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Why Pakistan Needs India Now


Oct 12, 2010
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Why Pakistan Needs India Now

Another assassination and another lament by commentators on both sides of the India-Pakistan border about the spiraling downward of Pakistani society further into the abyss.

The tragic assassination of Punjab Governor Salmaan Taseer has been taken by many as a sign of the ascendancy of fundamentalist Islam and the danger this poses to the Pakistani state, to say nothing of the repercussions for India.

But what has been missing from the commentary? Striking by its absence is any reference to the dire economic straits that Pakistan now finds itself in.

While elites in Pakistan and India decry the demise of political liberalism in Pakistan, they miss out the flipside, which is the lack of commitment to a much-needed liberal economic policy. Apart from the on-again, off-again export of onions from Pakistan to India—which is designed to solve an Indian problem—the economic side of the relationship hardly ever rates a mention.

We know that the rise of fundamentalism and bigotry have throughout history been tied to economic decay and crises. The best example of this is the rise to power of the Nazis in Germany during the economic collapse of the Weimar republic. The rise of Islamic fundamentalism in Pakistan has gone hand-in-glove with its economic decline. This is important not just to Pakistan but to India. As we all know, fundamentalism has spilled over our borders principally through terrorism.

The facts are pretty bleak. Pakistan’s economic growth rate is an abysmal 2.5% compared to India’s, which is approaching double digits. Pakistan’s debt-to-GDP ratio is over 60%. Pakistan’s ratio of tax-to-GDP is below 10% and many of the nation’s elite pay no tax at all. In fact, only 2 million Pakistanis, mostly salaried professionals and civil servants, out of a population of 180 million pay taxes. This is just the tip of the iceberg.

One can debate whether Pakistan is a failing state but it’s clearly a failing economy.

To put it graphically: the Pakistani economy is like a sick patient kept alive by being constantly pumped full of drugs—money poured in by the U.S. and international organizations such as the World Bank and International Monetary Fund. If this money were cut off, the economy would go into cardiac arrest.

Given this bleak picture, it’s astounding that the current government reversed a relatively minor reform that raised fuel prices to regain the support of a coalition partner, putting in jeopardy the most recent loan package from the IMF.

How does India fit into this picture? And can two nuclear-armed rivals with a fraught relationship meaningfully engage in trade and commerce with each other?

Trade is one of the engines of growth and development but in the case of Pakistan, this potentially important link with India is virtually missing. At present trade is roughly $2 billion a year.

Pakistan accounts for less than 1% of India’s trade and India less than 5% of Pakistan’s trade. Contrast this to the bilateral trade relationship following independence, when 70% of Pakistan’s trade was with India while more than 60% of India’s exports went to Pakistan.

According to Mohsin Khan of the Peterson Institute, economists estimate a “normal” trading relationship would be five to 10 times larger than the current amount.

There is also an estimated $2 billion to $3 billion a year in trade that takes place unofficially through third countries, especially the United Arab Emirates.

If this could be normalized as bilateral trade, it would occur at a much lower cost and therefore greater economic gain.

I’d argue that we must at least try to improve our economic relationship even if the political relationship is still frosty. The great exemplar here is the European Union, which was built on the premise that binding neighbors together economically was a prerequisite for ensuring peace and prosperity for all. We in India have yet to fully absorb this lesson. A prosperous Pakistan will not only be good for Pakistanis themselves but also good for us in India.

It’s time for the liberal commentators on both sides of the border to stop wringing their hands about the demise of a secular liberal democracy, because Pakistan hasn’t been that for some time, if it ever was.

While the support that the Indian intelligentsia has offered their counterparts in Pakistan following the assassination is heart-warming, it’s not consequential in the big picture. Liberals in Pakistan may fight on but it’s time for us in India to accept that Pakistan is an Islamic state with Islamic values and laws.

The crux here is that trade and commerce know no religious boundaries. We must work towards building a stronger bilateral relationship on that basis.

India Journal: Why Pakistan Needs India Now - India Real Time - WSJ
This is a very naive viewpoint,that economic trade between India and Pakistan will save Pakistan from the clutches of fanatics,and religious extremists.Pakistan trades with countries which are friends.India and Pakistan are not friends by any standard of imagination.While trade is one part of the story,economic interdependence is another.If by trade one has to assume,that there would be economic interdependence,that again is a pipe dream because it can happen only between nations which give MFN status to each other.Pakistan doesn't need India,or anyone else.It just needs its own people to take charge of the country and create a society that they want,be it secular or theocratic.
You can still trade and not remain friends business is business it will help both countries
The lack of trust between the two will never let this happen. Trade with India will not save Pakistan's economy! Pakistan economy did pretty well before the WOT started without India so I don't see how India can save Pakistan. Trade is a good thing but as I mentioned before if we cant trust each other on anything we are back to square one! In short, Pakistan needs to help itself and Indian writers need to shut up and let them be..
i dont think that they think they need our help... so whats the point discusssing all this...plus we have plenty of our own problems to sort out ...
so just forget bout these stupid dreams...

There is also an estimated $2 billion to $3 billion a year in trade that takes place unofficially through third countries, especially the United Arab Emirates.

If this could be normalized as bilateral trade, it would occur at a much lower cost and therefore greater economic gain.

Direct trade can reduce cost of doing business for both
I hope the intentions of the lady are good. We Pakistanis are not at all pessimistic about our future. The ideas extracted from blogs and forums are often misleading.
We have been listening this since decades that Pakistan will not survive the next year. Pakistan has and Pakistan will rise again and very shortly. Have no doubts about it.
arrogant article from an indian pakistan does not need anyone especially not india it needs first thing literacy and education and a sincere government to take advantage in pakistani interests if we get these the rest of the problems everything is linked to education economic,security and also social problems.
Kind of BS article. Pakistan will not work with India for another 2 decades IMO. The reason is simple, currently our current generation is still having ego issue very strong. So strong that practicle decision is supressed by ego issues.

It is not happening.

Yes what they can do is get practicle, which I don't see them getting practicle.
It’s time for the liberal commentators on both sides of the border to stop wringing their hands about the demise of a secular liberal democracy, because Pakistan hasn’t been that for some time, if it ever was.
Reporter directly asking the liberal forces in both countries to surrender to the extremist forces.A defeatist view i must say from the jurno.
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