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Why Must Every Pakistani Minister Make A Threat Of Nuclear Strike

The US had it easy with Japan or Russia
Huh? The Soviet Union and the United States each had 30000+ nuclear warheads. Forget fallout, you are talking vaporization on a global scale.
Exactly, deterrence has failed and it then boils down to whether you want to escalate this to a full nuclear war or not. The US had it easy with Japan or Russia because they did not need to deal with the fallout but between India and Pakistan, even if either country is successful in completely decimating the other and stopping them from ever firing a nuclear weapon, it will be the victors that I pity for they will have to die slowly and painfully.
The Pakistani doctrine of deterrence isn't very clear to me. It intends to use its nukes for war-fighting as well as deterrence. In what way is a tactical nuke tactical, when it is guaranteed to invite a strategic response.
This is what the the main article is suggesting that each and every day we is watching Pakistani doing nuclear sabre ratting even leaving behind N. Korea. Nuclear Deterrent is not for this purpose and the reason what I think is that Pakistan want to use it as the projection of the threat of the nuclear clash to seek the attention of the world for Kashmir, which have been the instrument of the ladder for reaching the chair of the political leadership gain and for the military to utilize it for its own benefit to project themselves to the only KHAIR KHAR of the people of the pakistan and not the democracy of the country.
I didn't write the main article.
Drink some cold water. It will be really helpful;)
a current version of the air launched version of Babur cruise missile will give it a range of around 1300--1400 kilometers ).

Hi mastankhan!
Care to explain the logic of 1400kms range,I mean how will Pakistan achieve it? I'm asking so coz I'm deeply interested in aerospace research
Hi mastankhan!
Care to explain the logic of 1400kms range,I mean how will Pakistan achieve it? I'm asking so coz I'm deeply interested in aerospace research
Amit sir some offtopic question do you think the use of subsonic cruise missile is a good option in a sense that the cruise missile have the tendency to go off target and subsonic speed means with good look down surveillance radar it could find difficult to survive.
Do you think that your country has intelligence about every nuke india has and its storage area that you are confident enough to take down India's second strike capability.;);) Come on, you cannot be that ignorant.:disagree::disagree:

And please research it yourself about the reasons India had to conduct nuclear test in 1974 in the first place. Hint - Pakistan - China nexus. Other hint - in 1998 when India conducted nuke tests, pakistan also conducted nuke tests in just 15 days hence proving the fact that it already possessed the capability to deploy nukes(from Pakistan - China nexus since late 1960s).

Even if a country's territorial integrity is threatened one should never use nukes because if other country used nukes in retaliation, you country will become a nuclear wasteland and survivors will die painful death eventually. There will be no use of such nuclear wasteland.

Hope this thought goes into your brain and cure your suicidal mindset

I must take a moment and request you to go back and read my post, again. And if possible, ask some one else to explain it to you as I never wrote anything about elimination of India's second strike capability with the first Pakistani Nuclear Strike.

And I am not disputing any reasons for India to acquire Nuclear Weapons, but by the same logic, nobody can dispute the reasons for Pakistan's acquisition of Nuclear Weapons. Just for the record, Pakistan did not have any Nuclear ambition or capability before India announced Nuclear ambitions.
You are again talking about a statergy which was prevalent in 2000...This statergy is outdated..I know you will trust my words...The best thing what Pakistan can do is to stranghen its economy and be a force, where world will be forced to do bussiness with Pakistan...And at that time, even India will not try to have a war with Pakistan...Because, at that point of time, the investment made by billions of dollars in Pakistan by the rich nations will put pressure on both nations to not to go to war......

Dear friend..i hope this situation does not arise....India is your challenger..but India will never be a threat to Pakistan's existence...Time has moved on...I hope we move on from the era of 1990...I am not asking to not consider India as a rival...I respect your animosity of being a rival...But i hope after some decade, we will learn to be rival in economic and other non military fields than the talking about how to attack each other..

Just for a sake of quation, since 25 year, your army has major challenge and loosing their life as well in state of war in Af-Pak border..It is not with India...This is just a friendly reminder so that you understand what is your real threat..

I only wish things were as simple as you put it, like you said time moved on but India hasn't moved on from their intentions to create problems for Pakistan. Pakistan was once stabbed in the back in 71 and Indian leadership constantly keep making threats. BD problem was not home grown and neither was Khalistan and Kashmir then what makes you think that Pakistan's problem on Af-Pak border are home grown without any support from India. I wish India was as innocent as you seems to be but since you are fed wrong information and you decide to believe everything Indian media propagates it doesn't change the reality and in reality India is the cause of all the problems in Pakistan which I admit started with our own mismanagement then picked up by India.
Pakistan is not going to use her nuclear arsenal unless major number of her armed forces have fallen/ they see difficult to keep invaders at bay.During that time..IA will take out our nukes and point it towards pakistan and indian nuke submarines will be at your coast...by that time IN will have clear domination in that area.Once pakistani nukes detected then a single press on red button can wipe future of whole South asia

Not disputing the reasons at all, any Nuclear attack would be the absolute last resort for Pakistan.....a sort of do and die option rather than a do or die action in the event of certain defeat. Nucelar Weapons are the reason for status quo in the south east Asian region.
All I was trying to say was:
Pakistani ministers threaten India with nuclear strike now and then. India should take it seriously and keep options open to use it first.
And our first strike should be to such an extent that there will be no second strike on any side.

You expect nuclear retaliation for Indian boots in Pak? You do not understand the concept of credible deterrence, do you?
Nuclear weapons become useless the moment they are used because their deterrence value is finished and the game then escalates to MAD.
The whole point of having nuclear weapons is to ensure, well in advance, that there will not be any Indian troops on our soil.
I understand credible deterrence. However, your army is very unprofessional and so are your politicians. We can't take chances on your deterrence level as using conventional power you can't stop Indian juggernaut.
I understand credible deterrence. However, your army is very unprofessional and so are your politicians. We can't take chances on your deterrence level as using conventional power you can't stop Indian juggernaut.

Oh yes, you must be recovering from the last thirteen nuclear strikes, I had almost forgotten that since 1998, we've used the nuclear weapon every third eid or so. Just for the lulz.
Oh yes, you must be recovering from the last thirteen nuclear strikes, I had almost forgotten that since 1998, we've used the nuclear weapon every third eid or so. Just for the lulz.


Please stop.
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