Yup this is actually a common theme that exists in all dharmic belief systems, it's called karma yoga, i.e progress though action.
Karma yoga - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Another difference I've noticed is that in abrahamic religions is that gods are thought to be always good,above criticism etc. This is not the case here, they are frequently questioned, cursed and so on.
Seems like they are moving on from the above beliefs, and it seems to have political clout aswell.
S. Korean PM Nominee: Japan’s Occupation Was ‘God’s Will’ | The Diplomat
I think the feeling that someone will come and save you comes up due to huge stress and there is a desire for an easy way out. Even in India people have forgotten about karma yoga, if you speak to some hindus they will tell you that god will come down in a avatar and everything will be fine and that they wont have to do anything (it is slightly different from the xtian version, but it is the same washing hands off approach). Maybe this also is a result of them not knowing about their own philosophies, or perhaps this is due to exposure to western media which tends to show more xtianity based stuff.
There seems to be a lot radical evangelism going on in Korea doing things like frequently beheading buddha statues, and some of these groups come here to places like gaya and try to create problems
Korean Christians Stir Controversy By Holding Service At Sacred Buddhist Site