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Why Manmohan’s strategy on Pak terror will never work !

Relax Guys - This article make it sound like we Pakistanis are all evil and plotting something against India every second.We on the other end of the border are humans too.War will be devastating for both sides and this kind of issue can be resolved through mutual peaceful (give and take) talks only.

The article makes a distinction between the military establishment & the Pakistanis in general with whom it seeks to promote more contacts. The rest of the post I'm in agreement with though I would be very interested in knowing what exactly is the "giving" that Pakistan may do in the give & take talks.
There's no doubt that the common Pakistani is not much different from a common Indian in terms of his desire to have peace.

The question is, is the Pakistani Army also as much accomodating?

Looking at hindsight, it desn't seem so.

I am afraid Our focus is going very wrong.....What you need is an effective system at home that can deal with terrorism...You cannot and should not expect others to change...What you should do is change yourself...MMS is a very intelligent person...Country has seen the benefits of his wisdom and key decisions in the past...I am not saying he cannot be wrong but Indians here have to understand that peace with Pakistan is the only option we have in the current set up...We should keep on pursuing that option even if the other side is not listening or reciprocating...However we should not also loose any opportunity to make the terrorist pay for their deeds...B/W Killing people like Hafiz Saeed can work both ways...it can also make them stronger instead......
A pity that it doesn't open the eyes of many in your country.War mongering is a national past time in Pakistan. Even now, quite a few of your crazies keep discussing Ghazwa -e Hind as if such stupid ideas have any moral resonance in today's world. Your country is paying the price for its past mistakes yet somehow unable to see it as a mistake since they still seem to support some groups anyways.

Equally as you have crazies whom are advocating war with Pakistan, this article is one example and dozens of your fellow brethren whom hold the same opinion. Indeed my country is paying for the past mistakes we have made but we are trying slowly to correct our mistakes, i know its a painful process but it takes time. You don't even have an ounce of proof to prove that Pakistan is supporting terrorist groups whom are inflicting pain on our own country, do you even know how stupid your argument sounds. I guess Indian propaganda of making Pakistan Army out to be thirsty blood suckers whom don't give a rats arse about their people is finally taking its effect on the Indian public, proof is right infront of me.

I agree with the article's viewpoint. i do not believe that peace can be achieved by talking, that will happen only with the eroding of the Pakistani state causing the attention of the favoured militant groups to turn inwards. We will always feel the blowback from Pakistani groups well into the immediate future. There is quite simply no getting away from that. Even if Pakistan faces near implosion, there will still be strikes against India as a means to divert attention & somehow unify the country against the hated enemy. If groups like LeT & JeM are ostensible out of control of the Pakistani establishment, how will a peace deal with the Pakistani government guarantee an end to attacks from the likes of them ? A peace deal with more open borders can only happen when the Pakistani state has full control over all its areas. If that is not available as a prerequisite, no peace deal can ever hope to take off.

I agree with what you are saying, with the way things are going and reading the opinion of many Indians over here, it does appear that war is inevitable. Gladly for us, India is not in a position to smash Pakistan's defences and inflict punitive measures against Pakistan Army as it is being advocated broadly by Indians. Pakistan is no Lebanon and India is no Israel, Indians need to get this through their heads. Pakistan is doing whatever is in her capacity to deal with these terrorist groups, if the Indians are unhappy with this, than so be it.
I agree with what you are saying, with the way things are going and reading the opinion of many Indians over here, it does appear that war is inevitable. Gladly for us, India is not in a position to smash Pakistan's defences and inflict punitive measures against Pakistan Army as it is being advocated broadly by Indians. Pakistan is no Lebanon and India is no Israel, Indians need to get this through their heads. Pakistan is doing whatever is in her capacity to deal with these terrorist groups, if the Indians are unhappy with this, than so be it.

This is certainly not true or atleast not complete...Pakistan is certainly doing everything it can to hurt those terror groups who are hurting her interests...and yes certainly India is not happy with it...Anyways as said in my previous post peace is the only option we have...We should certainly keep on pursuing that route....What is the need of the hour is to improve internal security and i am afraid we are certainly very poor in it...
It is certainly noble of MMS to pursue parade with Pakistan but it is simply not achievable in the next 20+ years. The reasons are simple- the main stated stifling block is Kashmir and in this sense both nations have moved themselves into positions were they cant back down without looking weak and losing significant public support. However let's say there was a magical peace accord tomorrow over the Kashmor issue, there would still not be peace between the two mainly due to other running disputes between the two such as the water issue and the fact over the decades Pakistani society has been turned against India through propaganda and compounded by insecurity as india has gained more and more power. Also I doubt the ISI could completely control the mosntors they have created (militan groups) so the conflict would go on.

I believe all India Can do is follow the US's move and enact a robust counter-terror infrastructure domestically right from the "beat cop" to anti-terror squads (NSG) who are sificiantly trained and equipped to carry out a wide range of drills and ensure robust response/deterrent to terrorist attacks. India should also take proactive steps and act more aggressively against those who threaten/attack India wherever they may be.
I agree with what you are saying, with the way things are going and reading the opinion of many Indians over here, it does appear that war is inevitable. Gladly for us, India is not in a position to smash Pakistan's defences and inflict punitive measures against Pakistan Army as it is being advocated broadly by Indians. Pakistan is no Lebanon and India is no Israel, Indians need to get this through their heads. Pakistan is doing whatever is in her capacity to deal with these terrorist groups, if the Indians are unhappy with this, than so be it.

You know what your country have a long history of terrorism, take a look. Every time these terrorist some how linked to the Pakistan. You are the one who harvested for others, Now even you are not safe. So stop harvesting them and stop digging the pit for others.
Surprisingly.. what most war-mongerer's also ignore.. is that the very same people who butchered thousands of Indians before..
are now Butchering Pakistani's.
As if their wish has been answered without even an iota of investment.
They wanted to see Pakistani women and children killed.. they are getting their wish.


Yes you're rite but partial.Let me ask you a question? Who create and train this so called non-state actors? They're trained to kill and butchered innocent peoples my friend. First they butchered Indian and now they turn to bite their own people.

Your own created stratergic asset killing your innocent people.

India is too soft on PAKISTAN.

Wen you consider the VAST difference in resources WHICH is translated in to huge political clout overseas and massive economic advantage INDIA needs to squeeze pakistan at every point.


Increase the arms race even faster cripple them financially INDIA can outspend 8-1 annually should it wish too.

Reduce water flow from himlayers YES REDUCE not stop.

Squeeze the AMERICANS but the europeans to sanction them using rewarding those that support india with bigger deals like MMRCA and FDI into india to create more jobs

Where PAKISTAN trades strong be it textile or anything else UNDERCUT them TAKE OVER THEIR orders with bigger orders at reduced rates.

fuel and support their insurgents ie baluchistan etc. AND BE BLATENTLY obvious about it.


WE NEED ANOTHER INDRA GHANDI in charge some one with the guts TO FLEX INDIAN muscle

india is a big strong country THEY DONT KNOW how to bully yet

hell to the no Indira was corrupt and she didn't have any smarts either what the hell did she do good for India? even with the victory in 71 she did not even use it right she gave back all gains in the western theater and released all POW's signing some stupid agreement in Shimla and how did that work out? Pakistan got nukes and is using terrorism against us the last thing we need is Indira Gandhi she deserves to burn
its time for some change reforms in everything the entire system is inefficient the entire internal security system has to be modernized and modeled on a country like USA or Israel the Pakistanis are desperate to launch terrorist attacks in India to stop LoC infiltration putting up sentry guns across LoC and UCAV's would take care of that now we have to look at the realities here the fact is they are running terror training camps on there soil breeding militants to come and attack India either we set up a flawless internal security system or kick a$$
So all the article walla wants to say in a nutshell is..
Attack Pakistan.

No. Honestly the article and most of the Indians say treat Pakistan for what it is. Treat it with the indifference it deserves - not pamper it with CBM, Aman-ki-Tamasha, or whatever crap this Govt headed by MMS is doing.

Just secure our border and pretend a nation called Pakistan did not even exist on the other side.
He is not praised by most of the Sikh people. It was so hard for him to win an election, he was given a seat in Assam, which had to be dead sure. In the previous term, he became the PM without even winning an election, so he was made to contest the election in Assam real quick.

This guy is always at the beck and call of his Godmother. He won't lift a finger without her dictating him.

Rajya Sabha seat...Not Lok Sabha...He still does not have the people's mandate.

They wanted to see Pakistani women and children killed.. they are getting their wish.

I dont know what Pakistanis thought when terrorists were butchering innocent Indians. But Indians dont wish the way you described because we believe in Karma.

I am afraid Our focus is going very wrong.....What you need is an effective system at home that can deal with terrorism...You cannot and should not expect others to change...What you should do is change yourself...MMS is a very intelligent person...Country has seen the benefits of his wisdom and key decisions in the past...I am not saying he cannot be wrong but Indians here have to understand that peace with Pakistan is the only option we have in the current set up...We should keep on pursuing that option even if the other side is not listening or reciprocating...However we should not also loose any opportunity to make the terrorist pay for their deeds...B/W Killing people like Hafiz Saeed can work both ways...it can also make them stronger instead......

As one poster said - MMS is a scholar but not a statesman.

We need statesmen at helm not scholars.
Here you have people actually justifying the attacks on US soldiers in Afghanistan, acts of terrorism.

Allow me to make an 'academic' point here - attacks on soldiers are not 'terrorism', since soldiers are 'combatants' - it is there job to fight and potentially be subjected to 'attacks'.

On top of that, ISAF soldiers are also 'foreign' to Afghanistan.

---------- Post added at 05:56 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:54 PM ----------

There are very few war mongers in India even they do it because of the continues propagation of terrorism into India by pakistan. Believe me even they don't want even a single pakistani women or pakistani child to die. War mongers in India only wat terror trainers, facilitators targeted not women and children as they are not enemy and when pakistani women and pakistani kids haven't done anything against India why they will feel happy for?????


How many Indians thanked the Indian member calling for Indian support for Baluch insurgents who have been massacring non-Baluch ethnic groups in Baluchistan, as well as any pro-Pakistan Baluch educationists and politicians?
Allow me to make an 'academic' point here - attacks on soldiers are not 'terrorism', since soldiers are 'combatants' - it is there job to fight and potentially be subjected to 'attacks'.

On top of that, ISAF soldiers are also 'foreign' to Afghanistan.

They are foreign but Afghanistan need them to get rid of Taliban and extremism. Afghanistan need security and money for infrastructure building. Taliban (Afghan) was pro-Pakistan does not mean you can support them over democracy and a economically developed Afghanistan. A democratic, open society and developed Afghanistan should be always in Pakistan's and region's interests in long term. Pakistan has a great duty about Afghanistan on this regard.
They are foreign but Afghanistan need them to get rid of Taliban and extremism.
Did Afghanistan hold a referendum on allowing foreign forces into Afghanistan in 2001?
Taliban (Afghan) was pro-Pakistan does not mean you can support them over democracy and a economically developed Afghanistan. A democratic, open society and developed Afghanistan should be always in Pakistan's interests in long term.
This part of your post is completely irrelevant to my comments.

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