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Why Modi and Why BJP


Jun 18, 2017
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So, a lot of people from the opposing end of political spectrum keep wondering why so many Indians *Cough Hindus Cough** keep voting for Modi.

I will try to keep posting some of the moves which he has made that really impressed me.

Such as few days back appointment of Admiral DK Joshi as Lt Governer of Andaman & Nicobar islands.


Does anyone recall his interview to NDtv just after he resigned? Does anyone also remember NDtv hastily pulling out the interview from all it's sources?

Anyway, something stuck me profoundly from his then interview to NDtv.

"Where there is authority, there is no accountability. And where there is responsibility, there is no authority."

Those simple words conveyed the deep rooted malice at the heart of Defence procurements, right from the bureaucracy to the political masters.

Now coming to the appointment of Admiral DK Joshi by Modi.
Did anyone expect it? Surely I did not. Was it a political appointment? Definitely not. Was it a strategic decision? Definitely yes.

Now, read the highlighted quote from Admiral Joshi and see where he has been placed now. That's Modi and that's why I love the way this guy works.

More power to you sir, will be in India in 2019 to vote for BJP.
top man :)
i think we should write a purana in his name and add him to hindu pantheon of gods after he dies...

So, the first troll arrives.

Anything pro or anti would be appreciated rather than the generic hyperbole which does not add anything to discourse.
If you want to write puranas or build temples, go for it but I am only here to discuss why Modi should be elected again. Nothing more and nothing less.

Everyone should watch Admiral Joshi's interview to NDtv.
He pleaded repeatedly with the MOD for batteries for Submarines. He also talks about incidents that happened in the media which were beret of facts, pointing to a much coordinated malice.

Another incident that comes to mind is the whole fiasco with Gen VK Singh. This man was hounded for 2 reasons. One, he would not toe in with the establishment for procurements. Two is the TSD which was doing tremendous covert & overt work.
That Politicians were allowed to get away hounding Admiral Joshi and Gen VK Singh is unpardonable.
Does anyone remember the 2 bit charlatan masquerading as a journalist running around Leutyens shouting about a coup?

The next in line as to why I would again Vote for Modi is OROP.
After decades of playing with military, this was finally implemented by BJP.
BJP has done numerous fantastic things in last 3 + years.
Out of all the numerous one, 3 are the most significant moves that cater exclusively to the lower strata that have been left in the dark since independence.

1. LPG connections to all - The impact of this single move is there for all to see. That such a basic necessity was never thought of by previously as a must is shocking.

2. Electricity to the last home - Another high impact move that has potential to drastically change the lives of tens of crores of people. The impact of this move will be felt across the spectrum for the marginalized sections.

3. Bank accounts for all - Imagine in 21st century where a socialist country doling out lakhs of crores of each year has crores of people without bank accounts! This is again multiplier where the poor people get the money they are entitled to in their accounts and the middle men will not be able to syphon off money meant for poor.
So, the first troll arrives.

Anything pro or anti would be appreciated rather than the generic hyperbole which does not add anything to discourse.
If you want to write puranas or build temples, go for it but I am only here to discuss why Modi should be elected again. Nothing more and nothing less.

Everyone should watch Admiral Joshi's interview to NDtv.
He pleaded repeatedly with the MOD for batteries for Submarines. He also talks about incidents that happened in the media which were beret of facts, pointing to a much coordinated malice.

Another incident that comes to mind is the whole fiasco with Gen VK Singh. This man was hounded for 2 reasons. One, he would not toe in with the establishment for procurements. Two is the TSD which was doing tremendous covert & overt work.
That Politicians were allowed to get away hounding Admiral Joshi and Gen VK Singh is unpardonable.
Does anyone remember the 2 bit charlatan masquerading as a journalist running around Leutyens shouting about a coup?

The next in line as to why I would again Vote for Modi is OROP.
After decades of playing with military, this was finally implemented by BJP.
sorry, carry on mate... looks like nobody wants to reply anyway..
When PM Modi destroyed the useless critics.


Highlight from his speech.

PM Modi asked his critics to remember the times when India was a member of Fragile 5 Group. It was not an elite group like G-7, G-8 G-20, but a group of countries whose economy was so worrisome that it was also dangerous for the world’s economy. PM Modi asked, ” How did this happen when economists of international repute (A reference to Manmohan Singh) were in power at that time? “

We were at 3% GDP and 12% inflation under ManMohan Sir but the current critics were all clapping for the great Sir Ji Manmohan and the great NRI RR Rajan Sir.
Did I forget to mention ManMohan Sir and RR Rajan Sir gave repeated loans to the likes of Mallya even though Banks resisted?

Popular science fiction writer Robert A Heinlein could have been talking about the current Indian public debate on economy when he wrote this line in If This Goes On – “You can sway a thousand men by appealing to their prejudices quicker than you can convince one man by logic”.

Just consider the various ‘concerned’ opinion-editorials and TV interviews by ‘experts’ that have flooded the marketplace in recent weeks. The common thread that runs through all of them is prejudice trumping data and facts. But before we get into why this may be happening now, let us first settle some facts on the economy, most of which were brilliantly enunciated by Prime Minister Narendra Modi himself in his speech on 4 October at an event in New Delhi.

The world over, economies are assessed by what can be termed as the eight golden indicators – inflation, current account balance, fiscal deficit, foreign direct investment (FDI) inflows, forex reserves, exchange rate, gross domestic product (GDP) growth rate and job creation. Economies that are doing well at a particular period of time generally perform well on four to five parameters of these eight. A major world economy doing well on all the eight parameters at the same time – it would be a rarity, if at all it happens.

How has India been doing on these eight golden indicators in comparison to the immediate preceding years? Here are the numbers.


Overall consumer price index (CPI) inflation in financial year (FY) 2013-14 was 9.4 per cent; for the April-August period of FY 2017-18, it is at 2.5 per cent.

Food inflation that adversely affects every household – 12.1 per cent in FY 2013-14 and now in the negative at -0.3 per cent for April-August of FY 2017-18.

Current Account Balance (CAB):

This is the difference between exports and imports and should ideally be very low or even in the positive. CAB was -4.8 per cent of GDP in 2012-13; it has come down to -0.7 per cent in FY 2016-17.

Fiscal Deficit

The central government fiscal deficit was 5.9 per cent in FY 2011-12; it has come down to 3.5 per cent in FY 2017-18 and is targeted at around 3 per cent by the end of the current fiscal.

FDI Inflows

As per the FDI intelligence report 2017, India is the number one country in the world for attracting greenfield FDI investment, ahead of the United States and China. This happened for the first time ever in 2015 and the trend has persisted in 2016.

Forex Reserves

India’s forex reserves stood at $292 billion at the end of FY 2011-12; at the end of September 2017, the figure stands at $402 billion.

Exchange Rate

The fluctuation in exchange rate between April 2011 and March 2014 was approximately 34 per cent; between April 2014 and March 2017 – just about 4 per cent.

GDP Growth Rate

The GDP growth rate has received a lot of attention from some usual suspects as well as from some ‘experts’. Before getting into that argument, first some numbers. GDP growth rate at constant 2011-12 prices was 5.5 per cent in FY 2012-13, up to 8 per cent in FY 2015-16 and 7.1 per cent in FY 2016-17.

For the first quarter of current fiscal, the GVA has grown at 5.6 per cent, but as the Reserve Bank of India Governor predicted, it will be an upward trajectory every quarter from now on, and the last quarter of current fiscal is likely to see 7.7 per cent growth rate. If this upward trajectory persists, as is most likely the case, overall FY 2018-19 is looking at 8+ per cent overall growth again, thereby retaining its position as the fastest growing major economy in the world.

Jobs And Livelihood Earning

A fierce debate has raged on for some months now as to whether the economy has been creating adequate jobs. Part of this has also been fuelled by the outdated methodology of statistics collecting on job fronts by the Labour Bureau. But still, consider the following two numbers.

First, enrollment in provident fund. In March 2014, 3.26 crore people were depositing money monthly in their employees’ provident fund (EPF) accounts. This figure now stands at 4.8 crore. Provident fund is a feature of the formal sector, and therefore one can say that approximately 1.5 crore jobs have been created in the formal sector alone since 2014.

Second, the Mudra revolution. Since its launch in 2015, more than 9.13 crore people have been funded through these collateral-free loans. Of these, more than 2.63 crore people are first-time entrepreneurs. Who are these entrepreneurs? They are those who open and run boutique shops, beauty parlous, carpentry stores, medicine stores, gymnasiums, hosiery manufacturing units and other similar small businesses. Each of these businesses would typically employ at least one person to be able to run successfully. Even those who are not first-time entrepreneurs would have taken loans to expand on the existing business. All of this sums up to livelihood creation by Mudra Yojana in many, many crores at the neo-middle-class level.

If even this data is not convincing, consider the following employment-to-population ratio chart (the ratio of working age population that is employed) for India by the World Bank. Chart 1 below is the overall employment-to-population ratio between 2000 and 2016. The results are stark and drastic.

Artboard 3 Created with Sketch.

Chart 1

The trend of the employment rate, that had been falling in the late 1990s, was reversed under the Atal Behari Vajpayee government finally in the year 2000 and it began rising again. Then came the dark decade between 2004 and 2014, when the Sonia Gandhi-Manmohan Singh regime was in power. As chart 1 shows, there was a consistent decline for a decade. The destruction of the job market for a decade would obviously take time to reverse, but as the chart shows, the trend immediately started reversing in 2014, with the arrival of a new government under Prime Minister Modi. Since then, the employment rate has again started rising (data available till 2016), and when the data for 2017 comes, this trend would have been further reinforced.

Now, think again of those eight golden indicators to judge a major economy. India finds itself in this unique sweet spot of doing exceptionally well on each of those indicators, something which perhaps no other major world economy is doing. It is therefore not without reason that India has moved from the tag of ‘fragile five’ in 2013 to the tag of one of the best-performing economies in the world, and in such a short span of time.

Now, in the face of such compelling evidence, what is the everyday negative debate around the economy and why at this time? To phrase the question differently, ‘What is happening to the economy?’ The answer is actually very simple. ‘Gujarat’ is happening to the economy!

Remember the months preceding the 2012 Gujarat election and the orchestrated national attention that was focused on such a topic as malnutrition, for the first and the only time? The overnight ‘experts’ industry that had mushroomed to express concern on malnutrition figures in Gujarat vanished soon after the Gujarat election, not to be seen ever since. The concern of this industry was not the children of Gujarat but to pick any point to beat Modi with. Then in 2012, preceding the months of the election, the data that was available was a decade old, before Gujarat under Modi had started work on this, addressing the legacy malnutrition issue in Gujarat.

This data, although old, still came in handy. Elections over, the industry moved on to their regular programming of communal and divisive issues. None of them ever came back to tell the country what happened to malnutrition figures in Gujarat. The state has seen one of the steepest fall in malnutrition rates and it now stands well below the national average but something which is no longer useful to debate, hence no longer in news.

This time again, in 2017, it is the season of the Gujarat election. Look closely and you will find that each and every ‘expert’ who seems suddenly concerned about the economy is the same person who since 2012 election was spending time on creating a discord between communities, reporting a wipe-out of the Bharatiya Janata Party in Uttar Pradesh in 2014 elections, spreading fake church attacks narrative in early 2015, selling the intolerance narrative in end 2015, telling us how people were angry and rebelling against Modi during the early days of demonetisation, or creating a non-existent Akhilesh Yadav wave in Uttar Pradesh.

Look closely again; do you find any new person in the bunch of experts suddenly concerned about the ‘economy’ and who was not in one or the other of those orchestrated campaigns? I bet you will hardly find anyone new. The ‘actperts’ (actor-experts) are the same. The playbook is the same. The method is the same. Only the script has changed as per the demands of the time. It is a testimony to the people of Gujarat and the governance model that was first created there that they think the economy should be the season this time. Once the Gujarat election wraps up in December this year, the economy will once again be out of season for the ‘actperts’. But be rest assured, it would not be for the Modi government.

As the record of the last three years has shown, development is not a seasonal fad but a lifelong conviction for the government, led by a man who has risen from poverty and is determined to ensure not just its alleviation but its elimination.
Now this is called governance.


Ahmedabad: The Central government will launch a country-wide LPG Panchayat today as a backup to the Pradhan Mantri Ujjwala Yojana to distribute LPG connections among the rural areas where conventional fuel is used for domestic purposes, an official said.

Briefing reporters here on the launch of the LPG Panchayat, Indian Oil Corporation Executive Director and State-level Coordinator for Oil Industry in Gujarat Sanjeev Jain said" "The average usage of LPG among the three crore beneficiaries of Ujjwala Yojana is around three cylinders a year, as against seven-and-a-half cylinders of others."

He said through the LPG Panchayat, to be formally launched by Union Petroleum and Natural Gas Minister Dharmendra Pradhan from a village in Gandhinagar district on Saturday, "we want to understand that problems and issues that are preventing increased growth of LPG".

Through officials of the oil PSUs, NGOs, Asha workers and social workers, the Panchayat aims to connect with the beneficiaries of the Ujjwala Yojana to resolve issues and wrong beliefs they may have.

Mr Jain said one lakh LPG Panchayats would be activated across the country under the scheme during the next one and a half years. "The idea of this platform is to trigger a discussion through sharing of personal experiences on the benefits of use of clean fuel compared to traditional fuels like cowdung, charcoal or wood."

India has over 21 crore LPG connections, with 51 per cent reach in the rural areas and nearly 100 per cent penetration across the urban centres.

Explaining further the need for this interaction with the Ujjwala beneficiaries, Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Ltd General Manager in charge of LPG Operations Sanjay Malhotra said: "Though many have opted for conversion to LPG usage, with our target to reach a total of five crore connections, there are those who still have misconceptions that food cooked on LPG stove is tasteless and is not safe."

"Some think wood is cheaper than LPG, some are not sure about its safety and use it only to warm up tea or food for domestic animals. Some have kept it unused and continue with the conventional fuel," he added.

He said these LPG Panchayats would clear all these doubts and misgivings. The agenda would also include safe practices, quality of service provided by distributors and availability of refill cylinders.
So, a lot of people from the opposing end of political spectrum keep wondering why so many Indians *Cough Hindus Cough** keep voting for Modi.

I will try to keep posting some of the moves which he has made that really impressed me.

Such as few days back appointment of Admiral DK Joshi as Lt Governer of Andaman & Nicobar islands.


Does anyone recall his interview to NDtv just after he resigned? Does anyone also remember NDtv hastily pulling out the interview from all it's sources?

Anyway, something stuck me profoundly from his then interview to NDtv.

"Where there is authority, there is no accountability. And where there is responsibility, there is no authority."

Those simple words conveyed the deep rooted malice at the heart of Defence procurements, right from the bureaucracy to the political masters.

Now coming to the appointment of Admiral DK Joshi by Modi.
Did anyone expect it? Surely I did not. Was it a political appointment? Definitely not. Was it a strategic decision? Definitely yes.

Now, read the highlighted quote from Admiral Joshi and see where he has been placed now. That's Modi and that's why I love the way this guy works.

More power to you sir, will be in India in 2019 to vote for BJP.

i am fine with someone voting for the bjp or modi. you have not given me any reasons in the above post
defense procurement is always riddled with corruption. nothing has changed
i am fine with someone voting for the bjp or modi. you have not given me any reasons in the above post
defense procurement is always riddled with corruption. nothing has changed

You mean current defence procurements are also riddled with corruption?
Can you please let us know the details?
You mean current defence procurements are also riddled with corruption?
Can you please let us know the details?

it takes a few years for the eggs to hatch and the skeletons to come out
I will accept Modi and some of his ministers are clean. that is a change from the past.
it takes a few years for the eggs to hatch and the skeletons to come out
I will accept Modi and some of his ministers are clean. that is a change from the past.

If and when that happens, I will join you in questioning Modi, even if he is not corrupt but his ministers were and Modi knowingly did not stop their corruption.

Until then, speculation does not help.

Right now, it's all govt-govt purchases, which has little scope of corruption.
If and when that happens, I will join you in questioning Modi, even if he is not corrupt but his ministers were and Modi knowingly did not stop their corruption.

Until then, speculation does not help.

Right now, it's all govt-govt purchases, which has little scope of corruption.
i know all deals with USA and Rafale deal is. What about the rest ?

What makes you think corporations that benefit from the govt to govt deals are not paying middlemen ?
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