complicated
i meant if he could see the star, a super nova would be very very visible!
If it was not Uranus, then it could be a light effect. Places where there are no artificial city lights, you get to see all the stars, and the Milky Way at night, just like in the movies, but in cities which are fully lighted at night, you only get to see few stars in the sky.

But since we live in Pakistan, chances are, half the city would have been under load shedding, and you were able to see few stars more than usually, but when the electricity came back and the city was fully lit again, the star visibly disappeared again due to city light..

nah......there was no load shedding issue that day dear...

Supernova happen to much in our universe and almost 1000 daily they are not news item but they happen at very far distance and took million of year to reach here know has light-year ..... it might have destroyed million light year ago and its explosion light reached now on earth... our universe is very complicated

oh wow....i am feeling lucky here as well....excellent post cheetay!
Well, according to some observations and theories some stars can just collapse into a black hole without an explosion.

Massive Star Mystery: Do They Explode? | Space.com

If this theory is true, you are very lucky. You observed the last of the light that travelled to Earth before the star went dim.

There are no Black hole near our solar system they are so far that we cant even see them because the light is also gravitated by the black hole and black hole is created due to the death of big Plant (thousand time bigger then our sun) and some balck are so dangerous that they can even swallow our whole solar system....

i meant if he could see the star, a super nova would be very very visible!

he might have seen the explosion because has i said they are so far that even it explosion light could have only come here and that dead star might cannot produce that much light that it produce during its death so only light visible is of supernova.....
There are no Black hole near our solar system they are so far that we cant even see them because the light is also gravitated by the black hole and black hole is created due to the death of big Plant (thousand time bigger then our sun) and some balck are so dangerous that they can even swallow our whole solar system....

I was speaking hypothetically, and the last photons to leave before the collapse would have made it out. Gravity of a black hole doesn't come into effect before black hole is created.

In regards to proximity, sure there aren't any, but that doesn't mean that none can be created. The gigantic black holes you talk of are in the center's of galaxies, i was proposing a smaller one that get's created with the collapse of a decent sized star.
Though i conceed if my theory was the case then i would have probably read something about it in the astronomy media that i follow. And i heard nothing of the sorts.
=Slav Defence;4220371]few weeks before...i was standing in my balcony....suddenly I looked up to the sky...and saw a STAR.. within 5 seconds it disappear...
i am researching on this issue but i have still not found any useful thing yet...
please guys....do help me out...this question is getting on my nerves now:hitwall:

What you may have seen was a weather balloon or some other reflective object.
If it really disappeared as you are claiming then it was NOT a star.

At over 186 000 Miles per second, light is the fastest thing known to mankind, at that speed, it takes approximately 9 minutes for sunlight to reach the earth......as for the stars......

So the stars that you see probably don't even exist any more.

That is not correct, if that star was indeed dying, slav defence and the rest of the world would have seen the show of a life time.
Stars disappear because they have a limited lifetime. I think Audio pointed it out already. Here is a description of lifetime of stars from wiki:

A star begins as a collapsing cloud of material composed primarily of hydrogen, along with helium and trace amounts of heavier elements. Once the stellar core is sufficiently dense, hydrogen becomes steadily converted into helium through nuclear fusion, releasing energy in the process.[1] The remainder of the star's interior carries energy away from the core through a combination of radiative and convective processes. The star's internal pressure prevents it from collapsing further under its own gravity. Once the hydrogen fuel at the core is exhausted, a star with at least 0.4 times the mass of the Sun[2] expands to become a red giant, in some cases fusing heavier elements at the core or in shells around the core. The star then evolves into a degenerate form, recycling a portion of its matter into the interstellar environment, where it will form a new generation of stars with a higher proportion of heavy elements.[3] Meanwhile, the core becomes a stellar remnant: a white dwarf, a neutron star, or (if it is sufficiently massive) a black hole.
Don't apologize we fully understand that trauma of rape last for a long time and has detrimental effect on one ability to think clearly......hope you recover soon

No offence but it might be due to daily bomb blasts in Karachi. most of them are of high intensity and generate lots of smoke.
few weeks before...i was standing in my balcony....suddenly I looked up to the sky...and saw a STAR.. within 5 seconds it disappear...
i am researching on this issue but i have still not found any useful thing yet...
please guys....do help me out...this question is getting on my nerves now:hitwall:

What you may saw could be a large debri
A satalight
an exploding star

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