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Why no action yet against source of dawn leaks?

Army is not even signaling to the PM, through its gestures, tht all is not hunky dory and tht national security breach is not a small issue...

Let me tell you one thing. This time it's our PM who wants serious confrontation with PA. He has become so brave because he knows he has friends next door, he has investments in different countries and he has friends in some countries that can put some financial pressure on Pakistan.

He wants this confrontation because he has to kill the ghost that haunts him whenever he comes into power. Our PM is so confident that some people have already conveyed him that Pakistani public will do the same to Army what Turkish people did to their Army a few months back.

When you plan to win a war, the first thing that you select is the territory of your choice. PA doesn't want to fight in the territory that gives considerable advantage to our traitor PM, otherwise Pakistanis will lose this war.

Pak Army: We will fight with them in the territory of our choice and at the time of our choice. Patience is the key. Display of support to NS despite his all wrongdoing is the need of time to show the people, NS is supported by PA, what hits him, we don't know!
Pak Army: We will fight with them in the territory of our choice and at the time of our choice. Patience is the key. Display of support to NS despite his all wrongdoing is the need of time to show the people, NS is supported by PA, what hits him, we don't know!

@bold... ok lets see...when tht time comes? Lets wait till 29th Nov, Gen Raheel Sharif's retirement? Dec?

I have a feeling tht deal is done...on selection of new COAS.. Army wants next chief of its choice..so maybe thts the deal with PM....

but I am still hoping against hope tht what u are saying is right... lets wait till end of Nov...theres dharna before tht... if till Gen Raheel Sharif's retirement..nothing happens at all....and Nawaz survives..then maybe, my gut feeling is right tht deal is done on selection of new COAS
All I'll say is "have patience". It'll all unfold sooner rather than later. Zia was meeting Bhutto until the very last minute (before the takeover) in a very courteous way as well.

I believe this latest meeting only had the PM in it and all other civilians were excluded. So Nawaz won't be doing any leaks per se going forward as Army brass will not meet any other civilians.
All I'll say is "have patience". It'll all unfold sooner rather than later. Zia was meeting Bhutto until the very last minute (before the takeover) in a very courteous way as well.

I believe this latest meeting only had the PM in it and all other civilians were excluded. So Nawaz won't be doing any leaks per se going forward as Army brass will not meet any other civilians.

ok...lets see... waiting till Gen Raheel Sharif's retirement...meaning end of Nov...
@coffee_cup @war&peace @Zarvan your thoughts on the topic?

Who will take action? Who will punish the person who fed the fabricated news? Clearly people sitting in PM house and federal ministers are responsible for this...so obviously the govt is not going to do it.... So will army be a sitting duck against those ppl, who breached national security? If army remains a sitting duck..does it mean....there has been a mukmuka between army and govt?

I will wait a little bit more..max a two three days but I think when it comes to taking action against NS, somehow there is some inexplicable hesitation on behave of establishment and then the idea of Punjabi establishment gains some traction ..However now India has carried out terror attack in Quetta and army's attention will be diverted to that ... the famous mystic Bullay shah said "Bullay shah asmani udd diyan pharr na ain ....jaira ghar betha hai ohnoo pharrya e naee"...Listen at 1:32
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@PakSword completely off topic but what do u think abt role of Gen Janjua, as NSA? I know he did wonderful job as Comm Southern Command..and I highly admire him for tht..... but he seems to be a totally changed personality since he became NSA to PM.. is it..now..tht he is completely influenced by PM? I remember...as Comm Southern command...he was always very vocal against India.. but since becoming NSA, he seems to have had a complete change of heart.. he seems to befriendingAjit Doval, the notorious person, directly destabilizing Pak... I haven't heard anything from him against India, since becoming NSA.. never heard anything abt Kulbhushan yadev... from Gen Janjua.., while earlier he himself always named and blamed India but. he now speaks abt India, in exactly the same tone as Nawaz Sharif... and then compare it to Gen Raheel Sharif's tone regd India..... and now if u say, he has to be diplomatic now, since he is NSA, now and follow PM's policy...even Ch Nisar, being Interior Minister, is more blunt towards India(Remember the SAARC episode), than Gen Janjua, who hardly speaks anything against India now.. what are ur thoughts, on his role as NSA?or..is it simply my bias...tht whoever comes close to PM Nawaz...I start viewing him with suspicion?
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Gen Janjua is just an adviser and a planner rather than someone who has free will to speak in public like federal minister(s). Seldom you will find him speaking about anything in public nor he should so.
ok...lets see... waiting till Gen Raheel Sharif's retirement...meaning end of Nov...

His retirement will not make any difference to the case in Supreme Court and Imran on the streets.

This time Supreme Court will have to take the lead, at the expense of being labeled an arm of the establishment. That label will come from PMLN eventually anyways the moment SC takes an action against this scum.
His retirement will not make any difference to the case in Supreme Court and Imran on the streets.

This time Supreme Court will have to take the lead, at the expense of being labeled an arm of the establishment. That label will come from PMLN eventually anyways the moment SC takes an action against this scum.

Lets see.. SC can very well delay and take ..almost till 2018..before they come up with a solid decision... I hope and pray tht all of you who are pinning hopes, are proven right, and they actually get the courage, to give timely and powerful decisions, with the backing of establishment....which seems unlikely to me, even with establishment's backing..... But i will happily want to be proven wrong..
Lets see.. SC can very well delay and take ..almost till 2018..before they come up with a solid decision... I hope and pray tht all of you who are pinning hopes, are proven right, and they actually get the courage, to give timely and powerful decisions, with the backing of establishment....which seems unlikely to me, even with establishment's backing..... But i will happily want to be proven wrong..

Happy times are ahead, rest assured. Pakistan is in existence because Allah wanted it to be. Faith first, followed by Unity and then Discipline.

With Faith comes Hope.
Happy times are ahead, rest assured. Pakistan is in existence because Allah wanted it to be. Faith first, followed by Unity and then Discipline.

With Faith comes Hope.
@PakSword completely off topic but what do u think abt role of Gen Janjua, as NSA? I know he did wonderful job as Comm Southern Command..and I highly admire him for tht..... but he seems to be a totally changed personality since he became NSA to PM.. is it..now..tht he is completely influenced by PM? I remember...as Comm Southern command...he was always very vocal against India.. but since becoming NSA, he seems to have had a complete change of heart.. he seems to befriendingAjit Doval, the notorious person, directly destabilizing Pak... I haven't heard anything from him against India, since becoming NSA.. never heard anything abt Kulbhushan yadev... from Gen Janjua.., while earlier he himself always named and blamed India but. he now speaks abt India, in exactly the same tone as Nawaz Sharif... and then compare it to Gen Raheel Sharif's tone regd India..... and now if u say, he has to be diplomatic now, since he is NSA, now and follow PM's policy...even Ch Nisar, being Interior Minister, is more blunt towards India(Remember the SAARC episode), than Gen Janjua, who hardly speaks anything against India now.. what are ur thoughts, on his role as NSA?or..is it simply my bias...tht whoever comes close to PM Nawaz...I start viewing him with suspicion?

You are right, Gen Janjua should raise his voice against India. No idea what he is upto. Maybe he is trying to gain trust of NS & Co. to get some important info. But seriously I have no idea.
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