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Why Pakistanis are "Not" Donating big to National Coronavirus Relief Fund?


Nov 1, 2010
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United States
Why Pakistanis are "NOT" donating big to National Covid-19 Coronavirus Relief Fund?

At a time of need, Pakistanis 220 million are not opening their huge pockets and put money and equipment in the COVID-19 Pandemic Relief Fund-2020.

1. In Lahore City, one of the richest cities in Pakistan, with huge number of rich people think the government already Taxes heavily, daily items prices are so expensive, lack of government seriousness, and the habit of Government everytime asking and begging money from the same 220 million Pakistan, who it is looting already.

2. The Army Generals who live in Lahore, Pindi, Islamabad, Peshawar and Karachi, have a massed"Million Dollars" assets, money, farhmouses, land, who are NOT donating anything to the Pakistani Nation, why would anyone else do.

3. The people of Pakistan are already living in extreme hard economic times, where they are already stretched alot.

4. The Army, Navy Airforce must also come forward and donate more.

5. The Government itself is not taking all the relief pressures by itself and its the easiet way to beg for donation whenever a national disaster happens.

6. The National corporate, NDMA, NLC, Hospitals are not providing the relief to the very Pakistani people who donates and pays taxes the most.

I will not donate single penny in government fund.they are cheaters and corrupt.
I will donate to the people i know around my area.
President,prime minister and members of assembly should not get the salaries.
Be an example for others.
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Why Pakistanis are "NOT" donating big to National Covid-19 Coronavirus Relief Fund?

At a time of need, Pakistanis 220 million are not opening their huge pockets and put money and equipment in the COVID-19 Pandemic Relief Fund-2020.

1. In Lahore City, one of the richest cities in Pakistan, with huge number of rich people think the government already Taxes heavily, daily items prices are so expensive, lack of government seriousness, and the habit of Government everytime asking and begging money from the same 220 million Pakistan, who it is looting already.

2. The Army Generals who live in Lahore, Pindi, Islamabad, Peshawar and Karachi, have a massed"Million Dollars" assets, money, farhmouses, land, who are NOT donating anything to the Pakistani Nation, why would anyone else do.

3. The people of Pakistan are already living in extreme hard economic times, where they are already stretched alot.

4. The Army, Navy Airforce must also come forward and donate more.

5. The Government itself is not taking all the relief pressures by itself and its the easiet way to beg for donation whenever a national disaster happens.

6. The National corporate, NDMA, NLC, Hospitals are not providing the relief to the very Pakistani people who donates and pays taxes the most.
Sounds like political sloganeering. Here's the thing. If you want to contribute to the fund, do so; but if you don't, don't make other peoples decision for them. You're only making a bad situation worse.

1-Incoherent reasoning. You want to cease all taxation? Good luck with that. Pakistan is already a very low tax country.

2-Same applies to politicians too. What have they contributed? They live in big farmhouses too.

3-Duh. Hard times all over the world.

4-For what? Military is already contributing manpower and resources including cargolift capacity.

5-Its called getting aid. If you haven't been living under a rock for the past 30 years, NS and Zardaris raped this country day in and day out so we actually have to beg for dollars. Yes that is true.

6-They are actually providing a lot of relief. Fake outbursts or politicizing dead bodies won't prove the opposite.
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for some people half glass is empty while for others half glass is full. those who themselves suffer from jaundice perceive the whole world as yellow. i dont know what the hell has gone wrong with us . i am sure i will not be sharing grave with any politician, general, business man etc. i will be in my own grave and i wont be asked about the deeds of others. i will be asked that in that time of need what i did for the humanity? that's all.
the nation is doing lot of sadqa and khairat in this cause . there is no doubt in it. but some MFs tend to create frustration in the society by raising doubts in the minds of the masses.
I will not donate single penny in government fund.they are cheaters and corrupt.
I will donate to the people i know around my area.
President,prime minister and members of assembly should not get the salaries.
Be an example for others.

And by food from their own pockets. Shameless beggars

Personnels have a tough life. Not enough pay

You will donate?

I don't get this image building charity, to look good the throw the rankers under the Train. I mean it's OK if csp's and generals have a pay cut but why take a thousand or two from an underdog?

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