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Why pilgrims were brought into Pakistan from Iran. Zulfi bukhari

I agree with you 100% but this whole shit show was started by @PaklovesTurkiye on the basis of fake tweets and carried on forward by Sectarian bigots..I kept quite for 24 hours waiting for Mods to Respond yet not only no response filth wasn't cleaned either....

This virus is too much for Pakistan to handle regardless of what the government claims and unfortunately it will wreck havoc before its over, going around Pakistan and asking the locals to take precautions have failed as they simply claim GOD will look after them not to worry...
We need mature posters. Now should we start crying for 9000 Pakistani stuck in KSA. They are Pakistani and they have right to come back.
Prove it. Show me the numbers. Show me how many have been killed from opposition propaganda in Italy, Iran and China.

Italy Iran and China have responsible people they don't do propaganda. This virus only exists here and world is a greater risk to this virus than coronavirus.
Bringing back alleged Corona affected people, without due arrangements, facilities, quarantine center, testing kits, proper mapping in regard to points to do etc, are the most negligent yet incompetent & a crime of highest order by the Civil Administration. A reactionary approach & rushing to contain it thinking out like it's nothing; was the most foolish approach. There was no preparation to handle pandemic despite of almost 4 months old outbreak.

What we did was, issue statements, act big & ready and once reality hit us; started to cry and call it opposition propaganda or whatever. The issue in regard to bringing the pilgrims or Pakistanis abroad would have been gone down the drain if it was handled properly. GoP wasted all the months instead of preparing for it, sending teams abroad to be trained & observe as how to handle. What can we expect from administration, from top to bottom, federal to provincial in regard to handle Corona Virus where, the incompetent bunch is failing to control hoarders/smugglers.

Once, the virus reached; the arrangements should have been done on district level like introduced a helpline then ask people to call if such symptoms appears and medics should be sent on the given address. By this way, we could have save a lot of lives at risk while in hospital given the miserable conditions & hygiene in most hospitals. Once, you called all the alleged affected people at the same point of a corona carrier, actually you have already risked them all and exposed to virus. It wasn't hard to arrange so that people wouldn't be rushing to hospital which can ultimately result in more spread. Instead, send medics to home and they will check if symptoms are of Corona related or just seasonal flue etc.

If any political loyal is about to get hurt, allow me to say that it was totally a flop show of statements and all the parties are involved to use this as an opportunity of point scoring and nothing else. This time will In'Sha'ALLAH pass and we will get through and in future may be soon; we will come to know as how all the economy is plundered in the name of arrangements, how all the funds are looted & how the aid is vanished but existed in papers. We the people being loyal to one party or another will make it possible for them to cover all these tracks... by way of throwing mud at each other while elites will be done with it.
Living in USA, I would tell Pakistani , don't blame govt. Its expensive diagnosis and treatment and need future planning, also people should help the govt to implement the policy. It beyond control. Govt are planning to force curfew or lockdown and Pakistani people carelessly interacting without knowing the consequences of this virus.

Italy Iran and China have responsible people they don't do propaganda. This virus only exists here and world is a greater risk to this virus than coronavirus.
tell you , people are totally underestimating the spread of this virus. The virus was landed in Pakistan when first case appeared in Wuhan. Because daily Chinese CPEC crew and Pakistani students depart and arrive from China. Pakistan should have take notice when Wuhan engulf in this virus. Anyway , its pointless to blame , need to look into future.

PS: I would say , if no one can afford the treatment , atleast half or quater spoonof turmeric mix in hot water and drink it. It help to clean the lungs.
Living in USA, I would tell Pakistani , don't blame govt. Its expensive diagnosis and treatment and need future planning, also people should help the govt to implement the policy. It beyond control. Govt are planning to force curfew or lockdown and Pakistani people carelessly interacting without knowing the consequences of this virus.

tell you , people are totally underestimating the spread of this virus. The virus was landed in Pakistan when first case appeared in Wuhan. Because daily Chinese CPEC crew and Pakistani students depart and arrive from China. Pakistan should have take notice when Wuhan engulf in this virus. Anyway , its pointless to blame , need to look into future.

PS: I would say , if no one can afford the treatment , atleast half or quater spoonof turmeric mix in hot water and drink it. It help to clean the lungs.

I know this virus is deadly and if people are not taking it seriously then they should think again.

Sorry Italians plz don't be offended but need to wake people here.
Living in USA, I would tell Pakistani , don't blame govt. Its expensive and need future planning and people should help the govt to implement the policy. It beyond control. Govt are planning to force curfew or lockdown and Pakistani people carelessly interacting without knowing the consequences of this virus.

I can say that it was a late comeback by Government given the mindset of Asians and especially SA. In view of social connections, daily practices within society and then the large numbers of labourers/daily wagers; officials in my opinion been sleeping playing it down like what Trump did and then suddenly, the panic within top officials hence, running for arrangements in rush while the pandemic is already knocking on the door. What we could have done in advance despite our limitations; should have started to educate people since 3 months back with offensive media campaign & continuous awareness in reference to the virus hit places. Awareness, telling the risk & lethal of virus and then some basic preparations would have done more good than the rush as such.

This policy was need to be introduced in advance instead of being reactionary while the Virus made it home. One cannot convince the whole society overnight for unknown plague. Apparently, the incompetent bunch within Officials waited unnecessarily in a hope that virus will vanish by itself. To be honest, no one educated Pakistanis about the consequences of virus due to careless interactions but as soon as we started the hear about alleged patients & infected people; it was a reaction that people started to search for precautions & then on the same time Government was introducing what to do list.

Don't we know the competency of PPPP for Sindh at large? but then we have seen the Federal totally failing while the seasonal heroes like Ali Zaidi, Wawda, Amir Liaquat etc are nowhere to be seen in days. At-least ruling party could have taken the lead to come up with essential distributions in advance but on other hand, I saw it failing to even control the hoarders let alone free distribution of masks or sanitizers etc at all. No to forget that many local NGOs been distributing masks whether it helps everyone or not but at-least there's been some activity. On other hand; Government totally failed to control hoarders and we have already seen the panic shopping especially the grocery. Just today, flour is 80 Rs kilo now imagine an isolated city with no work and there you have lot of daily wagers that mostly relies upon the money being earned on a day and then get foods from inexpensive or cheap hotels etc. Trust me for this as I have already talked to few and they had no complaint but only that they cannot afford to buy items for themselves & hotels/restaurants are already closed. Then to of that, most of offices aren't closed and salary people have to go on job in regular pattern.

Government of Sindh just shut down Sindh Secretariat and even most of offices are closed while on other hand; the Apex Court Justice decided not to close Courts giving the impression of serving justice to the people shall not be delayed. Wouldn't the people in hundreds will visit Courts however, those special kind of officers will sitting 6 to 10 meters away but on other hand, lawyers will be gathered and so the parties involved in cases. Sindh is most affected Province and everyone knows the population of Karachi alone. Had it been the real concenr, should have announced leaves as they did for Schools and most of Karachites have come from native areas/remote areas that they would have left for months due to vacations and then you have less population to handle the spread or contain due to social interactions. This would have helped to reduce population and people gone to remote areas will already be staying away from population/having less interaction and almost zero chances for being carrier of virus or even spreading it. But unfortunately, schools are given leaves but almost every family member has to got to office daily and come back home where nobody is aware of what it may be. At-least a month of leaves only for less important offices can do a lot.
I can say that it was a late comeback by Government given the mindset of Asians and especially SA. In view of social connections, daily practices within society and then the large numbers of labourers/daily wagers; officials in my opinion been sleeping playing it down like what Trump did and then suddenly, the panic within top officials hence, running for arrangements in rush while the pandemic is already knocking on the door. What we could have done in advance despite our limitations; should have started to educate people since 3 months back with offensive media campaign & continuous awareness in reference to the virus hit places. Awareness, telling the risk & lethal of virus and then some basic preparations would have done more good than the rush as such.

This policy was need to be introduced in advance instead of being reactionary while the Virus made it home. One cannot convince the whole society overnight for unknown plague. Apparently, the incompetent bunch within Officials waited unnecessarily in a hope that virus will vanish by itself. To be honest, no one educated Pakistanis about the consequences of virus due to careless interactions but as soon as we started the hear about alleged patients & infected people; it was a reaction that people started to search for precautions & then on the same time Government was introducing what to do list.

Don't we know the competency of PPPP for Sindh at large? but then we have seen the Federal totally failing while the seasonal heroes like Ali Zaidi, Wawda, Amir Liaquat etc are nowhere to be seen in days. At-least ruling party could have taken the lead to come up with essential distributions in advance but on other hand, I saw it failing to even control the hoarders let alone free distribution of masks or sanitizers etc at all. No to forget that many local NGOs been distributing masks whether it helps everyone or not but at-least there's been some activity. On other hand; Government totally failed to control hoarders and we have already seen the panic shopping especially the grocery. Just today, flour is 80 Rs kilo now imagine an isolated city with no work and there you have lot of daily wagers that mostly relies upon the money being earned on a day and then get foods from inexpensive or cheap hotels etc. Trust me for this as I have already talked to few and they had no complaint but only that they cannot afford to buy items for themselves & hotels/restaurants are already closed. Then to of that, most of offices aren't closed and salary people have to go on job in regular pattern.

Government of Sindh just shut down Sindh Secretariat and even most of offices are closed while on other hand; the Apex Court Justice decided not to close Courts giving the impression of serving justice to the people shall not be delayed. Wouldn't the people in hundreds will visit Courts however, those special kind of officers will sitting 6 to 10 meters away but on other hand, lawyers will be gathered and so the parties involved in cases. Sindh is most affected Province and everyone knows the population of Karachi alone. Had it been the real concenr, should have announced leaves as they did for Schools and most of Karachites have come from native areas/remote areas that they would have left for months due to vacations and then you have less population to handle the spread or contain due to social interactions. This would have helped to reduce population and people gone to remote areas will already be staying away from population/having less interaction and almost zero chances for being carrier of virus or even spreading it. But unfortunately, schools are given leaves but almost every family member has to got to office daily and come back home where nobody is aware of what it may be. At-least a month of leaves only for less important offices can do a lot.
The Tenure of PMLN, and the tenure of PTI, both have been busy in political problems, Civilians and country are “Go to Hell” for them, Came in the judiciary, it has taken its own chair after sacking Nawaz Sharif, We have polar powers, Pakistan can’t run like that...
The Tenure of PMLN, and the tenure of PTI, both have been busy in political problems, Civilians and country are “Go to Hell” for them, Came in the judiciary, it has taken its own chair after sacking Nawaz Sharif, We have polar powers, Pakistan can’t run like that...

You know what Court did this time? It is the same episode when they were about to decide whether let Nawaz go abroad for medical or not? In the end, Apex Court wanted Government to take responsibility. This time, Apex wants to make sure that nobody says that he is the one that delayed cases for month or so. How come these elites can feel the hurdles of a commoner that might go through such medical treatment. These people are powerful as much as they can even call the top doctor, the testing kits & everything at their home even for their families. Nobody can guess how much the top tier is being paid monthly let alone their incentives & TADAs.
You know what Court did this time? It is the same episode when they were about to decide whether let Nawaz go abroad for medical or not? In the end, Apex Court wanted Government to take responsibility. This time, Apex wants to make sure that nobody says that he is the one that delayed cases for month or so. How come these elites can feel the hurdles of a commoner that might go through such medical treatment. These people are powerful as much as they can even call the top doctor, the testing kits & everything at their home even for their families. Nobody can guess how much the top tier is being paid monthly let alone their incentives & TADAs.
Yes, and not to forget the millions and billions of bribes they receive and distribute amongst...
So,Khaja is wrong?
Than who was genius who let them slip out?
Ptobably some gate keeper for few hundred rupees. Isnt it common in Pakistan or are you living in a different Pakistan ?

We need mature posters. Now should we start crying for 9000 Pakistani stuck in KSA. They are Pakistani and they have right to come back.
Whether they have right or not is secondary. They dont have option. Saudi dont want to retain them. They dont have any income . What ootion they or we have ?
Why then he allowed pilgrims to disperse in mainland Pakistan...???

This is one BIG failure of PTI.

To bad he forgot about Iranian strikes on US Army after they killed Qaseem and Iranian AD hitting an airliner.

Why then he allowed pilgrims to disperse in mainland Pakistan...???
This is one BIG failure of PTI.
Yeah sub pichli Hakoomat ka kiya dhara hai,na wo road bantaey na yeah log Iran jatey na wapis atey.
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