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Why People Love The Army

This is what happens when gov does not build institutuions this is mot armys job this is gov institutuions job to work on natural disasters management control and relief but unfortunately in pakistan theres absolutely no such concept due to corrupt govs pocketing money amd throwing haddis of emtros at population and millions spent on maryam nawaz facial surgeries.
Dekho yr I also love army , please do not doubt in my patriotism nd my love that I've for army .

I witness all the positive efforts it did for country nd my province .
But as it's the only force that has got more power than the ruling elite in the history of country nd its role in putting up or down this state , I expect much more from it .
Our Politicians are extreme level bagairat , they won't feel any shame ..
The political leadership along with all civilian departments are corrupt to the core..leaving only army as the duct tape solution..this is a bold indication towards failed state...when all civil institutes have become such failures that the state relied on army for several undertakings.!
Because more than the political leadership

The army has been by the people and for the people,

where as looking at the political leadership

it is by the feudal lords ,
for the feudal lords
army is where even the son of a general is not immune from getting rejected for commission and can get kickedout/ drummed out/ relegated withdrawn from the military academy or later in service

army is where even a son of an ordinary civilian can become a star officer.
granted it has its own vices , malpractices and favoritism but as per the words of my old baloch who is a war veteran " the soldiers wont put their lives on the line if their commanders are not capable and dont have their respect,
an officer who doesnt belong to his men and becomes commander through right of his succession or his elite family will never ever survive in the army.
so is the political system, do not see it working at all.
Pakistan Army is a organization. A organization whose forming units were set up by British way back in late 1890s. As a military organization it is kept separate from the general population/civilians. It has it's own code/rules and is largely insulated, insular from the mass of Pakistan. Majority of unit identity, histories, traditions, rules go back to the British era. The military is the least "desified" organization in Pakistan. It is almost like a local ieration of a multinationals like Unilever, ICI, Nestle, Telenor. They have Pakistani employees but the structure of these organizations is entirely inspired from abroad.

If a British Army officer is posted to Pakistan or vice versa there is not much for them to be surprised about but much familiarities to be noted. Pakistan Army is reflection and imprint of the British era. However the political system is reflection of native culture of Pakistan. The political system is not sealed off like the army from rest of Pakistan but instead is voted by the masses. Therefore the political system is reflection of the Pakistan 'awam'. The political culture is relection of desi culture. Whereas a British Army officer would be almost at home in any Pak Army unit a British politician would be out of depth and in a alien environment trying his hand in some rural constituency in Pakistan.
The army comes from the common Pakistani, the ruling elite do not. The people feel the forces are a part of them and their nation's makeup.
Every village will have someone whos sent there son to the army and that entire village is proud of this man. its the common mans army
However the political system is reflection of native culture of Pakistan. The political system is not sealed off like the army from rest of Pakistan but instead is voted by the masses.
Respectfully, I would disagree with you here. The Army has the "awaam" also who are disciplined. But they have controls which are set up from the British times to make things "proper" without going into details.
Yet, political system has controls also, but the bureaucrats forgot while they privileges they have responsibilities too. I do not understand why we blame the general public for corrupt politicians and not hold the bureaucrats who let this be accountable, whether retired or otherwise. The controls here have failed because of officials who are paid to do their jobs are not doing their jobs.

The political culture is relection of desi culture.
Pakistan is not the only army based on the British model, as you well know Briton did spread and make a lot of colonies, many who have kept the standards maintained in Pakistan.
The army comes from the common Pakistani, the ruling elite do not. The people feel the forces are a part of them and their nation's makeup.
People join the army to serve the country, people join politics to loot the country (not all of course, but you get the drift).
Pakistan armed forces are representation of any sense of order in the country.

Its just us but they work and want to work for the country.

Its not just an army anyhow

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