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Why pilgrims were brought into Pakistan from Iran. Zulfi bukhari

He has a point
He has a very valid point. Now KSA told Pakistan to get all pilgrims out with in 3 days so what could we do other than evacuate them?

Thank you to China for hosting Pakistan students this long and facilitating them.

Frankly you cannot blame KSA or Iran for this. They are our citizens and our responsibility if the host country refuses to facilitate them.

Coronavirus was not spreading locally but Pakistani in other countries were being effected and that means Pakistan was being effected so we had to take measures instead of sleeping.
He has a very valid point. Now KSA told Pakistan to get all pilgrims out with in 3 days so what could we do other than evacuate them?

Thank you to China for hosting Pakistan students this long and facilitating them.

Frankly you cannot blame KSA or Iran for this. They are our citizens and our responsibility if the host country refuses to facilitate them.

Coronavirus was not spreading locally but Pakistani in other countries were being effected and that means Pakistan was being effected so we had to take measures instead of sleeping.

You think the bigots care for Pakistan or the reasoning, I bet the ones spreading the hatred can't read English as of today!!
You think the bigots care for Pakistan or the reasoning, I bet the ones spreading the hatred can't read English as of today!!

My friend no one is a bigot but the problem is that people have failed to understand the threat and these are dangerous times. People are afraid and phobia is clouding the thinking. If someone shows sectarian hate don't follow them ignore them. If someone is not strong enough to handle the situation don't be like them play your own part. We can all bash the govt even for this all but now that time has passed and the virus is here so instead of focus on bashing let's fight the virus. When it was time to bash our media was busy pmln and ppp corruption. They failed to highlight the govts relaxed attitude. Now it is late for blame game. If we focus on blame we will suffer. It is time to come together and fight this shit show. Virus will kill both sunni Shia, PTI pmln ppp. It will spare no one. Neither rich nor poor. So what is the point to blame the others?
My friend no one is a bigot but the problem is that people have failed to understand the threat and these are dangerous times. People are afraid and phobia is clouding the thinking. If someone shows sectarian hate don't follow them ignore them. If someone is not strong enough to handle the situation don't be like them play your own part. We can all bash the govt even for this all but now that time has passed and the virus is here so instead of focus on bashing let's fight the virus. When it was time to bash our media was busy pmln and ppp corruption. They failed to highlight the govts relaxed attitude. Now it is late for blame game. If we focus on blame we will suffer. It is time to come together and fight this shit show. Virus will kill both sunni Shia, PTI pmln ppp. It will spare no one. Neither rich nor poor. So what is the point to blame the others?

I agree with you 100% but this whole shit show was started by @PaklovesTurkiye on the basis of fake tweets and carried on forward by Sectarian bigots..I kept quite for 24 hours waiting for Mods to Respond yet not only no response filth wasn't cleaned either....

This virus is too much for Pakistan to handle regardless of what the government claims and unfortunately it will wreck havoc before its over, going around Pakistan and asking the locals to take precautions have failed as they simply claim GOD will look after them not to worry...
He has a point
Leaving 60% effected people into mainland,if he has a point than perish the thought we don't need enemies.

I agree with you 100% but this whole shit show was started by @PaklovesTurkiye on the basis of fake tweets and carried on forward by Sectarian bigots..I kept quite for 24 hours waiting for Mods to Respond yet not only no response filth wasn't cleaned either....

This virus is too much for Pakistan to handle regardless of what the government claims and unfortunately it will wreck havoc before its over, going around Pakistan and asking the locals to take precautions have failed as they simply claim GOD will look after them not to worry...
First cases of virus in Pakistan came from Pakistan and on larger scale terrorists returning from Gulf and Zahireens are main cause of this.
Zulfi Mehdi indeed was involved in getting peoples out of taftan.

I am not against bringing back anyone, I am against not providing them with adequate quarantine facilities and leaving them without forcing them to complete mandatory quarantine period.
Anyone who is involved in this mismanagement should be punished severely..
Today discussing this is akin to sanp guzarney kai baad lakeer peatna.
I agree with you 100% but this whole shit show was started by @PaklovesTurkiye on the basis of fake tweets and carried on forward by Sectarian bigots..I kept quite for 24 hours waiting for Mods to Respond yet not only no response filth wasn't cleaned either....

This virus is too much for Pakistan to handle regardless of what the government claims and unfortunately it will wreck havoc before its over, going around Pakistan and asking the locals to take precautions have failed as they simply claim GOD will look after them not to worry...

Let him do what he wants but you take care of your own actions. You can either fight Coronavirus or sectarianism. Trust me coronavirus is more dangerous.

The fight against Coronavirus is something humanity cannot afford to lose so please set your priorities right.

This is actual ture image this not fake or a joke.

Take this virus serious.
its a deja vu all over again, one retarded after another asking the same question that has been answered a million time, If People fighting Wahhabi terrorist in Syria are terrorist, That means others fighting the Wahhabi terrorist should also be labelled as terrorist?
By name calling and calling others retarded one never sounds more intelligent and intellectual.
They are indeed terrorists cum mercenaries, they are Pakistanis and have nothing to do with conflicts in Syria and Iraq,if they go there and fight they are no less than Uzbaks and Arabs trying to fight Pakistan under TTP command.
P.S:-How many iranians have came and fought for Pakistan in recent years?
How do you know that ?
Everybody knows that except those who are blind when it comes to PTI,Iran and Wilayte Fiqa.
Bhai, how many of us were crying here to build quarantine facilities.. if people like us can think about it, what has government done?
They have others works to do,mind that we are talking about those out of which 85% can't differentiate between "Server" & "Sarwar".
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Bringing back alleged Corona affected people, without due arrangements, facilities, quarantine center, testing kits, proper mapping in regard to points to do etc, are the most negligent yet incompetent & a crime of highest order by the Civil Administration. A reactionary approach & rushing to contain it thinking out like it's nothing; was the most foolish approach. There was no preparation to handle pandemic despite of almost 4 months old outbreak.

What we did was, issue statements, act big & ready and once reality hit us; started to cry and call it opposition propaganda or whatever. The issue in regard to bringing the pilgrims or Pakistanis abroad would have been gone down the drain if it was handled properly. GoP wasted all the months instead of preparing for it, sending teams abroad to be trained & observe as how to handle. What can we expect from administration, from top to bottom, federal to provincial in regard to handle Corona Virus where, the incompetent bunch is failing to control hoarders/smugglers.

Once, the virus reached; the arrangements should have been done on district level like introduced a helpline then ask people to call if such symptoms appears and medics should be sent on the given address. By this way, we could have save a lot of lives at risk while in hospital given the miserable conditions & hygiene in most hospitals. Once, you called all the alleged affected people at the same point of a corona carrier, actually you have already risked them all and exposed to virus. It wasn't hard to arrange so that people wouldn't be rushing to hospital which can ultimately result in more spread. Instead, send medics to home and they will check if symptoms are of Corona related or just seasonal flue etc.

If any political loyal is about to get hurt, allow me to say that it was totally a flop show of statements and all the parties are involved to use this as an opportunity of point scoring and nothing else. This time will In'Sha'ALLAH pass and we will get through and in future may be soon; we will come to know as how all the economy is plundered in the name of arrangements, how all the funds are looted & how the aid is vanished but existed in papers. We the people being loyal to one party or another will make it possible for them to cover all these tracks... by way of throwing mud at each other while elites will be done with it.
Everybody knows that except those who are blind when it comes to PTI,Iran and Wilayte Fiqa.

Thats not the answer. Is it me blind or are you claiming something which you dont know. Zulfi Bukhari is not my rishteydar nor are any shia but as a muslim I can't claim something which I dont know for sure.

If you have any prove I will help you in condemning both PTI and Shia, but if you don't have any definite thing to prove your point then you are doing injustice to yourself and the person you are bla
Thats not the answer. Is it me blind or are you claiming something which you dont know. Zulfi Bukhari is not my rishteydar nor are any shia but as a muslim I can't claim something which I dont know for sure.

If you have any prove I will help you in condemning both PTI and Shia, but if you don't have any definite thing to prove your point then you are doing injustice to yourself and the person you are bla
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