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Why pilgrims were brought into Pakistan from Iran. Zulfi bukhari

Bringing back alleged Corona affected people, without due arrangements, facilities, quarantine center, testing kits, proper mapping in regard to points to do etc, are the most negligent yet incompetent & a crime of highest order by the Civil Administration. A reactionary approach & rushing to contain it thinking out like it's nothing; was the most foolish approach. There was no preparation to handle pandemic despite of almost 4 months old outbreak.

What we did was, issue statements, act big & ready and once reality hit us; started to cry and call it opposition propaganda or whatever. The issue in regard to bringing the pilgrims or Pakistanis abroad would have been gone down the drain if it was handled properly. GoP wasted all the months instead of preparing for it, sending teams abroad to be trained & observe as how to handle. What can we expect from administration, from top to bottom, federal to provincial in regard to handle Corona Virus where, the incompetent bunch is failing to control hoarders/smugglers.

Once, the virus reached; the arrangements should have been done on district level like introduced a helpline then ask people to call if such symptoms appears and medics should be sent on the given address. By this way, we could have save a lot of lives at risk while in hospital given the miserable conditions & hygiene in most hospitals. Once, you called all the alleged affected people at the same point of a corona carrier, actually you have already risked them all and exposed to virus. It wasn't hard to arrange so that people wouldn't be rushing to hospital which can ultimately result in more spread. Instead, send medics to home and they will check if symptoms are of Corona related or just seasonal flue etc.

If any political loyal is about to get hurt, allow me to say that it was totally a flop show of statements and all the parties are involved to use this as an opportunity of point scoring and nothing else. This time will In'Sha'ALLAH pass and we will get through and in future may be soon; we will come to know as how all the economy is plundered in the name of arrangements, how all the funds are looted & how the aid is vanished but existed in papers. We the people being loyal to one party or another will make it possible for them to cover all these tracks... by way of throwing mud at each other while elites will be done with it.

Look I am not in anyway denying PTI govt mistake at all but propaganda of PPPP is also real here.

This was tweeted by PPPP then deleted.


Here it is done by another one of PMLN MNAs.

This video is not Pakistan but Herat Afghanistan originally posted on 15 March 2020.

Here is the original link of the video from face book.

Look I am not in anyway denying PTI govt mistake at all but propaganda of PPPP is also real here.

This was tweeted by PPPP then deleted.

View attachment 615331

Here it is done by another one of PMLN MNAs.

This video is not Pakistan but Herat Afghanistan originally posted on 15 March 2020.

Here is the original link of the video from face book.

Read the first line of last para of my post... none of the parties disappointed me for their own set of failures. Everybody is busy with leg pulling & mudslinging against the other side merely to cover their own failures & mistakes.
I agree with you 100% but this whole shit show was started by @PaklovesTurkiye on the basis of fake tweets and carried on forward by Sectarian bigots..I kept quite for 24 hours waiting for Mods to Respond yet not only no response filth wasn't cleaned either....

This virus is too much for Pakistan to handle regardless of what the government claims and unfortunately it will wreck havoc before its over, going around Pakistan and asking the locals to take precautions have failed as they simply claim GOD will look after them not to worry...

why is it that when someone says something against Iran it becomes a sectarian issue
Look I am not in anyway denying PTI govt mistake at all but propaganda of PPPP is also real here.

Mistake? You need to get your priorities right, bud. This is deliberate incompetence born from corruption and 'not giving two squats' about you and I.

Is the PPP and PMLN propaganda going to result in thousands of Pakistani deaths? The government threw you and your loved ones into an inferno and you are countering the criticism of that with "Oh hey that propaganda against them is wrong". I don't give two bits about what the PMLN and PPP are saying. The PTI establishment is a bunch of morons led by an 'all too full of himself' buffoon who is enabled by his imbecilic worshipers who will happily lick the dirt off his shoes.

And frankly speaking, even if that video is from somewhere else, the situation at that Taftan camp was not any better. Confirmed carriers there were released without ever being tested!

What difference is there between you PTI worshipers and the PMLN/PPP jialas?
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Is the PPP and PMLN propaganda going to result in thousands of Pakistani deaths?
Yes it will result in more deaths than coronavirus can ever kill. Look around the world the scare of virus is not the death from virus people know virus can be avoided by precaution but why virus spreads is due to the fact that people have to go out and conduct business. So if misinformation causes chaos it will hurt more than virus and it is very shameful that pmln and ppp are acting like bigger joker than PTI.
Chaos can kill more and will contribute to the more spread of virus.

That is why South Africa introduced this law and we need to do the same.

Now a news in national media is.

You come across as a sensible person on this forum. Yet you're quoting news from the gutter press, who are themselves quoting a partisan source, one who has a track record of outrageous claims.

Not all press in Pakistan is bad but Bol News is one of the bad ones. In the last two weeks they have taken a tweet from an American comedian which contained a doctored video and reported it as news.


Look at the editorial standards. We all know Jang/Geo are pro PMLN, ARY are pro PTI, we have to take the biases of the sources and thier track record into account.
For a whole fcking day this bastard website allowed open season with the most vicious sectarian hatred imaginable, either criminal negligence or collusion. Either way this so called site can fck off.
For a whole fcking day this bastard website allowed open season with the most vicious sectarian hatred imaginable, either criminal negligence or collusion. Either way this so called site can fck off.
Come on man,what people on site are suppose to do other than discussing news?

You come across as a sensible person on this forum. Yet you're quoting news from the gutter press, who are themselves quoting a partisan source, one who has a track record of outrageous claims.

Not all press in Pakistan is bad but Bol News is one of the bad ones. In the last two weeks they have taken a tweet from an American comedian which contained a doctored video and reported it as news.


Look at the editorial standards. We all know Jang/Geo are pro PMLN, ARY are pro PTI, we have to take the biases of the sources and thier track record into account.
I have first hand knowledge about sitution in that region,Govt has woke of just 5 days ago,when it comes to Iran-Pak border.
For a whole fcking day this bastard website allowed open season with the most vicious sectarian hatred imaginable, either criminal negligence or collusion. Either way this so called site can fck off.

Rafi bro in one way that was important. This made our govt to wakeup which previously they were sleeping. Sometimes bad things help in good way.
Rafi bro in one way that was important. This made our govt to wakeup which previously they were sleeping. Sometimes bad things help in good way.

I'm sick and tired of this bs, I have faced bullets in real life I don't have to face them on this forum as well.

Yes it will result in more deaths than coronavirus can ever kill.

Prove it. Show me the numbers. Show me how many have been killed from opposition propaganda in Italy, Iran and China.

Look around the world the scare of virus is not the death from virus people know virus can be avoided by precaution but why virus spreads is due to the fact that people have to go out and conduct business.

Are you soft in the head, bud? Do his boots taste that good to you?

So if misinformation causes chaos it will hurt more than virus and it is very shameful that pmln and ppp are acting like bigger joker than PTI.
Chaos can kill more and will contribute to the more spread of virus.

I don't care what the PMLN and PPP are doing. Why? Because I am not a moron. I am more concerned with what the 'in power party', you know, the one responsible for saving us from this disease is and is not doing.

I believe that my fury has reached the point where if I keep conversing with you on this I'd stoop to a level unbecoming of me and commit something that I'd later regret.

That is why South Africa introduced this law and we need to do the same.

...................People such as yourself have been the ruin of this country.

ps: You did not answer anything in my previous post. I did not expect otherwise. You are an agenda driven drone who'd risk the lives of his own family in loyalty to a political party which would not throw you a ball of spit.
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