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Why Must Every Pakistani Minister Make A Threat Of Nuclear Strike

Every time when I hear a new Pakistani threat about nuking India, I wonder don't these people think about what will happen when India strikes back with a nuclear attack which will be disproportionate(Indian nuclear weapon policy) and wipe out every life form in pakistan. Their joy of nuking India will be short lived of maybe 20-30 min but what after that?? Even the pakistanis left alive will be exposed to deadly nuclear radiation which will last millions of years. Pakistani will become inhospitable till the end of human life.

Don't paksitanis value life? Don't people(both politicians and pakistanis on this forum) care about their loved ones? I urge pakistanis to take a look at their families, relatives and friends. Does their life matter more to them than nuking India?? Coz trust me India will straightaway use its nukes on pakistan rather than make empty threats. Not even a a single indian politician or army has ever replied to threats of use of nukes by pakistani politicians and army. And trust me India not replying to such threats shows its true intent. India will reply only pakistani use their nukes.

So I urge pakistanis to talk sane in matters of nukes. They don't realize this but they are making fun of themselves in front of the world with such mind numbing threats. Times have changed, the day India decided that she was ready to take some nukes to end the persistant threat from pakistan for ever, that day will be the end of pakistan.

Don't get so emotional.
Pakistan warning for nukes are just words to keep some one happy, and to keep some one scared.

Pakistan, if ever use, it will use Tactical nuclear weapons on attacking Indian army. Pakistan is not interested in nuking Indian cities and wiping out common life which are as innocent and brainwashed as Pakistani common people are.

Point is, Nuclear apocalypse is unpredictable, India or Pakistan, whoever launched first nuke on cities and common people, will be worst and disgusting criminal, As first Nuclear strike on civilians will force and allow the respective enemy to nuke harder, resulting in mutual destruction ........
So---that 1/3 or 1/2 of the total fuel saved will increase the range by default. Did it make sense to you. So----from a ground launched range of 900 KM---1/3 fuel will put it at around 1350 Km----.

But samar mubarakmand himself claimed that the range of newer modified babar is 700kms and not 900kms as you've erroneously claimed above. I'd be really glad if you can post credible research literature or manufacturers publications to prove that ground launched babar indeed has a range of 900kms.
Thanks in advance

Pakistan has nuclear weapons---so Pakistanis make statements of using them. It falls on the shoulders of every Pakistani minister and politician and others to use the option of nuclear threat under any conditions of hostilities.

Nuclear threats were okay when we were poor and destitute---we had no resources---there were sanctions on our military---and we had no choice but using it every time we got cornered.

Gen. Musharraf used it---PM Shaukat Aziz used it---Nawaz Sharif used it---the defense minsiters used it----railways minister used it----and every Durrani---Chaudhry and Syed used it----and it was used in the same context---that we are weaker than our enemy and we will not be able to withstand the military strike.

It has more or less become a habit of ours to use this threat all the time not understanding and not realizing that things have changed a lot.

Today's Pakistan is not the same Pakistan of the 90's or the 80's---. Today's Pakistan is a well off Pakistan---on the road to recovery and wel-being. The financial condition of Pakistan is much stronger today than before.

Pakistans must understand that a nuclear war will bring a total end of life on both the side as it exists today----they must also understand that they have options open to them now that they did not have before.

The options being that if they can strengthen their military a tad bit----they may not have as much of a concern for a war in the coming years. If I can show you the way that for around a sum of 10 billion dollars for the upgrade of the air force----Pakistan can bring down the perceived threat level to minscule.

Because---at current time---Pakistan air force is the real weakest link of the Pakistan military. From being an offensive force of the past----it has become a defensive force by poor management and poor leadership.

This defensive mindset of the air force needs to be changed---and for that---the procurement of the fighter aircraft needs to be taken away from them and be handed over to the commander in chief of the army---if the air force chief cannot make the right decision.

The commander needs to look into two different kinds of aircraft----one as a naval deep strike aircraft and also for Growler type capabilities----like the JH7B with AESA radar----and the second an air superiority---like the J11D or the SU35---. The goal is to have an aircraft that can carry a load of 8000---10000 KG of weapons and have a strike radius of around +- 2000 miles.

Next the investment needs to be in an air launch version of Babur cruise missile. The goal of Pakistan air force needs to be to have the ability to strike deep into the flank of the adversary from over the ocean----.

South India needs to be the target of conventional strikes---south India is the soft belly of Hindustan----that is where the industry is---that is where the money is coming into Hindustan---from south India----the indians control the IT industry----destroy the IT industry hubs of India----and you have hit at the jugular vein.

Hindustan is not concerned about the destruction of bordering states to Pakistan---it will sacrifice the states of Punjab and Gujrat---but if Pakistani deep strikes can reach Mumbai and down below----it is a game changer.

So---my suggestion to our leaders and military is---change your thinking---change your game plan---change according to the times----make changes in you life and death decisions----find ways to bring more destruction into the heart and lower gut of the enemy by conventional means rather than making threats of a nuclear strike.

The usage of these nuclear strike looks so passe and out dated---it looks like the Pakistani military and government has stopped to think about other ways and means to make an offensive move. It looks like that they are clueless and lost---and cannot see their way around---it looks like they have developed a tunnel vision---it looks like Pakistan has agreed to a fatalistic approach towards living.

And I can tell you---that we as a nation do not have to die and neither do our children----the does not need to be destroyed either---all we have to come up is about 2 Billion dollars for around 4 squadrons of JH7B's----around 4 Billion dollars of 3 to 4 squadrons of J11D's or the SU35---spend another 50 million on the Babur cruise missile so that it can be launched from a JH7B ( a current version of the air launched version of Babur cruise missile will give it a range of around 1300--1400 kilometers ).

The induction of these aircraft will give strength and energy to the armed forces---and the ministers will not have to declare a nuclear strike ever time there are hostilities---becuase we know---we can strike the enemy where it hurts the most.

S---let us do something---invest in the air force for these right kind of aircraft. Remember how Air Commodore suggested that India can strike us from the side of Iran with its deep strike capabilities---by flying deep over the arabian sea----let us use the same route but in reverse and strike back at the enemy.

Let us stop using this term of nuclear threat for good.
How can we ? we keep on getting similar threats from the other side , what do they mean they will capture the so called Terrorists by surgical strikes
Hindustan is not concerned about the destruction of bordering states to Pakistan---it will sacrifice the states of Punjab and Gujrat---but if Pakistani deep strikes can reach Mumbai and down below----it is a game changer.


This is not a new suggestion---this has been out there for 10 + years---. Next time I am in pakistan---I will see if I can get to meet Raheel Sharif---I will find out what the real issues behind this procurement.

Were these lines written in jest !!
Were these lines written in jest !!

The second one----no.

How can we ? we keep on getting similar threats from the other side , what do they mean they will capture the so called Terrorists by surgical strikes


Welcome to the board----. Please---a little more detailed comment would be appreciated---I cannot understand what you are saying.

Pakistan has nuclear weapons---so Pakistanis make statements of using them. It falls on the shoulders of every Pakistani minister and politician and others to use the option of nuclear threat under any conditions of hostilities.

Nuclear threats were okay when we were poor and destitute---we had no resources---there were sanctions on our military---and we had no choice but using it every time we got cornered.

Gen. Musharraf used it---PM Shaukat Aziz used it---Nawaz Sharif used it---the defense minsiters used it----railways minister used it----and every Durrani---Chaudhry and Syed used it----and it was used in the same context---that we are weaker than our enemy and we will not be able to withstand the military strike.

It has more or less become a habit of ours to use this threat all the time not understanding and not realizing that things have changed a lot.

Today's Pakistan is not the same Pakistan of the 90's or the 80's---. Today's Pakistan is a well off Pakistan---on the road to recovery and wel-being. The financial condition of Pakistan is much stronger today than before.

Pakistans must understand that a nuclear war will bring a total end of life on both the side as it exists today----they must also understand that they have options open to them now that they did not have before.

The options being that if they can strengthen their military a tad bit----they may not have as much of a concern for a war in the coming years. If I can show you the way that for around a sum of 10 billion dollars for the upgrade of the air force----Pakistan can bring down the perceived threat level to minscule.

Because---at current time---Pakistan air force is the real weakest link of the Pakistan military. From being an offensive force of the past----it has become a defensive force by poor management and poor leadership.

This defensive mindset of the air force needs to be changed---and for that---the procurement of the fighter aircraft needs to be taken away from them and be handed over to the commander in chief of the army---if the air force chief cannot make the right decision.

The commander needs to look into two different kinds of aircraft----one as a naval deep strike aircraft and also for Growler type capabilities----like the JH7B with AESA radar----and the second an air superiority---like the J11D or the SU35---. The goal is to have an aircraft that can carry a load of 8000---10000 KG of weapons and have a strike radius of around +- 2000 miles.

Next the investment needs to be in an air launch version of Babur cruise missile. The goal of Pakistan air force needs to be to have the ability to strike deep into the flank of the adversary from over the ocean----.

South India needs to be the target of conventional strikes---south India is the soft belly of Hindustan----that is where the industry is---that is where the money is coming into Hindustan---from south India----the indians control the IT industry----destroy the IT industry hubs of India----and you have hit at the jugular vein.

Hindustan is not concerned about the destruction of bordering states to Pakistan---it will sacrifice the states of Punjab and Gujrat---but if Pakistani deep strikes can reach Mumbai and down below----it is a game changer.

So---my suggestion to our leaders and military is---change your thinking---change your game plan---change according to the times----make changes in you life and death decisions----find ways to bring more destruction into the heart and lower gut of the enemy by conventional means rather than making threats of a nuclear strike.

The usage of these nuclear strike looks so passe and out dated---it looks like the Pakistani military and government has stopped to think about other ways and means to make an offensive move. It looks like that they are clueless and lost---and cannot see their way around---it looks like they have developed a tunnel vision---it looks like Pakistan has agreed to a fatalistic approach towards living.

And I can tell you---that we as a nation do not have to die and neither do our children----the does not need to be destroyed either---all we have to come up is about 2 Billion dollars for around 4 squadrons of JH7B's----around 4 Billion dollars of 3 to 4 squadrons of J11D's or the SU35---spend another 50 million on the Babur cruise missile so that it can be launched from a JH7B ( a current version of the air launched version of Babur cruise missile will give it a range of around 1300--1400 kilometers ).

The induction of these aircraft will give strength and energy to the armed forces---and the ministers will not have to declare a nuclear strike ever time there are hostilities---becuase we know---we can strike the enemy where it hurts the most.

S---let us do something---invest in the air force for these right kind of aircraft. Remember how Air Commodore suggested that India can strike us from the side of Iran with its deep strike capabilities---by flying deep over the arabian sea----let us use the same route but in reverse and strike back at the enemy.

Let us stop using this term of nuclear threat for good.


Beautiful figment of Imagination... I remember 80s where F16 were a Terror for us. Those were the Glories Gift Decades for PAF. PAF has been designed to with-hold 19.5 FIGHTER SQNs.

From where will you get Dollars to maintain such a huge Air Force !!

Where will aid come for :-
a) Weaps Cost
b) Training Cost
c) Operational Cost
Let alone Storage and Infrastructure cost....

Above additions will easily double your Airforce Budget, Let me throw some numbers at you 1 Training Sortie of Su 30 costs us INRs 80k Now do your math.....

If you are smart you will say reduce PAF SQN numbers and add Highest Quality A/c... imagine PAF Reduces is Comabt Strength to 10 SQNs from current 19.5. These 10 SQNs will be only EuroFighter or F16 Block 60 or Su 35.....

If you are smart you will say we will Up-grade Radar Network to JSS type or money saved by cutting 9.5 SQNs will be used to by 5 E3Cs/ Boeing Wedge Tails...

& Develop Space weapons....

By doing even 2 of above you will make everyone Starting Israel, Uncle America to us (India) Shit-Bullocks !!
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It is very simple my man---it is simple and pure physics---. When you launch from the ground---the missile has to lift its weight and start flying from zero speed to whatever really fast---and that consumes a lots of fuel.

It is just like your phat phat---your motorcycle----you are riding it against the wind and on a long up hill trip----what happens to your gas mileage---drops in half---you ar driving at full throttle and still cannot go past 35 mph---you burn so much fuel---same with the missile when it takes off against gravity---.

Now---how about when you are coming back---it is downhill and the wind is at your back---you just barely touch the throttle and the motorcycle goes past 50 mph---and after awhile---you stop and pop up the gas cap to check the level of fuel---and you are wondering---why has it not gone down.

So---by default then----when the missile is at the underbelly of the aircraft---its relative speed to the aircraft is zero----but relative speed to the ground is the speed of the aircraft. So basically---it is flying around 550---600 knots per hour while attached to the aircraft---. So---when released---it simply takes off---it does not have to overcome any gravitional force---it does not have to burn fuel to lift its weight----it does not have to burn fuel to reach a cruising altitude either---because it is already there.

So---that 1/3 or 1/2 of the total fuel saved will increase the range by default. Did it make sense to you. So----from a ground launched range of 900 KM---1/3 fuel will put it at around 1350 Km----.

Oh GOD! Lets get real shall we please? Any nuclear capable missile, re-read, the emphasis is on "nuclear capable" missile once fired, even if carrying conventional weapons, is grounds enough for India to go nuclear. Once its has been confirmed that a nuclear capable missile is heading towards us, we aren't going to sit and check if it is carrying a nuclear weapon. So just to get at our IT industry you may risk get nuked. Oh and talking of India's IT industry it's not a factory of super computers and magical boxes, it's people and people alone that make our IT industry. You can bomb an IT park (not like Pakistani terrorists haven't tried before) but if you can't kill all the people in it, the industry will spring back to life in no time or the project will be transferred to another office in another state. FYI Indian IT companies have many branches all over India.
So yeah pretty dumb idea..
Hello sir,
IT industry of India MNC..I mean foriegn companies ( IBM etc)...Even indian companies get investment from west..any attck on IT industry...then remember...I have to face another wrath from Europe and america whose investments are here.
Bachay! So you are saying that Pakistan shouldn't attack because IBM and Foreign investment is there? :woot:
Bachay! So you are saying that Pakistan shouldn't attack because IBM and Foreign investment is there? :woot:
I say U may face heat from west.....Try to read properly...Uncle!!!

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