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Why some Bangladeshis support Pakistan ?

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Funny thread. It is like an Indian dictating or even forcing a Bangladeshi to love India and hate Pakistan. Let them support whoever they want to. What's your problem?
its True. Jinnah is forgotten, but not the Idea. Our text books ignore his role, but makes Shere Bangla A k Fazlul Haque a hero for Lahore resolution.

We fought for it together.

After all, if there had been no Pakistan, there would have been no Bangladesh. It hurts to see Bangladesh in such state of affairs.
I am not sure the relevance of this question which is quite obvious..

1- There is no reason of a some/even majority not to support Pakistan due to religion and of course India is a factor in it.

2- There is a misconception in our mind that we are saviour of Bangladesh....No of course not....we assisted the liberation of BD for our interests only....It is our interest that we are looking for weakening of the Pakistan and negating the ideology of two nation theory....So of course we are happy that we have achieved...

3- BD rebel group has taken help of India because of geographical proximity and knowing well that India will support anything against Pakistan at that point of time...That means..India does not have technically any emotional love for BD and also even Bangladesh people does not have any kind of positive feeling for Indian either.....

4- Post independence BD, it was expected that once Pakistan is out of the equation, every nation will seek its self interest...And in conquest of seeking self interest BD as a nation may have realized that India is too arrogant to deal with for any kind of issues......Of course every nation has nationalistic mindset....That will create a ripple in their population that India is trying to exploit them although it is really debatable how much impact India holds in BD politics....

5- India as a big country than BD, did not contribute significantly positive growth and development to the people of BD.....Of course there is a reason for it as India was struggling itself for their own issues so much that India never ever get a chance to work with its imm neighour.

6 - Like in India too, anti Pakistan sentiment is somehow sold out nicely by political parties simillarly, same thing is in BD too...And i feel it is quite expected...

7 - Pakistan is looking for opportunities to show low to India...and again, BD people has their own grievances towards India...And GOV of Pakistan utilized this frustration of people of BD with the help of their supported political parties like Mrs Zia...

Agree with most part.....but would disagree with the first point...religion is a big part of pakistan--bangla relations
Why....we were 52% of the population....we already separated from west bengal in '05...If the partition had not been annulled due to pressure from Hindu businessmen we probably would not have realized why we had to support our Muslim identity for our survival....and if we hadn't supported our Muslim identity we probably wouldn't have voted for Pakistan.And Pakistan without 52% of its later population has a pretty good chance of never having been materialized!Also Punjabis(second largest ethnic community of Pakistan) had supported Unionists over ML so we(the majority of Pakistanis) obviously had something to do with the creation of the state!
We fought for it together.

After all, if there had been no Pakistan, there would have been no Bangladesh. It hurts to see Bangladesh in such state of affairs.

A little correction...if there had been no gandhi, no nehru, no shastri...there would have been no pakistan.
A little correction...if there had been no gandhi, no nehru, no shastri...there would have been no pakistan.

Nehru and Gandhi were against the whole idea of Two Nation Theory, i.e That Muslims and Hindu of India were in essence two different nationhood. So if there would have been no Gandhi or Nehru, there would still be Pakistan.

No need to poke you nose in everywhere.
Same reason some handful of Bangladeshis support India.simple.
But I wonder why?are we really that .............. still?
To me ,Pakistan who was once part of us ,and tried to rule us ,and failed miserably.
India ?they are not part of us and never will be. Still wants to rule us.winning or failing I don't know, but wait for it......they will get what's coming for them.:cheers:
A little correction...if there had been no gandhi, no nehru, no shastri...there would have been no pakistan.
True also true If there had been no gandhi,no nehru people would have beat the crap out of the brits!You know....Colonial forces do not actually care about what you think and neither do they need you co-operation....they just need you to shut up....thanks again to congress for 'non-coperating' with the brits when Bengali farmers were dying of famine!

Nehru and Gandhi were against the whole idea of Two Nation Theory, i.e That Muslims and Hindu of India were in essence two different nationhood. So if there would have been no Gandhi or Nehru, there would still be Pakistan.

No need to poke you nose in everywhere.

Wrong.......nahru, gandhi.....secured independence for india, which also included pakistan, bangladesh.

Spot on...If Gandhi has favored Patel rather than oppertunistic Gandhi familly to lead nation...Post Indian history would have been different.

Thats another intresting way too look at it.
Same reason some handful of Bangladeshis support India.simple.
But I wonder why?are we really that .............. still?
To me ,Pakistan who was once part of us ,and tried to rule us ,and failed miserably.
India ?they are not part of us and never will be. Still wants to rule us.winning or failing I don't know, but wait for it......they will get what's coming for them.:cheers:
We always react late...we waited 25 years and then exploded in 71...where we should have resolved our issues in 47!
Wrong.......nahru, gandhi.....secured independence for india, which also included pakistan, bangladesh.

You are mistaken. They didn't do anything. British were going to leave India anyway, sooner than later. They could no longer afford to keep such vast colonies in the aftermath of WW II

A lot of British colonies got independence in late 1940s and 1950s.

So they might not have left in 1947, but they would have left anyway down the road. The question is, how soon?
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