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Featured Why Pakistan's Imran Khan said no to American drones

The funny thing is the statement of SMQ, the FM of Pak, Till the IK is the PM, there can be no bases to US. Thereby, seems openly saying or conveying the mesg to uncle Sam look it is only PM IK who is not letting US to have bases. Instead, he should have said the it is the policy of Pakistan.. How strange
Incorrect. Pakistan's airspace has been, and remains, open to US overflights, and likely to remain so, bases or no bases.
Bhai, US Air assets are flying through our western air corridor on daily basis...havn't you been following our Twitter handle or Insta??

Actually, they are still flying through Balochistan. Although the Americans have said that they won't strike the Taliban once they have completed the withdrawal process.

I am talking about post 9/11/21
Also block air space to the Americans. Not a single US aircraft should be allowed to enter Pak air space without prior permission. Squeeze em like a sponge.
Also block air space to the Americans. Not a single US aircraft should be allowed to enter Pak air space **other than civilian usage**. Squeeze em like a sponge.
Made a correction, as it suppose to be.
If the Pakistanis and the Afghans won't allow anti-terror drones to operate from their soil, then they have a real respnsibility to combat terror training camps themselves.
You need to educate yourself. These drones have proved to be terror drones (not anti-terror drones). How can Pakistan, or any other civilized country in world for that matter, can allow terrorist agencies to operate these drones to kill children, women, and other innocent people right in their own homes during wedding parties, sports events, prayers in mosques, and shopping in markets. Pakistan was forced to allow that in the past. Now the time has changed. Not anymore. As for the the ‘real responsibility to combat terror training camps’, don’t be panicked. When evil occupiers leave Afghanistan, the terror training camps will disappear automatically because those evil operators would be no more in Afghanistan.
Permission should be compulsory at all times. Even a US civilian airliner is suspicious in Pak airspace.
There shouldn't be any space for "Permissioned" airspace for other than Civilian use, period. Hopefully, this time sellouts will not be able to sell Pakistan.

The word 'allowed' is already there in your sentence which represents permission.
25 mins ago - World

Pakistan PM will "absolutely not" allow CIA to use bases for Afghanistan operations

Jonathan Swan, Zachary Basu

Pakistan will "absolutely not" allow the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency to use bases on its soil for cross-border counterterrorism missions after American forces withdraw from Afghanistan, Prime Minister Imran Khan tells "Axios on HBO" in a wide-ranging interview airing Sunday at 6 pm ET.

Why it matters: The quality of counterterrorism and intelligence capabilities in Afghanistan is a critical question facing the Biden administration as U.S. forces move closer to total withdrawal by Sept. 11.

The Biden administration also is exploring options in Central Asia to maintain intelligence on terrorist networks inside Afghanistan, but this is complicated for a different reason: those countries are in Vladimir Putin's sphere of influence.
Where it stands: Despite an uneasy relationship with Pakistan, whose military has deep ties to the Taliban, the U.S. has conducted hundreds of drone strikes and cross-border counterterrorism operations from Pakistani soil.

But Khan, who was elected in 2018, was unequivocal: Pakistan will not allow the CIA or U.S. special forces to base themselves inside his country ever again, he told Axios.
Between the lines: Khan has long opposed Pakistan cooperating with the U.S. war on terror, but the reality is that he also has no choice but to say this publicly.

Close observers say it would be political suicide for Khan to embrace the presence of the CIA or special forces on Pakistani soil.
American officials privately are still hopeful they can come to a covert arrangement with Pakistan's powerful military and intelligence services.
CIA Director William Burns did not meet with Khan when he made an unannounced trip to Islamabad recently to meet with the head of Pakistan's Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) agency, amid questions about how the CIA will adapt after two decades of intelligence and paramilitary operations in Afghanistan.

Earlier this month, White House national security adviser Jake Sullivan said the U.S. has had "constructive discussions" with Pakistan about ensuring Afghanistan will never again become a base from which terrorist groups can attack the U.S., but declined to go into specifics.
What's next: Burns has warned of the "significant risk" of al-Qaeda and ISIS regrouping in Afghanistan."When the time comes for the U.S. military to withdraw, the U.S. government's ability to collect and act on threats will diminish," he testified in April. "That is simply a fact."

Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin told Congress this week that it will take militant groups like al-Qaeda and ISIS possibly two years to develop the capability to strike the U.S. homeland.
The bottom line: That risk will only increase if the Afghan government collapses and the country falls into a civil war, Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Mark Milley testified.

Getting Pakistan on board with the peace process will be the pivotal factor, Afghan President Ashraf Ghani said last month in an interview with German newspaper Der Spiegel: "The U.S. now plays only a minor role. The question of peace or hostility is now in Pakistani hands."

CIA = world's biggest terrorist organization

LOL after destabalising, terrorising, economically sanctioning, vilifying and hating Pakistan for decades the fools now want a base. Tell me this is some sick joke. The audacity of these people boggles the mind.

Just imagine a thief requesting to use your lavatory after plundering your home.
a very bold decision from IK...

Now is the time for Pak to the "Game" to the next level....

Pak hasn't suffered so much not for nothing....
World is not unipolar anymore.bcz of cpec we can’t afford America in our soil ,the new regional block is going to form Russia,China,Pakistan n Iran. Turkey have a time to decide
Lol@flying them from Gulf countries....
Biden called yet? Are the choppers, engines etc coming? Oh I can hear crickets, now so can the current administration when they beg for bases.
Lol@flying them from Gulf countries....
Biden called yet? Are the choppers, engines etc coming? Oh I can hear crickets, now so can the current administration when they beg for bases.

LOL Even if stooges like Oman and Qatar came to American rescue it really amounts to nothing. No possibility of rapid reaction and the drones won't have enough endurance for loitering. The Americans understand they have little to zero options. Leaving means zero relevance in Afghanistan.
LOL Even if stooges like Oman and Qatar came to American rescue it really amounts to nothing. No possibility of rapid reaction and the drones won't have enough endurance for loitering. The Americans understand they have little to zero options. Leaving means zero relevance in Afghanistan.

Yep it's just BS spin. Those nations offer nothing when it comes to reaction and strike time.
What people also forget is that they would need the base of intelligence gathering as well, and not just strikes. It's not feasible flying from the Gulf.

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