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Why neighbours dislike or suspect India

You are the same person who said Bangladeshis prefer to fly over shorter distances than Indians and even more funnier claim by you that it was going on since Pakistan times that is pre basket case days.

Today new claim Bangladeshi army have better facilities and lives better than Indian army people.

Ha ha ha LOL :lol:

These stories are legend in Bangladesh. Everyone knows about Kolkata kanjoosi habits. Even their shopping bags are micro-sized unlike in Bangladesh or the rest of the world for that matter.

There was this property owner in Kolkata who had two cars parked in the New Alipore driveway. Even then he'd take the tram out twenty miles away to collect rent. That's how cheap dadas are.

No offense but these are funny stories. Kanjoos-e-makkhi-choos.
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@masud and @Khan saheb Bhais can you confirm this? What about other benefits in Bangladesh Army?

Usual Nonsense from a loser of course. That's the old 6'th payscale (though every ranks used to receive special allowance equal to their basic pay grade). If you include other allowances & benefits, everyone in the Armed forces earns three times(in commission & junior commission ranks even more) of the basic pay for respective ranks. According to the 8'th pay scale 2016 :

The basic pay of a

Second Lt. is 23,700/=
Warrant Officer - 22,000/=
Soldier/Private (1'st year) - 11,000/=

Every member in the armed forces are entitled to at least 850 sq. ft. housing quarters or money to rent one, rations for a family of 4, 3 festival allowance, yearly pay increments, free education for childrens, medical service for himself & family members, free/subsidiesed transportation, commuter service etc. etc.
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Usual Nonsense from a loser of course. That's the old 6'th payscale (though every ranks received special allowance equal to their basic pay grade). If you include other allowances & benefits, everyone in the Armed forces earns three times(in commission & junior commission ranks even more) of the basic pay for respective ranks. According to the 8'th pay scale 2016 :

The basic pay of a

Second Lt. is 23,700/=
Warrant Officer - 22,000/=
Soldier/Private (1'st year) - 11,000/=

Every member in the armed forces are entitled to at least 850 sq. ft. housing quarters or money to rent one, rations for a family of 4, 3 festival allowance, yearly pay increments, free education for childrens, medical service for himself & family members, free/subsidiesed transportation, commuter service etc. etc.

I thought as much and thanks for confirming bhai.

As usual misinformation and smoke-and-mirrors trick coming from the usual quarter.
The India Doctrine

The Blue Print for Disintegration of Bangladesh.
বাংলাদেশ ভেঙ্গে ফেলার নীল নকশা...!!!
In these days news feeds for the Muslims in Bangladesh the news was not supposed to be this!!! However, let the country and our religion go to hell, even during this month of Holy Ramadan we should keep ourselves be pre occupied with these haram games.
আজকে বাংলাদেশের মুসলমানের নিউজ ফিডে ঘুরার কথা ছিলো এই খবর!!! অথচ দেশ, ধর্ম গুল্লায় যাক এই রোজা রমাদ্বানের দিনেও হারাম খেলাধুলায় মত্ত থাকতে হবে।

The situation prevailing in the then Syrian Nation was quite similar. They were engrossed in such luxury and acts of Haram , that when in the year 2013, the renowned Syrian in other words and the world's largest Hackers group Syrian Electronic Army America and Israel jointly hacked Pentagon's Web site and released vital information about the destruction of Syria, no one during that time paid any heed and kept on indulging in these Haram acts. During just two years later, the outcome is well known to all.
একিই অবস্থা ছিলো সিরিয়ান জাতির, তারাও এমন বিলাসিতা আর হারামে মত্ত ছিলো যে ২০১৩ সালে যখন সিরিয়া তথা বিশ্বের অন্যতম হ্যকার গ্রুপ সিরিয়ান ইলেকট্রনিক আর্মি আমেরিকা আর ইসরায়েলের মিলিতো সিরিয়াকে ধংষ করার কিছু তথ্য পেন্টাগনের ওয়েব থেকে হ্যাক করে প্রকাশ করে তখন কেউ পাত্তা দেয়নাই বরং আরো বেশি করে হারামে ডুবেছিলো যার ফলাফল মাত্র ২ বছরে কি হয়েছে সবার জানা।

Chronic food shortage compelled the Muslim women of Aleppo to sell their bodies in exchange for food. For survival, people were forced to eat the leaves and barks of trees, nor were the Dogs, Cat, Foxes, etc, spared, and said.

Today when we are stating that the fate of this country future will be very similar to that of Syria, the illererate and ignorant slumbering Muslims are deaf to listen to our warnings.

আলেপ্পর মুসলিম নারি খাদ্যাভাবে দেহ বেচতে বাধ্য হয়েছিলো। বাচার তাগিদে মানুষ গাছের পাতা, গাছের ছাল, কুকুর, বেড়াল শেয়াল পর্যন্ত ছাড়েনি। আজকে আমরা বলছি এবং এদেশের ভবিষ্যৎ সিরায়ার কপি হওয়া মূর্খ আর ঘুমন্ত মুসলমানের কানে যাচ্ছেনা।

Everyone should know that, yesterday in India’s Paschim Bongo.i.e Kolkata a “SECRET” meeting was held. Amongst the participatents present was the nototious MOSSAD agent Mendi N Safadi ( # 2 in picture). আপনাদের জানা উচিৎ যে গতকাল ভারতের পশ্চিমবঙ্গ তথা কলকাতায় বাংলাদেশ বিরোধী এক গোপন মিটিং অনুষ্ঠিত হয়। মিটিং এ উপস্থিত ছিলো মোসাদ এজেন্ট ভয়ংকর গোয়েন্দা মেনদী এন সাফাদী (২ নং ছবিতে)।
Also present during the meeting was another Zionist stooge Hindu Struggle Committees Bangadesh chapters President Mr. Shipan Kumar Basu
(Sl #1 in photo) and Bangladesh Hindu Buddha Christan Parties Founder President Mr. Mithun Chwdhury ( Sl #3 in photo).

সেখানে সেই মিটিঙ্গে উপস্থি ত ছিলো ইহুদিদের আরেক দালাল হিন্দু স্ট্রাগল কমিটির বাংলাদেশের প্রেসিডেন্ট মিঃ শিপন কুমার বসু (১ নং ছবিতে) এবং বাংলাদেশ হিন্দু বৌদ্ধ খ্রীস্টান আদিবাসী পার্টির প্রতিষ্ঠাতা প্রেসিডেন্ট মিঃ মিঠুন চৌধুরী (৩ নং ছবিতে)।

According to information obtained, it was learnt that, in the façade of halting repression of the Hindus in Bangladesh, Chittogong Hill Tracts will be divided and a Separate country known as “Juhmmuland” with the inhabitants of 10 Lacks ethenic minorities, assistance of Isreal will be sought. Moreover, a new propaganda web page named Bangladesh Isreal Friendhip Socity was created. They are openly advacating for transfer of power from Awami League to a 3rd Party. While we areengaged in squatting flies.

যতটুকু জানা যায় তারা কথিত হিন্দু নির্যাতন বন্ধে এবং বাংলাদেশ ভেঙে পার্বত্য অঞ্চলের ১০ লাখ উপজাতি জনগোষ্ঠীর জন্য আলাদা জুম্মাল্যান্ড নামক দেশ গঠনের জন্য ইজরায়েলের সহায়তা চায়। শুধু তাই নয় bangladesh israel friendship society নামক পেইজ বানিয়ে তাদের প্রোপাগান্ডা চালিয়ে যাচ্ছে প্রকাশ্যে এবং আওয়ামীলীগ কে হটিয়ে তৃতীয় শক্তির হাতে দেশ দেওয়ার ধান্দায় আছে আর আমরা বসে বসে মশা মারছি।

Kindly remember Awami League or Bangladesh Nationalist Party, whichever party administers the country, we all will somewhat be comfortable. However,if a third force emerges and snatches power, none of us will be spared. This is the Blueprint to Disintrigate Bangladesh.

মনে রাখবেন দেশ আওয়ামীলীগ বা বিএনপি যেই চালাক আপনি আমি কম বেশি ভালো থাকবো কিন্তু যদি তৃতীয় শক্তির উত্তান হয় তাহলে আপনাকে কেউ চিনবেওনা ভালোও থাকতে দেবেনা।বাংলাদেশ ভেঙ্গে ফেলার নীল নকশা...!!!


Yesterday at 3:45 PM#95
বিশ্বনবীকে নিয়ে কটুক্তি: ভারতে পালানোর সময় সেই রাকেশ গ্রেফতার
সিলেটভিউ টুয়েন্টিফোর ডটকম, ২০১৭-০৬-০৭ ১২:২০:২৩

নিজস্ব প্রতিবেদক :: ফেসবুকে ইসলাম ধর্ম ও বিশ্বনবী হযরত মুহাম্মদ (স.) কে নিয়ে কটুক্তি পূর্ণ মন্তব্যকারী হিন্দু মহাজোটের সিলেট বিভাগীয় সাংগঠনিক সম্পাদক রাকেশ রায়কে গ্রেপ্তার করেছে পুলিশ। আজ বুধবার ভোর ৬টার দিকে অবৈধভাবে ভারত প্রবেশের সময় তাকে লালাখাল নামক স্থান থেকে পুলিশ গ্রেপ্তার করে।
- See more at: http://www.sylhetview24.com/news/details/Sylhet/88256#sthash.3ebObe3P.R2wVF6C8.dpuf
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Rakesh Roy divisional organizational secretary of "Hindu grand alliance" was arrested while escaping to India illegally. This Hindu organization leader made insulting comments against the Prophet (PBUH) and attacking Islamic faith.

It is clear, India is source of strength for these Hindu fundamentalists and their organizations which are continuously attacking Islam and Islamic faith.
Don't act as if you know nothing on India's hold on its neighbours

Her election was questioned by many western media in spite Sheikh Hasina is BD PM, because she enjoys India's support.

Mahinda Rajapaksa is gone because he was on the wrong side of India

K. P. Oli has become former Prime Minister of Nepal because he tried to poke India

Good or bad, India is a big political player in almost all of India's neighbours may be with the exception of Pakistan. I don't blame India's neighbours to hate her. But that is how life is, when you are a one of the smaller countries surrounding a very large country.

Actually India is the biggest political player in Pakistan, much more than it is in its other neighbouring states, albeit in a different way. For the last 70 years India was the single biggest factor in Pakistan's politics and policies, both internal and external. And see the result, they first radicalized their own country, then harvested extremists and terrorists inside their own country, both became their single biggest internal security threat. Then they fought wars and got into an arm race with a country 7 times bigger then theirs, that resulted into a ruined economy, and all these factors combined made Pakistan a poor, rather hostile investment destination. Add to that, they first became America's so called ally to counter India, and so much so that they ended up fighting against forces they themselves created to please America, they even went on to allow America to drop bombs in parts of their country and raid their military city for killing their guest! And now they have almost sold there country to China through CPEC agreement, results of which will become visible in a few years to come. So yes, India influenced Pakistan much more than any of its other neighbours. Well, I missed the 'losing half of their country' part, that is also there, no other neighbour suffered that!
Actually India is the biggest political player in Pakistan, much more than it is in its other neighbouring states, albeit in a different way. For the last 70 years India was the single biggest factor in Pakistan's politics and policies, both internal and external. And see the result, they first radicalized their own country, then harvested extremists and terrorists inside their own country, both became their single biggest internal security threat. Then they fought wars and got into an arm race with a country 7 times bigger then theirs, that resulted into a ruined economy, and all these factors combined made Pakistan a poor, rather hostile investment destination. Add to that, they first became America's so called ally to counter India, and so much so that they ended up fighting against forces they themselves created to please America, they even went on to allow America to drop bombs in parts of their country and raid their military city for killing their guest! And now they have almost sold there country to China through CPEC agreement, results of which will become visible in a few years to come. So yes, India influenced Pakistan much more than any of its other neighbours. Well, I missed the 'losing half of their country' part, that is also there, no other neighbour suffered that!
This ignoramus just proved why all neighbors of india hate india. I bet he hasn't even visited any of those countries he is making absurd claims about.
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All the neighbouring countries that hate India have a common trait - poor human rights records.
The poorer the record, the more is hate.

India's poor human rights record is probably the worst in South Asia, thanks to the rise of Hindutva extremists.

No one has problems with loving one's religion, but you cannot go around persecuting followers of other religions.

Bangladesh is a model in interfaith dialogues and harmony in South Asia. Even pork is openly available for Christian consumption in Bangladesh and Muslims enthusiastically visit Pooja mandaps and Hindu festivals in major urban areas. Religious rights are guaranteed - by armed intervention if need be....



Conversely, you can get killed for consuming beef in India....
This ignoramus just proved why all neighbors of india hate india. I bet he hasn't even visited any of those countries he is making absurd claims about.
With all due respect dear tta. I don't have to visit these countries to know about their records. And except Pakistan, dont have a desire to visit these. Here's just one of the reports about "my absurd claims".

India's poor human rights record is probably the worst in South Asia, thanks to the rise of Hindutva extremists.

No one has problems with loving one's religion, but you cannot go around persecuting followers of other religions.

Bangladesh is a model in interfaith dialogues and harmony in South Asia. Even pork is openly available for Christian consumption in Bangladesh and Muslims enthusiastically visit Pooja mandaps and Hindu festivals in major urban areas. Religious rights are guaranteed - by armed intervention if need be....



Conversely, you can get killed for consuming beef in India....
Thanks for the photos bhai, could you share the data about proportionate population of minorities just after creation of BD and today? That would be a better source to prove your point. Nice pics again though.
Thanks for the photos bhai, could you share the data about proportionate population of minorities just after creation of BD and today? That would be a better source to prove your point. Nice pics again though.

Well that is Extremist propaganda from your country - I'm afraid. That we've 'driven out' Hindus through religious persecution. Your current govt. thrives on propaganda like this because that is their political mantra and platform. That they are the sole saviors of oppressed Hindus everywhere. Reality however - is different.

Hindus have left Bangladesh for the same reasons Muslims (Muhajirs) have gone to Pakistan or come to our country before and after 1971 - better opportunity and a better shake at the future. I have known people like this all along.

No one is oppressing Hindus in Bangladesh in organized manner to my knowledge. Hindus are a minority here however the majority (especially the educated majority) and of course the govt. is sensitive to their situation and makes accommodations as I've posted above. Most of the large organizations have Hindus as board members, the Sup. of Police in every mofussil town is more likely a Hindu, many high-ranking members of the judiciary as well as the Chief Justice happens to be a Hindu, and my favorite model Bidya Sinha of course is a Hindu herself (see below) like many Hindus in public media. Bangladesh is not a Hindu-oppressing country, far from it, I'd argue. Hindus enjoy very special status in Bangladesh.

Recently the number of Hindus has grown by one per cent to 1.70 crore in one year constituting 10.7 per cent of the population by the end of 2015. These are Hindus who have decided to come back to Bangladesh because they did not like it when they moved to India and now find that opportunities are better in Bangladesh that it is rapidly moving up the ladder of development.


But this is an OT subject here - let's open a separate thread to discuss if you so desire.

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Haha the same old talk by the same BD guy.

Probably mad about what the 3rd party indices show regarding freedom, religious or otherwise:




Look at that human freedom ranking slipping in BD and gaining in India.

India now 50 places ahead (and nearly 70 places ahead in personal freedom)....and BD people want to preach to us.

Got a finger for you hypocrites and its not a thumbs up.
Thanks for the photos bhai, could you share the data about proportionate population of minorities just after creation of BD and today? That would be a better source to prove your point. Nice pics again though.
immidiately after independence,Hindu population was 13.5 percent of total population.Now it is 10.7 percent of total.In 1970s to 1990s, many Hindu Bangladeshi gone to India permanently plus Hindu used to have slightly lower birth rate than Muslim.For this two factor Hindu proportion gradually diminished.Although in recent time this process appears to halted and Hindu percentage increased for the first time. This may be due to, genuine increase or statistical readjustment to correct the previous undercount.Most of the decline happened during East Pakistan period,when Hindu percentage declined from 22.0 percent in 1951 to 18.5 percent in 1961.1971 war was a devastating for Hindu community.After independence in 1974 census showed,Hindu percent reduced farther to 13.5 percent of total.
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immidiately after independence,Hindu population was 13.5 percent of total population.Now it is 10.7 percent of total.In 1970s to 1990s, many Hindu Bangladeshi gone to India permanently plus Hindu used to have slightly lower birth rate than Muslim.For this two factor Hindu proportion gradually diminished.Although in recent time this process appears to halted and Hindu percentage increased for the first time. This may be due to, genuine increase or statistical readjustment to correct the previous undercount.Most of the decline happened during East Pakistan period,when Hindu percentage declined from 22.0 percent in 1951 to 18.5 percent in 1961.1971 war was a devastating for Hindu community.After independence in 1974 census showed,Hindu percent reduced farther to 13.5 percent of total.

Thanks @Doyalbaba for answering @khujliwal on point. I am frequently waxing philosophical these days....
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