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Why Russia's President Is 'Putin the Great' in China

Putin - the personification of the winds of change, hope for the non-Orwellian future of humanity. Putin - a leader of the planetary revolt against Western tyranny.
The world got a chance to unite traditions and cultures, rather than postmodern's total assimilation.

Are you BSing me?
He's an authoritarian leader who's retained power due to powerful oligarchs as his friends.
Are you BSing me?
He's an authoritarian leader who's retained power due to powerful oligarchs as his friends.
In fact, if you get rid of the propaganda ends, it becomes clear that Russia is now much freer than the United States. In Russia there is no total spy on its own citizens and for the rest of the world (including close allies).
Putin ranks close to 90%. He is democratically elected leader by vast majority.
@vostok , I am a subscriber to Quora.com and the following thread showed up and I thought of you. Let's hope the following copy/paste has the correct link....

What's the biggest difference between your culture and America's?

Eugene Retunsky

Eugene RetunskySuggest Bio
421 upvotes by
William Barton, Anna Demers, Ajay Somani, (more)Loading...
I was born in Russia, lived in Czech Republic for about 2 years, and now I've been living in the US for almost 3 years.

  • Smalltalk. People in the US make smalltak a lot. In Russia people make small...
I was born in Russia, lived in Czech Republic for about 2 years, and now I've been living in the US for almost 3 years.

  • Smalltalk. People in the US make smalltak a lot. In Russia people make smalltalk extremely rarely and never with strangers.You'll never hear a question like "how was your weekend" from a person you don't know for a while.
  • Smiling. People in the US smile a lot and it's just an act of politeness while in Russia smile is always personal and informative. If someone smiles at you in Russia, it means they want to show that they sincerely like you.
  • Expression of emotions. People in the US may express exaggerated emotions about anything. It's normal to say that a sandwich was "awesome, holy sh!t, what an incredible dressing, the best thing ever!!" Russians are usually more modest and expressions awesome and incredible are reserved for things like
    Chelyabinsk meteor
  • Friendship. Friendship in Russia is completely different and if you called someone a friend it really means something. Friends may visit each other without invitation.
  • Discussions. While in the US there is a lot of tabooed topics. In Russia you can discuss anything with anyone.
  • Directness of speech. In the US people use language which is sometimes very indirect. Russians use more direct expressions in their colloquial speech. If someone asks you "is there a way to do something" it's a question about feasibility not a request to do something.
  • Litigious society. America's litigious culture is unique in the world and I don't think there is other nation where people sue and get sued that often for anything which is imaginable or unimaginable.
  • Fear to fail. In Russia people are afraid of being laughed if they fail at something. Americans try a lot of different things and that's why explore much more many opportunities. American society encourages people to try out new things while in Russia people tend to choose a proven path in their lives.
  • Mobility. Americans move a lot while in Russia many people live all their lives in the same town they were born.
  • Social activity. American are very active socially. They tend to organize different unions, fight for their rights, stand for something. In Russia people are separated and everyone is on their own.
  • Politeness. In the US people are extremely polite while in Russia people are more harsh and less attentive to other people's feelings.
  • Tips. The size of tips in Russia is 10% and usually people tip at a restaurant, taxi and hair salons. In the US the tips are 20% and tipping is much more expected.

However, there are things that I find very similar and shared between these two cultures:

  • Superiority. Russians and Americans both consider their country the greatest in the world. Being strong military is a big deal for both.
  • Showing off. I find that these two cultures are very similar in displaying prosperity and bragging about anything.
  • Huge difference between rich and poor. In both countries rich live in their own parallel country inside a country.
  • Barbecue and beer. People like to enjoy barbecue and beer with friends in both countries.
In fact, if you get rid of the propaganda ends, it becomes clear that Russia is now much freer than the United States. In Russia there is no total spy on its own citizens and for the rest of the world (including close allies).
Putin ranks close to 90%. He is democratically elected leader by vast majority.
Yeah...Sure thing, buddy...

Here's What Putin Didn't Tell Snowden About Russia's Spying : The Two-Way : NPR
"Three programs, SORM-1, SORM-2, and SORM-3, provide the foundation of Russian mass communications surveillance. Russian law gives Russia's security service, the FSB, the authority to use SORM ('System for Operative Investigative Activities') to collect, analyze and store all data that [are] transmitted or received on Russian networks, including calls, email, website visits and credit card transactions. ...

"Russian law requires all Internet service providers to install an FSB monitoring device (called 'Punkt Upravlenia') on their networks that allows the direct collection of traffic without the knowledge or cooperation of the service provider. ...

"Collection requires a court order, but these are secret and not shown to the service provider. According to the data published by Russia's Supreme Court, almost 540,000 intercepts of phone and internet traffic were authorized in 2012. ...

"SORM is routinely used against political opponents and human rights activists to monitor them and to collect information to use against them in 'dirty tricks' campaigns. Russian courts have upheld the FSB's authority to surveil political opponents even if they have committed no crime. ..."
Good that you remembered about Snowden. Nice to know that somewhere in this world there is a place where seekers of freedom and justice can escape from the Washington Regime.
I guess you have no choice but to say that since the FSB using SORM is monitoring your every keystroke, ready to pounce on you should you say anything bad about Putin on this forum. :lol:

NSA Is No Match for the FSB | Opinion | The Moscow Times
NSA Is No Match for the FSB

That system, known as the Law Enforcement Support System, or SORM, is actually a holdover from the country's Soviet totalitarian past and was developed by a KGB research institute in the mid-1980s. Recent technological advances have simply been used to fine-tune the system. Now, the SORM-1 system captures telephone and mobile phone communications, SORM-2 intercepts Internet traffic, and SORM-3 collects information from all forms of communication, providing long-term storage of all information and data on subscribers.
No one there to be with china so suddenly PUTIN KI JAI HO all over china. well will putin help china in war against india? Would love to see....

its a loaded question, will China needs any help from anyone in case of war with India?
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