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Why no action yet against source of dawn leaks?

It's usual routine, suddenly there is hype and then after sometime everyone forgets. You can see it all along Pakistani history.
Due this habit of Pakistanis, NS wanted to gain time in Panama, so that with time this problem would dissolve along with other more important matters.
But also dawn gate timing is important or may be they chose it deliberately. Army is not in state to put a lot of pressure. Raheel Shareef is going and a govt minister yesterday said that govt will announce new chief in ten days.
Moreover, there is nothing to seen against N-league in whole of RS tenure. Only MQM is not terrorist.

Yes... Seems General Sharif doesnt want to take any action against PML N, for whatever reasons.... Athough he has taken action against almost everyother party, be it PPP or MQM...but no action against PML N?.. He couldnt even get karachi like powers for Rangers in Punjab..so overall, he hasnt done anything against PMLN at all.. Is it some soft corner or whatever....but this remains a fact... Now even on such a breach of national security..he doesnt seem too inclined to do anything at all
@coffee_cup @war&peace @Zarvan your thoughts on the topic?

Who will take action? Who will punish the person who fed the fabricated news? Clearly people sitting in PM house and federal ministers are responsible for this...so obviously the govt is not going to do it.... So will army be a sitting duck against those ppl, who breached national security? If army remains a sitting duck..does it mean....there has been a mukmuka between army and govt?

Generally in the West journalists and media exercises maximum self restraint when it comes to national security or national interests.

So to say rights and duties are considered equally important there.

In our case this foreign NGO funded media wants to enjoy the maximum rights without bothering a tiny bit about their own duties.

If it were for me, I would have started from the journalist. That a**h*** knows very well what kind of ripples this will create in the international community and what negative impact this will have on our national security, but he still goes on publishing.

Funding must be good!

Those who planted the news come next and will have to face the full justice for harming the national security. The whole nation stands with the army on this one! So as it seems, there is not going to be a "Mukmuka". The govt will try to prolong it, because that idiot heading the media cell from PM house is personally involved. But I don't think this time it is gonna die down so easily.
Generally in the West journalists and media exercises maximum self restraint when it comes to national security or national interests.

So to say rights and duties are considered equally important there.

In our case this foreign NGO funded media wants to enjoy the maximum rights without bothering a tiny bit about their own duties.

If it were for me, I would have started from the journalist. That a**h*** knows very well what kind of ripples this will create in the international community and what negative impact this will have on our national security, but he still goes on publishing.

Funding must be good!

Those who planted the news come next and will have to face the full justice for harming the national security. The whole nation stands with the army on this one! So as it seems, there is not going to be a "Mukmuka". The govt will try to prolong it, because that idiot heading the media cell from PM house is personally involved. But I don't think this time it is gonna die down so easily.

I agree tht dawn and its journalist are equally at fault here... They should have exercised restraint... But if we see, tht reporter did not go after the story, but it was actually fed to dawn, from the top level....with a clear motive to malign the instituition...and national security... Thts the reason, even Corps commanders in their press release emphasized on feeding of the story and termed it as breach of national security...they didnt even mention the reporter at all
So the sources of this story must be punished first..
But do u see any sign of tht happening? Why i say mukmuka? Because there seems to be no sign of anyone getting punished at all....obv PM will not let them be punished, because his close affilaites , even his daughter is most prbably involved, with most probably his own backing... So whatever has to be done..it should be done by the army.. No use of waiting for action by govt... But do u see ANY sign of tht happening? I am not talking abt martial law...but atleast arrest Parvez Rasheed, and other bureaucrats, if not Pm and his daughter..obv thts asking a bit too much....but whats stoping army from arresting atleast Parvez Rasheed, so tht atleast some sign of justice is seen to be done, rather nothing at all..saying, .tht oh we cant arrest PM, so matti pao, and mukmuka...if culprits are let scott free, this time, and nothing is done...then NOTHING will be able to stop our politicians from open treason, next time too, with even more serious matters.. Atleast something needs to be done..if not PM, or his daughter...
Is Gen Raheel Sharif hoping/waiting to put the burden on the shoulders of next arny chief? If, yes, the. Its not an honorable thing to do, plus its still more than a month... Hes the army chief, have all the powers still.. He should conclude this matter, by himself......if theres no mukmuka
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The army fan boys were excited as usual about the idiocy of the generals.

Do you really think that it is treason to leak the "ridicule" of DG ISI in a meeting? It could only be termed as BLASPHEMY. :rofl::rofl::rofl:

Now even if hypothetically, a law exists against BLASPHEMY of Generals, you need to have solid evidence to prove it.

For army fan boys, hearsay or a statement by ISPR may be as true as Gospel, but in a court of law such things would be thrown out by a judge within a single hearing.:rofl::rofl::rofl:
It is similar to the Memo Gate scandal of Hussain Haqqani. He allegedly wrote something on a white piece of paper without his signatures and the fan boys were calling for his head through a judicial proceeding. Only the fan boys can come up with the idea that a random unsigned piece of paper is EVIDENCE that can stand in a court of law. :crazy::crazy::crazy:
So you are an undercover ganja fanboy.
I cant really understand why its a national security threat to publish a news that civilian govt discussed with military about its view on perceived state patronage of extremist groups?

You are not thinking actual patronage is a National threat why you perceive that informing the same to a newspaper is a National security threat?

In fact I think all of involved parties ie Army, civilians and media handling the incident is a very bad and immature way. There may be following possible reaction--

1. Simply ignoring such news. It will automatically die down soon
2. A joint statement to deny the news firmly asking media to me more truthful and professional. Also denying any terror patronage. Then close the chapter by completely ignoring the news.

But what all three pillars of state are doing creating lot of confusion and bad name internationally
for Pakistan. Army statement actually confirms such events happened which is leaked wrongly. Govt statement on the other hand stating that so such incidents happened. Media is speculating in a weird way all conspiracy theories.

And the issue remains alive and burning each day--- for whose benefit ???

The problem is that both military and civilian part of government deny that the conversation reported in Dawn actually took place. So why did someone 'fabricate'(the word used in ISPR release after Corps Commanders' conference) the details and release it to the media.
Agreed this nabob govt and nawaz should be delt final punch this guy since came in 70 as politics Pak facing problem courts should disqualify this baboon once it for all basterd
We have to ask ourselves if it was a deliberate leak or just a “sparrow” as in Najm Sethi’s ‘Chirya’?

It is hard to imagine any irresponsible blabber mouth attending such a high level meeting. Hence the leak was obviously deliberate and also embellished with a few ‘Untruths.

What I could gather from the various discussions on the media is that Foreign Ministry Advisors Sartaj Aziz & Tariq Fatimi complained to the PM that their efforts to counter Indian propaganda about Pakistan sponsoring international terrorism are falling on deaf ears because like of Hafiz Mohammed Saeed & Masood Azhar, whose organizations have been internationally proscribed are roaming free in Pakistan.

This question was raised in the meeting but probably did not find support from the ISI. Nawaz Sharif wanted to pressurize ISI to stop supporting Jamaat Dawa and Jaish Mohammed therefore the leak originated from the PM office.

Pray tell me, under such circumstances, how can we expect any action against those who leaked the story to the Dawn reporter?
What do u guys think.....Has there been another mukmuka / NRO between government and military leadership, this time too? When army chief and Corps Commanders termed it as "feeding" and breach of national security, why dont u think..has there been any action yet by military? Its more than clear..tht government ministers and PM house is involved in this scandal, and they themselves fed this news..so obv they are not going to take action against themselves.....also, when i talk abt action against the "source" by the military...i dont mean martial law...but in many programs..this has been discussed...tht Arny/intelligence agencies can arrest the culprits involved in this scandal, under Army act for violating official secrets act..by themselves..even without asking from the government... So why is General Raheel Sharif not arresting those culprits, under army act...when its obv..tht government wont arrest its own ministers and officials? Will it be another matti pao, between army and govt? And another NRO? Will army let culpritswho breached national security, go scott free just because they afe from the ruling party? I mean..even Gen Kayani, who is often termed as weak and indecisive, got resignation og Hussain Haqqani....then its a much more serious breach of national security ..so why has Gen Raheel Sharif not taken any action against the culprits ..sitting in PM house and federal ministers & not arrested them yet? Why? What could be the reason, other than just matti pao and NRO? Any thoughts?

Hahaha good joke
who is going to take action against me?
my dady has everyone in his pocket.
rest are under my thumb

We have to ask ourselves if it was a deliberate leak or just a “sparrow” as in Najm Sethi’s ‘Chirya’?

It is hard to imagine any irresponsible blabber mouth attending such a high level meeting. Hence the leak was obviously deliberate and also embellished with a few ‘Untruths.

What I could gather from the various discussions on the media is that Foreign Ministry Advisors Sartaj Aziz & Tariq Fatimi complained to the PM that their efforts to counter Indian propaganda about Pakistan sponsoring international terrorism are falling on deaf ears because like of Hafiz Mohammed Saeed & Masood Azhar, whose organizations have been internationally proscribed are roaming free in Pakistan.

This question was raised in the meeting but probably did not find support from the ISI. Nawaz Sharif wanted to pressurize ISI to stop supporting Jamaat Dawa and Jaish Mohammed therefore the leak originated from the PM office.

Pray tell me, under such circumstances, how can we expect any action against those who leaked the story to the Dawn reporter?

Yes..we can not expect any action by the Nawaz govt, obviously since it was the one itself who leaked it to the mdia...but now..the question is..where does army stand?have they done another NRO with Nawaz govt? It seems to be the case right now.....
Ok..those who say.. Gen Raheel/army cant do anything...or they have limitations.....didnt Gen Raheel sharif..do not know the limitations when he first met the PM after dawn leaks scandal? He and Gen Rizwan Akhtar gave all the proofs to govt regd the culprits and then a public statement was issued...tht culprits will be punished... Obv Gen Raheel would have known at tht time...tht atleast govt wont punish them...bcoz it was all planned in the PM house... Next Corps Comm meeting... Obv the Corps Commanders must have discussed their options in the meeting, their limitations...and after all the deliberations..came up with a public statement, regarding feeding of false news and termed it as breach of national security... If Corps commanders chose to go public, with this....and termed it as feeding of news...did they not know...tht public will demand action against culprits who breached national security? Either they shouldnt have hyped up the issue, at all, should have become satisfied with the first denial of govt tht news is false, shouldnt have termed it as breach of national security, esp feeding of news...or ATLEAST something should have been done... The fact tht they chose..to go public with their reservations, meant tht they had a plan..but seems nothing... I am amazed tht now..after making it such a big issue, now the army is pretending as if nothing happened at all..and tht breach of national security is a routine matter, and u can get away with it...and tht one mere statement and press release by corps commanders is enough for it.....

I mean..if u had decided already in the corps comm meeting..tht we have limitations..culprits can be ounished only if govt punishes them(which will never happen..as they themeslves did it) they should have chosen to stay silent..but no.....they said breach of national security and what not.land now complete silence... Means everyone now is allowed to do breach of national security and a press release from corps comm is enough

To be honest...i am not surpised at governments reaction at all..in this whole fiasco..but tht of army... They have behaved strangely.... Pretending now...tht nothing happened at all, and probably it was some alien tht described it as breach of national security and not them

Atleast arny should also come clean abt it...they surely have done some NRO with the govt and public needs to be told abt it... Actually if we see, then Gen Raheel Sharif hasnt done anything inhis 3yrs against PML N... He has done action against PPP, MQM, but never anything against PML N... I think PML has a right to do breaches of national security and can get away with it, acc to Gen Raheel Sharif

@Irfan Baloch

Hahaha good joke
who is going to take action against me?
my dady has everyone in his pocket.
rest are under my thumb

View attachment 345908

It means..army is also in Nawaz pocket now? And tht they also have done NRO with govt on this.? I have only one question... Army knew from day 1 tht Nawaz govt is involved in this... They knew tht Nawaz will never take action against his daughter ...so either they should have ignored it, if they cant do anything on their own..they shouldnot have hyped up this issue, going public with press release regarding feeding of news and breach of national security...What did they expect..after the press release? Did they not know public will want some action after they termed it as breach of national security? Or they thought one press release is enough for breach of national security? They must have discussed all their limitations in the corps comm conference, and still come up with the public press release? Why did they not stay silent, if they knew tht could not do anything on their own, without the approval of govt... Obv approval of govt will never come as they are involved...why army made a mockery of everythiing, of national security? It would have still been better if they ignored from day 1, and did not go public with it...
Now we can assume..tht everyone has a right to breach national security...and get away with it..and a press release from army will be enough?
I am amazed, tht after hyping up the issue, and calling it breach of national security...arny is now pretending tht nothing happened at all, and its just a routine matter..and no breach of national security ever took place..as if some aliens gave tht press release.. Does public not have a right to ask for actions against culprits of this scandal?

Even Gen Kayani, who was believed to be very weak..managed to get hussain haqqanis resignation..but here, nothing at all...as if this scandal is erased from the memory of Gen Raheel Sharif, altogether....

Now Parvez Rasheed, the man believed to be the main culprit, who should have been arrested by now, was saying tht even KPK and Sindh CM were present in the meeting..so why blame us? He was clearly trying to shift the blame..and he had the audacity to shamelessly do this, because army let them do it.. And PML N is cleverky exploiting it..Nw arny should be ready for even more serious breaches of national security

Has Gen Raheel Sharif done another NRO with PML n? It seems to be the case.... But atleast come clean abt it
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Yes..we can not expect any action by the Nawaz govt, obviously since it was the one itself who leaked it to the mdia...but now..the question is..where does army stand?have they done another NRO with Nawaz govt? It seems to be the case right now.....
Ok..those who say.. Gen Raheel/army cant do anything...or they have limitations.....didnt Gen Raheel sharif..do not know the limitations when he first met the PM after dawn leaks scandal? He and Gen Rizwan Akhtar gave all the proofs to govt regd the culprits and then a public statement was issued...tht culprits will be punished... Obv Gen Raheel would have known at tht time...tht atleast govt wont punish them...bcoz it was all planned in the PM house... Next Corps Comm meeting... Obv the Corps Commanders must have discussed their options in the meeting, their limitations...and after all the deliberations..came up with a public statement, regarding feeding of false news and termed it as breach of national security... If Corps commanders chose to go public, with this....and termed it as feeding of news...did they not know...tht public will demand action against culprits who breached national security? Either they shouldnt have hyped up the issue, at all, should have become satisfied with the first denial of govt tht news is false, shouldnt have termed it as breach of national security, esp feeding of news...or ATLEAST something should have been done... The fact tht they chose..to go public with their reservations, meant tht they had a plan..but seems nothing... I am amazed tht now..after making it such a big issue, now the army is pretending as if nothing happened at all..and tht breach of national security is a routine matter, and u can get away with it...and tht one mere statement and press release by corps commanders is enough for it.....

I mean..if u had decided already in the corps comm meeting..tht we have limitations..culprits can be ounished only if govt punishes them(which will never happen..as they themeslves did it) they should have chosen to stay silent..but no.....they said breach of national security and what not.land now complete silence... Means everyone now is allowed to do breach of national security and a press release from corps comm is enough

To be honest...i am not surpised at governments reaction at all..in this whole fiasco..but tht of army... They have behaved strangely.... Pretending now...tht nothing happened at all, and probably it was some alien tht described it as breach of national security and not them

Atleast arny should also come clean abt it...they surely have done some NRO with the govt and public needs to be told abt it... Actually if we see, then Gen Raheel Sharif hasnt done anything inhis 3yrs against PML N... He has done action against PPP, MQM, but never anything against PML N... I think PML has a right to do breaches of national security and can get away with it, acc to Gen Raheel Sharif

@Irfan Baloch

If Nawaz Shareef was a liability to the Islamic republic of Pakistan, he is now become a national security risk, bigger then that of TTP. His agenda is anti state, his buddies are the worst enemies of Pakistan, and he of all people is sitting on top of the executive branch of Pakistan state machinery.

If the establishment have successfully uprooted the TTP with military force, they have failed miserably to even recognize let alone treat this cancer in the form of anti state so called politicians who are weekening the state foundations from within. Zarb-e-Azb cannot be classed a success, unless these extension of forigen powers within our political elite are not taken to task.
If Nawaz Shareef was a liability to the Islamic republic of Pakistan, he is now become a national security risk, bigger then that of TTP. His agenda is anti state, his buddies are the worst enemies of Pakistan, and he of all people is sitting on top of the executive branch of Pakistan state machinery.

If the establishment have successfully uprooted the TTP with military force, they have failed miserably to even recognize let alone treat this cancer in the form of anti state so called politicians who are weekening the state foundations from within. Zarb-e-Azb cannot be classed a success, unless these extension of forigen powers within our political elite are not taken to task.

What do u make, of the silence of army, on this matter, after terming it themselves, breach of national security? Another NRO? T be honest...Gen Raheel Sharif will lose credibility of he stays silent on this issue, and after hyping it up all, now pretends tht nothing happened at all...
Theres something strange...for sure...... And tht can be nothing other than another NRO... Very sad...
What do u make, of the silence of army, on this matter, after terming it themselves, breach of national security? Another NRO? T be honest...Gen Raheel Sharif will lose credibility of he stays silent on this issue, and after hyping it up all, now pretends tht nothing happened at all...
Theres something strange...for sure...... And tht can be nothing other than another NRO... Very sad...

There seems to be some skeletons in the closet of establishment as well when it come to Nawaz Shareef. They made him what he is now. And I hope I am wrong, there is a clear red line when it comes to taking on the ills in Punjab or from Punjab (including Shareef clan). Perhaps Punjab hold on Army establishment from within? Having said that, they havent gone beyond Karachi in Sindh as well.

There is a lot of hot air going about to be honest , if they cant deal with a hooker like Ayyan Ali, for more then a year, still ongoing, I am afraid, this Dawngate will meet the same fate like memogate. Bigger the treason to Pakistan, means bigger status, a licence to go Scott free.
The leak was deliberate. It was done by PM and his daughter. Thats why there will be no investigation.

Just look at how Indian media celebrated that news story and you will know for whose benefit it was done.

These crooks just want power. For them national security means nothing if it seems to be encroaching on their interests.

You should ask one of the laanti Nooni here and there are many on this forum too that how come Maryam nawaz is running a malicious social media cell from public money to slander, spread lies against opposition and Army?

Pakistan will do well only if parasites like Nawaz and Zardari are gotten rid of.
If Army arrest Mariam and Nawaz, they will again becomes martyrs for the illiterate and gullible public with the support of anti-Pakistan media houses. And that's what Nawaz and Co want, to become martyrs again. It's a dangerous game but one Army knows how to play too. Other countries are also lining up to bash our army for direct steps against this government, as part of the bigger game plan.

Hence I believe that this is a waiting game now. With Supreme Court in action, and Imran on the street and the case file already full of evidence, Army will wait for Nawaz to be taken out by the most likely SC first. Then you will see arrests. No martyrs then, only criminals.

This would be the right way to burry this dynasty once and for all.

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