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Why Modi wants Goa CM Manohar Parrikar as his Defence Minister

Sorry..Kerala is for all Malayalis irr of their caste and religion....We don't need your SS shit here...

Retard like you will become extinct in few decades!!! Only Cristians and Muslims will be found in Kerala!!!!

Wakeup!! before its too late!!!!

Malayalis are there only when Hindus are in majority!!!

After that it is only Cristians and Muslims!!!

Nothing else!!! You are living in a delusion!!! And you will regret it!!!
But still he killed thousands of Indians in various blasts through out India..
ISIS..They are also recruiting maharastra Muslims too..

Hahaha are you menatlly insane??? :rofl:

you are equating one underworld Don .... and a few individuals with the genocide of malabar hindus by WHOLE MALABAR MUSLIM COMMUNITY. :rofl:
Let me simplify for you ....
That muslim in your office / neighborhood, his Grandfather and their "friday jamaat" got together one day across the whole of Malabar and slaughtered hindus and christians .... of whole Malabar.

In MH some people got radicalized ....even then they don't have balls to show ISIS flags like Kerala :rofl:
Hahaha are you menatlly insane??? :rofl:

you are equating one underworld Don .... and a few individuals with the genocide of malabar hindus by WHOLE MALABAR MUSLIM COMMUNITY. :rofl:
Let me simplify for you ....
That muslim in your office / neighborhood, his Grandfather and their "friday jamaat" got together one day across the whole of Malabar and slaughtered hindus and christians .... of whole Malabar.

In MH some people got radicalized ....even then they don't have balls to show ISIS flags like Kerala :rofl:
Are you mentally Stabe??
That ISIS T shirt wearers are Tamil Muslims...
Cristianity is already flourishing in Kerala!!! We are fu(king it in Madhya Pradesh, Chhatisgarh, Rajastan, Gujarat!!!

Whatever you like. Your choice. I like hinduism just not the way caste is practiced now.
Are you mentally Stabe??
That ISIS T shirt wearers are Tamil Muslims...
I can not post links so copy paste exactly this part to get the news story as first result of google search
Pro-ISIS Poster Seen in Kerala Capital; BJP Office Gets Letter Warning Modi Over Visit
the site is ibtimes and you will get other sources too
Whatever you like. Your choice. I like hinduism just not the way caste is practiced now.

It is much better then slavery practiced by White Christians till recently!!!

And Racism practiced by white cristians till today!!!!
Go on with your SS bullshit...
I am leaving from this thread..Don't quote me again...
thank you..
It is much better then slavery practiced by White Christians till recently!!!
And Racism practiced by white cristians till today!!!!

His argument is he is "brown christian", much superior to white christians when it suites them except when it comes to adopting their culture. They are also superior to hindus.
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