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Why North Korea ballistic missile points to Japan?


Sep 15, 2007
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yesterday, 2016 8 4, North Koren send a missile to Japanese Sea, why?

the fly route of themissile,


according the news from japan:
Beijing time 6053 the 4th of Aug.north Korea launched a ballistic missiles from its west coast towards the sea of Japan , missile flight about1000 kilometers, on about 0705 fall in the akita county , 250 kilometers west to akita county , Japan's exclusive economic zone (EEZ)

as has declared by N.C. he can make hydrogen bomb and have tested his first hydrogen bomb in Juan.2016 though the US did not comfirm.

what can japan react?
weaponized by nuclear bomb as discussed by many american's politicians?
or ask its dada, american to get rid of NK's nuclear abilities?
if not, NK alone can be a thorn in japanese throat.
Can't say anything, Japan always busy keep pointing finger to their neighbor: NK, China, Russia, China, and back to NK again, so that's the proper answer they get. They do all that only to pleased their US master. Can't blame 'bad boy' Kim right now.

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