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Why PM not Visiting Turkey?

Danish saleem

Mar 27, 2014
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Our PM visited all the Friendly countries for getting Financial assistance, but why he not Visiting Turkey, is that because of US pressure, or its our own Decision.

If it is Intentional(USA) Pressure, then why he visited Saudi Arabia Twice.

Need Factual Comments, not based on likes or dislikes.

Our PM visited all the Friendly countries for getting Financial assistance, but why he not Visiting Turkey, is that because of US pressure, or its our own Decision.

If it is Intentional(USA) Pressure, then why he visited Saudi Arabia Twice.

Need Factual Comments, not based on likes or dislikes.
Don t ask ... ask this question to Nawaz and Shahbaz Shareef and also Zardari.
he will visit as well as russia in future!

these r planned visits.
Why should he visit unless there is something serious to sign? There are lots of issues internally which need his attention first.

PS, we should stop begging loans from countries and should seek help from financial institutions. Also Turk economy just started to recover from economic crisis if I am not wrong and we don't have any past example of Turkey giving us monetray help.
Why should he visit unless there is something serious to sign? There are lots of issues at hand

PS, we should stop begging loans from countries and should seek help from financial institutions. Also Turk economy just started to recover from economic crisis if I am not wrong and we don't have any past example of Turkey giving us monetray help.
Well for friendly visit.
if PM visit people come up with complaint that he is waisting so much money in these financial crises if he dont then cry again. Turkey cant help they way others are Qatar gave him 22 billion when lira was down.

Our PM visited all the Friendly countries for getting Financial assistance, but why he not Visiting Turkey, is that because of US pressure, or its our own Decision.

If it is Intentional(USA) Pressure, then why he visited Saudi Arabia Twice.

Need Factual Comments, not based on likes or dislikes.

Our President went there, when there was opening ceremony of Turkish Airport. PM doesn't need to go every where. Only to places where it matters the most.
Well cause he only went to those countries from where he expected some investment and financial help to ease the Economic pressure and Malaysia has a special place cause of Mahatir.
Turkey itself is in a very bad situation economically and they have their own issues to sort out, so cant expect much from them so what's the point.
so U saying turkey is not our Friend? and russia is?

Turkey is friendly country. If you remember Shahbaz Shareef first speech after his reproduction order from NAB custody. He said, don t go deep in money laundering cases or visit or review the signed contract. that would affect the relations with some countries and named Turkey. Now, when NAB is in full action, lot has to come up in JIT. Let s see what will come up in JIT reports . In last week of December JIT will submit report to SC and will be public. But, I think NAB will remove the names of countries who let these corrupts park there ill wealth.
It is fact two Shareefs unprofessional behavior has jeopardized relations with some countries.
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Turkey is friendly country. If you remember Shahbaz Shareef first speech after his reproduction order from NAB custody. He said don t go deep in money laundering cases or visit or review the sign contract. that would affect the relations with some countries and named Turkey. Now, when NAB is in full action, lot has to come up in JIT. Let s see what will come up in JIT reports . In last week of December JIT will submit report to SC and will be public. But, I think NAB will remove the names of countries who let these corrupt park there ill wealth.
It is fact two Shareefs unprofessional behavior has jeopardized relations with some countries.

may i know which case u referring too? or this is your assumption.
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